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Mott N.F., Sneddon I.N. — Wave Mechanics and Its Applications |
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Absorption coefficient 253
Absorption coefficient of radiation 253 255 265
Airy integrals 18
Aitken, A. C. 300
Alkali atoms 100
Alkali atoms, halides 164 201
Alpha decay 17 22
Alpha decay, particles scattered by helium 113
Analytical wave functions 142
Anderson, C. D. 312
Annihilation of positrons 275 313
Anomalous Zeeman effect 91 100
Antunes, M. T. 142
Associated Legendre polynomials 382
Atomic size 41
Atomic size, units 127
Auger effect 342
Auger, P. 342
Auluck, F. C. 53
Baber, T. H. D. 173
Baker, E. B. 158
Barrau, O. 185
Bartlett, J. H. 335
Bates, D. R. 142
Benzene molecule 198 200
Beth, E. 183
Bethe, H. A. 113 172 215 233 314 342
Bhabha, H. J. 278 355
Bitge, R. T. 111
Black, M. M. 141 142
Blackett, P. M. S. 116 313
Blackman, M. 205
Bleick, W. E. 183
Bnllouin, L. 21 83 122 156 212
Bohr magneton 88
Bohr magneton, theory of atom 44
Bohr, N. xi xii 41 43 333 341
Bom approximation 238 239
Bom, M. xii 104 162 201 234 276 363
Bond angles 194
Bonding orbits 199
Bose — Einstein particles 354
Bragg rejection 212
Bragg, W. H. 41
Breadth of spectral lines 268
Breit, G. 309 337
Bremsstrahlung 275
Brillouin zone 212
Brindley, L. G. W. 141
Buckingham, R. A. 173 183 239 245
Burhop, E, H. S. 343 386
Bush, V. 158
Butadiene 200
Caldwell, S. H. 158
Canonical transformations 368
Carbon atom 150
Carbon atom, molecules 194
Casimir, H. 280
Centre of force scattering 234
Chaae, C. T. 336
Chadwick, J. 114 313 350
Champion, F. C. 116 332 341
Chandrasekhar, S. 53
Chao, K. T. 332
Chlorine ion 140
Clark, C. W. 217
Classical Poisson bracket 356
Classical Poisson bracket, theory of radiation 275
Classification of radiation processes 274
Coherent scattering of light 274
Cohesive forces 201 220
Cold emission 219
Collective electron model 215
Collisions 233 et seq.
Collisions, between electrons and atoms 242
Collisions, between fast particles 339
Collisions, between identical particles 113
Collisions, between molecules 162
Colour centres 226
Commutation relations 36 363
Complex molecules 192 et seq.
Compressibility 202
Compton effect 4 33 190 274 316
Compton, A. H. 4 33 190 274 316
Condon, E. 22 28
Conduction band 223
Conductivity 222
Conductors 214
Constant of motion 363
Contact between metal and insulator 229
Contact between metal and semi-conductor 230
Contact, transformations 357 369
Continuity equation 259 294 309
Continuous spectrum 60
Coolidge, A. S. 182
Corben, H. C. 278
Cosmic ray phenomena 289
Coulomb scattering 114 241
Coulson, C. A. 24 144 177 183 189 190 192 193 387
Courant, R. 52 65
Crane, H. R. 332
Cross-section for collisions 233
Cross-section for radiation processes 267 et seq.
Crystals 201 207 226 227
Curie, I. 313
Curran, S. C. 7
Darrow, R. 28
Darwin, C. G. 91 302 308 319 323
Darwin’s variation principle 308 353
Davisson, G. 6
de Broglie, L. xii 7
de Bruyne, N. A. 219
Debye, P. 4 80 166
Deflexion of electron beams 10
Degenerate states 49 72
Delta function 95 277 372
Dennison, D. M. 62
Deuteron 122
diamagnetic susceptibility 141
diatomic molecules 103 110 162 176
Differential analyser 125
Dilworth, C. 232
Diphenyl 200
Dipole moments 257
Dirac wave equation 296 322 351
Dirac wave equation, matrices 298
Dirac, P. A. M. xii 36 130 259 276 279 280 281 296 297 301 312 313 323 337 342 353 358 363 372 374
Dirac’s generalization of matrix mechanics 372
Distribution of momentum 19 34 59 69 190
Donley, H. L. 142
Double scattering of electrons 332
Doublet separation 100
Du Mond, J. W. M. 190
Dual nature of electrons 7
Dual nature of light 4
DuflSn, R. J. 354
Duncanson, W. E. 144 190
Eckart, C. 127
Eddington, A. S. 336
Einstein coefficients 253
Einstein — Bose statistics 107
Einstein, A., xi 3 253
Eisenschitz, R. 172
Electrical conductivity 222
Electron affinities 204
Electron affinities, beams 10
Electronic motion in crystals 207
Electronic motion in non-metals 223
Eliezer, C. J. 279
Ellis, C. D. 345 350
| Emission bands 215
Emission bands of radiation 253 258 265
energy levels 42
Energy levels by perturbation method 118
Energy levels in a magnetic field 87
Energy levels of hydrogen atom 44 57 323
Energy levels of lithium atom 57
Energy of a many-electron system 133
Estermann, I. 6
Ethylene double-streamers 197
Exchange integral 119 134
Excitation of atoms by a-particles 248
Excited states 41
Exciton 227
Expansion theorem 65
F'Xik, V. 122 137 142 290
F-centres 226
Faxen, H. 237
Fermi — Dirac statistics 107
Fermi, E. 156
Field quantization 259
Fierz, P. 353
Fine structure formula 326
First-order radiation processes 274
Fisk, J. B. 345
Fock’s equations 122 135 214
Fourier transforms 68
Fowler, R. H. 46 112 205 219 220 345
Free particle in Dirac theory 310
Frenkel defect 207
Frenkel, J. 207 228
Friedrich, W. 317
Frohlich, H. 126 224 272
Gamma-ray microscope 33
Gamow, G 17 22 23
Gauge invariance 291
Gaunt, J. A. 139 24 336
Generalized exchange integral 134
Gentile, G. 182
Germer, L. H. 6
Goldhaber, G 317
Goldschmidt, V. M. 41
Gora, E 280
Gordon, W. 68 295 323
Gormley, P. G. 281
Goudsmit, S. 290 304
graphite 214
Gray, J. A. 350
Green’s Theorem 28
Group velocity 24
Guillemxn, V. 143
Gurney, R. W. 22 201 207
Haase, H. R. 173
Hall effect 224
Hamilton, J. 289
Hamiltonian equations 37
Hamiltonian equations of radiation field 259
Hansen, G. 271
harmonic oscillator 50 53 261 367
Hartmann 33 61
Hartree, D. R. 119 127 138 139 141 142
Haurwitz, E. S. 144
Heifcler — London method 175 178 188
Heisenberg, W. xii 32 33 118 123 313 337 342 363
Heitler, W. 176 267 274 275 280 281 289 314 315 316 317 342
Helium atom 112 118 131 143
Hellmann, H. 173
Hermite functions 52 328 376
Hermitian matrices 37 300 364
Herzberg, G. 63
Hexatriene 200
Hicks, B. 190
Higher spin 353
Hilbert, D. 52 65
Hill, E. L. 319
Hoare, F. F. 141
Hobson, E. W. 386
Hole theory 291 312
Holtsmark, J. 237
Homonuclear molecules 110
Homopolar forces 164 204
Hsueh, C. F. 286 289
Huang, K. 126
Huff, L. D. 327
Hughes, A. L. 190
Hulme, H. R. 314 345
Hulthen, L. 125 126 239
Hume — Rothery rule 222
Hund, F. 177
Huntingdon, H. 206
Hybridization of wave functions 194
Hydrogen atom 44 54 102 323
Hydrogen atom, molecular ion 184 190
Hydrogen atom, molecule 176 178
Hylleraas, E. 143 185 188 245
Impure crystals 226
Impurity centres 225
Incident wave 235
Inelastic scattering 245
Infeld, L. 276
insulators 214
Intensity of spectral lines 253
Interatomic forces 162 efc seq.
Interference 1
Internal conversion 345
Interstitial atoms or ions 204 205
Invariant form of Sehrodinger’s equation 61
Ionic crystals 201
Ionic crystals, radius 140 203
Ionization energy 42 266
Isotopic spin 123
Jaeger, J. C. 314 345
James, H. M. 182 189
Jeffreys, B. S. 18 23 B.)
Johnson, R. P. 206
Johot, F. 313
Jones 217 221
Jordan, P. xii 363
Jucys, A. 142
Kapur, P. L. 24
Keesom, W. H. 183 217
Kellog, O. D. 69
Kemble, E. C. 22 23
Kemmer, N. 353 354 355
Kennard, E. H 141
King, A. S. 111
Kirkpatrick, H. A. 190
Kirkwood, J. G. 173 183
Klein — Gordon equation 295 297 304 354
Klein — Nishina formula 287 316
Klein, O. 287 290 295 312 316
Klemperer 0 315
Knauer, F. 6
Knipp, J. K. 189
Koch 207
Kok, J. A. 217
Kothari, D. S. 53
Kramers, H. A. 21 208
Krishnan, R. S.t 4
Kroneeker delta 146
Kroning, R. de L. 62 209
Kurrelmeyer, B. 217
Laguerre polynomials 379
Lande, A. 91
Landshoff, R. 319
Lattice energy 162
Lattice energy, vibrations 204
Legendre polynomials 55 980
Lennard — Jones perturbation formulae 78
Lindsay, R. B 142
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