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Debye P. — Polar Molecules |
Предметный указатель |
-Butylene 39 40
1-3-5 Trinitrobenzene 50 52
Absorption 90 95
Absorption index 91
Absorption of HCl 59
Acetone 50 52
acetylene 39 40
Additivity Rule 19
Alexandrow, W. 151
Allgeier, R.T. 49
Ammonia 37 40 41 43
Ammonia (Pyramidal Model) 73
Amyl Alcohol 100
Anomalous dispersion 77 95
Argon 40 41 62
Arsine 40
Associated Liquids 17
Atomic Radii 62
Atomic Refraction 19 61
Avogadro, A. 12
Badger, R. 159
Baedeker, K. 20 40
Baeyer, O. v 95
Barker, K.F. 41
benzene 50 51
Benzoic acid 50 51
Benzophenon 41
Blueh, O. 41 111
Bock, R. 95
Bohr, N. 17 133 139 150
Boltzmann, L. 21 28 32 77 88 125
Born, M. 60 90 133 141 157
Bragg, W.H. 52
Braunmuehl, H. v 40
Breit, G. 90
Brillouin, L. 133
Brownian movement 78
Butyl Alcohol 52
Carbon dioxide 40 41
Carbon disulfide 50 51
Carbon Disulfide (Saturation Effect) 110
Carbon monoxide 40 41
Carbon tetrachloride 39 40 50
Chlorobenzene 50 51 56 57
Chlorobenzene (Saturation Effect) 110
Chloroform 39 40 50 52 56 57
Chloroform (Saturation Effect) 110
Cis-trans-lsomers 53
Clausius, R. 11 12 15
Compton, K.T. 61
Correspondence Law 95
Courant, R. 25 143
Critical pressure 16
Critical temperature 16
de Broglie, F. 133 139
de Kronig, R.L. 151 153
Debye, P. 30 49 60 77 78 90 90 110 111 114 126 128 129 133 154 158
Deformation 15
Deformation (Compensation by) 74
Dennison, D.M. 41
Deubner, A. 123
Diameter, Molecular 16
Dichlor-methane 39 40
Dichloroethylene 53
dielectric constant 8
Dielectric Constant (complex) 94
Dielectric Constant (optical) 91
Dielectric Constant (statical) 91
Dielectric Constant of Ionic Solutions 114
Dielectric Constant of KCl Solutions 114
Dielectric Constant of Solutions by Different Authors 123
Dielectric Constants in the Ionic Field 117
Dipole 25
dispersion 42
Dispersion Formula 164
Dispersion in Solids 102
Dispersion of Amyl alcohol 100
Dispersion of Ethyl Alcohol 100
Dispersion of Glycerin 99
Dispersion of iso-Butyl Alcohol 100
Dispersion of iso-Propyl Alcohol 100
Dispersion of Methyl Alcohol 100
Dispersion of Normal Propyl Alcohol 101
Dispersion, anomalous 77
Displacement (electric) 7
Dissymmetry (Electric) 38
Distortion 15 30 38
Double bond 39 40
Drude, P. 77 85 124
Ebert, L. 49 53 54
Eckert, F. 95
Einstein, A. 78
Electronegative Character 52
Electropositive Character 52
Ellipsoid of Distortion 32
energy levels 125
Energy Levels in an Electric Field 147 149 153
Energy Levels of a Rotating Molecule 144
entropy 125
Errera, J. 49 53 102
ethane 39 40
Ethvlether Benzene 46
Ethyl alcohol 40 47 50 52 100
Ethyl Bromide 56 57
Ethylacetate 50 52
Ethylalcohol Benzene 46
ethylene 39 40
Ethylether 40 50 53
Ethylether (Saturation Effect) 109
Eucken, A. 41 71
Euler, F. 31
Fajans, K. 60 61
Falkenhagen, H. 114
Forbidden transitions 158
Force (Electric) 7
Fuess, E. 159
Gans, R. 153
Geometrical optics 135
Glycerin 99
Goldschmidt, V.M. 62
Granier, J. 108
Guye, Ph.A. 16
Halogen Hydrides 59
Hamilton, W.R. 137 139
Hamiltonian function 137
Hantzsch, A. 41
Heisenberg, W. 63 66 133 141 157
Hellmann, H. 111 123 124
Herweg, J. 109
Hexane 50 51
Hexane (Saturation Effect) 110
Heydweiller, A. 61
Hilbert, D. 25 143
Hildebrand, J.H. 7
Hoejendahl, K. 39
Hund, P. 63 66
Hvdrogen Sulfide 40
Hydrobromic acid 38 40
Hydrochinon 51
Hydrochloric acid 38 40
Hydrogen 40 41
Hydroiodic acid 38 40
ICE 103
Influence of Solvent 54
Intensity (Electric) 7
Internal Field 9
Iodine 50 52
Iso-Amyl Alcohol 50 52
Iso-Butyl Alcohol 100
Iso-Propyl Alcohol 100
| Jona, H. 20 37 40 41 43 72
Joos, G. 61
Jordan, P. 133
Kantzsch, F. 110
Kerr effect 110
Kerr, J. 110
Kossel, W. 63
Kramers, H.A. 133 164
Krehma, J.H. 49
Krypton 62
Lange, L. 49 52 55
Langevin, P. 29 109 110
Laplace, P.S. 24 126
Lepingle, M. 53
Lertes, P. 90
Lichtenecker, K. 13
Lorentz, H.A. 10 14
Lorenz, L. 14
M-Dinitrobenzene 50 51
M-Nitrotoluene 50 51
Malsch, F. 111
Manneback, C. 151 153 154 155
Maske, F. 41
Maxwell, J.C 8 13 21 25 77
Mensing, L. 151
methane 39 40
Methyl alcohol 100
Methyl chloride 39 40
Methylacetate 50 52
Mizushima, S.I. 95 102
Molar Polarization 12
Molar Refraction 14
Molecular diameter 16
Molecular forces 60
Molecular Rays 153
Molecular Volume 15
moment 7
Moment (Complex) 90
Moment (Permanent) 22 23
Moment of inertia 59
Morgan, S.O. 39 56
Mosotti, O. 11 12 15 17 44 85 88 95 102 106 110 115
naphthalene 51 52
Nernst, W. 124
Nicholls, E.F. 95
Nitrobenzene 48 50 51 55
Nitrobenzene Benzene 46
Nitrogen 40 41
Nitrous oxide 40
Non-polar Molecules 37
Normal Propylalcohol 101
Normalizing of the Wave Function 157
O-Dinitrobenzene 50 51
O-Nitrotoluene 50 51
o-Xylene 50 51
Ogg, E.F. 49
Oktupole 26
Orientation 27 30
P-Dinitrobenzene 50 51
P-Nitrotoluene 50 51
p-Xylene 50 51
Paramagnetism 22
Pauli, W. 151
Pauling, L. 151
Pechhold, P. 111 123
Permanent Moment 22
Phase angle 90 94
Phase difference 90
Phase space 130
Phenol 50 51
Philipp, J.C. 41 49
Phosphine 40
Planck, M. 133
Poetzsch, W. 109
polar molecules 22 23 37
Polarity 7 22
Polarizability 8
Polarization 7
Polarization (Atomic) 60
Polarization (Molar) 12
Probability (a priori) 125
Probability of a Quantum State 130
Probability of State 125
Probability of Transition 158
Propyl Alcohol 52
Quadrupole 24 25
Radiation 157
Radii (Atomic) 62
Ratnowsky, S. 109
Refraction (Atomic) 19 61
Refraction (Molar) 14
Refraction index 91
Refraction Index (Generalized; 91
Refraction of Polar Gases 160 162
Reiche, F. 153
Relaxation time 83 90
Relaxation Time Compared for Liquids and Solids 108
Relaxation Time in Solids 105
Rubens, H. 95
Runge, J. 133
Sack, H. 111 114 119 123
Saenger, R. 39 40 41 45 54
Saturation 8
Saturation (Electrical) 109
Saturation by Ions 111
Schaefer, Cl. 41
Schmick, H. 111
Schreiner, E. 111 123
Schrodinger's Equation 140 161
Schroedinger, R. 133 140 141 157
Schwingel, C.H. 49
Silver Perchlorate 50 53
Skancke, R. 111 123
Smyth, C.P. 39 40 56 57
Solutions 44
Solvent (Influence of) 54
Sommerfeld, A. 133
Spherical harmonics 144
Stannic Iodide 50 53
Stark effect 130
Stark Effect of Polar Molecules 149 154
Stark, J. 18
Stark, N. 41
Stern, O. 153
Stewart, A.W. 41
Stirling, J. 126
Stokes, G.G. 85
Stuart, H.A. 40 41
Sulfur dioxide 40 41
Sum of State 127
Surface harmonics 25
Tear, J.D. 95
Temperature Effect 20 27
Temperature Effect in Solutions 55
Temperature Effect in the Quantum Theory 151
Tetrahedron (Valency) 39 53
Thermodynamic potential 129
Thomson, J.J. 30 39
Thwing, Ch.B. 19
Tolman, P. 159
Toluene 50 51
Triangular Atomic Arrangement 53
Triple bond 39
Tummers, J.H. 77
Ulieh, H. 111 123
Unsoeld, A. 60
Valency Effect 122
van der Waals, J.D. 15 16 60
van Vleck, J.H. 18 132 155
Vibrations (Infrared) 43
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