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Mott N.F., Sneddon I.N. — Wave Mechanics and Its Applications |
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Lithium atom 57
London, F. 172
Lorentz invariance 300
Lorentz, H. A. 275 277
Ma, S. T. 286 289
MacDougall 141
Madelung constant 202
Magnetic field 39 84 87
Magneton 88
Mailer, C. 124 338 340 342
Mann, M. M. 190
Manning, M. F. 142
Many-electron atoms 127 et seq.
Margenau, H. 173
Massey, H. S. W. 114 142 173 183 233 239 244 245 333 335 343 386
Matrix elements 72 263 374
Matrix elements, equations of motion 362
Matrix elements, mechanics 356 et seq.
Matter waves 6 24
Maximum overlapping 192
Mayer, J. 183
Meitner, L. 313
Meller — Rosenfeld theory 124
MeMillen, J. E. 233
Meson theory of nuclear forces 124 239
Mesons 289
Metallic cohesion 220
Metallic cohesion, forces 164
Methane molecule 196
Michels, A. 183
Miliman, J. 142
Mohr, G. B. O. 335
Molecular energy curves 189
Molecular energy curves, orbitals 175
Momentum density functions 34 59 69 190
Momentum density functions, operators 36
Momentum density functions, space 34 69
Mooney, R. L. 142
Morse, P. 28
Mott, N. F. 114 201 207 217 224 233 244 330 333 334 345 347
Mulltken, R. S. 177
Myers, F. E 336
naphthalene 200
Negative energy states 291 310
Neutron-proton scattering 126
Nielsen, H. A. 63
Nikolsky, K 323 337
Nishina, Y 316
Non-stationary phenomena 27
Nordheim, L. 223 315
Normal Zeeman effect 89
Octatetraene 200
One-quantum annihilation 315
OochiaJini, G. P. S. 313
Oppenheimer, J. R. 104 162 244 345
Optical properties of impure crystals 226
Optical properties of pure crystals 227
Orbital angular momentum 85 96 305 359—62
Organic dyes 200
Orthogonal functions 375 et seq.
Orthogonal functions, property 64
Orthohelium 122
Oscillator strength 169 257
Overlap forces 175
Oxide layers 232
Oxygen atom 193
Oxygen atom, Faxahelium 122
O’Bryan, H. M. 215
O’Leary 350
Pais, A. 239
Paramagnetic salts 85
Paramagnetism 85 217
Paschen — Back effect 101 113 117
Pauli matrices 97
Pauli matrices, principle 117 130
Pauli matrices, wave equation 98
Pauli, W. xii 91 117 281 286 301 319 337 342 353
Pauling, L. 58 60 163 178 182 192
Peierls, R. E. 24
Pekeris, C. L. 163
Peng, H. W. 275 281 289
Penney, W. G. 209
Periodic field 208
Perrin, F. 315
Perturbation independent of time 252
Perturbation independent, method of obtaining energy levels 118
Perturbation independent, periodic in time 250
Perturbation independent, theory 71—83 145—55 369
Petrashen, M. J. 142
Photoconductivity 3 224 226
photoelectric effect 3 266
Photoelectric effect, Boisson brackets 356—9
Pickard, G. L. 217
Pincherle, L. 345
Planck, M. xi
Plesset 323
Podolsky, B. 60
Pohl, R. W. 227
polar molecules 80
Polarizability 165 166 174
Polarization of electrons 332
Positrons 291 313
Potential barriers 15
Potential barriers, jumps 13
Power, S. C 287
Proca, J. 354
Pryce, M. H. L. 278
Quadripole moment 258
quantization of angular momentum 44 49
Quantization of radiation field 259
Quantization with several degrees of freedom 48
Quantum Poisson bracket 358
Rabi 1 1 62
Radiation damping 275 et seq.
Radiation damping, processes classified 274
Radiation damping, processes involving mesons 289
Radiation damping, theory 247 et seq.
Raman effect 4 275
Raman, C. V. 4
Rambeig, E. 141
Ramsey, W. H. 126
Randels, R. G. 332
Rayleigh 73
Rayleigh-Schrodinger perturbation theory 73—7
Rearrangement collisions 244
Rectangular barriers 15
Reduced mass 103 113
Reiche, F. 62
Relativistic invariance 300
Relativistic invariance, quantum mechanics 290 et seq.
Relativistic invariance, wave equations 290 et seq.
Resonance energy 200
Resonance energy, fluorescence 275
Richardson, O. W. 185
Rigid rotator 45 60
| Rodrigues formula 381
Rosen, N 181
Rosenfeld, L. 124
Rotating polar molecules 80
Rotation of a rigid body 366
Rotation of nucleus 44
Rotational states of diatomic molecules 45 103
Rushbrooke, G. S. 189
Rutherford, E. xii 41 350
Rydberg’s constant 43
Saha, M. N. 272
Sauter, F. 312 323
Scattered wave 235
Scattering by centre of force 234
Scattering by Coulomb field 241
Scattering of a-parfcicles by helium 113
Scattering of electrons by a nucleus 329
Scattering of light 274 279 285
Scattering of mesons by nuclear particles 289
Scattering of neutrons by protons 126
Scattering of slow, neutrons by a nucleus 246
Scattering, cross-section 233
Schottky defect 207
Schottky defect, emission 219
Schottky, W.. 231
Schrodinger equation 12 28 38 61 374
Schubin, S. 215
Screening constant 186
Seaborg, G. 112
Second-order radiation processes 274
Sehrodinger, E. xii 13 50 54 61 75 290 355
Seitz, F. 201 205 206 207 208 219 227
Selection rules 257
Self-consistent field 119 138 214
Self-energy 275
Semi-conductors 224
Simple harmonic oscillator 50 53 261 367
Size of the electron 277
Skinner, H. W. B. 215
Skull, C. G. 336
Slater, J. C. 122 130 144 151 1 5 182 183
Smith, L P. 122 142
Sneddon, I. N. 126
Sommerfeld, A. xii 58 61 159 326
Specific heats 41 46 216
Spin coordinates 108
Spin coordinates of electron 89 290 303
Spin coordinates, greater than one-half 353
Spin coordinates, matrices 97 298
Spin-orbit coupling 321
Spinors 351
Srivigiava, B. N. 272
Stationary states 34 et seq.
Statistical method of Thomas and Fermi 156
Statistics of particles 107
Steensholt, G. 185 188
Stem — Gerlach experiment 84 99 333
Stem, O. 6
Stevenson, A. F. 142
Stobbe, M. 268
Stoner, E. C. 84 141
Sugiara, V. 180
Surface spherical harmonics 387
Susceptibility, diamagnetic 141
Svartholm, N. 68
Swirles, B. 142 345 386 B.
Symmetrical top molecules 61
Symmetry characteristics of wave functions 105
Szego, G. 375
Taylor, H. M. 345 347
Terroux 341
Tetrahedral orbitals 195
Thatcher, W. 142
Thermionic emission 218
Third-order radiation processes 274
Thomas — Fermi atom 156
Thomas, L. H. 156 321
Thomson, G. P. 6
Tibbs, S. R. 245
Titchmarsh, E. C. 22
Torrance, C. C. 142
Transformation functions 34 66
Transition probability 247
Transitions to unquantized states 249
Transmission coefficient 16
Transparency of a barrier 16 22
Transverse self-energy 275
Trapping of electrons 227 230
Triangular barrier 18
Trigonal orbitals 196
Tunnel effect 15
Turnbull, H. W. 300
Two-body problem 102 et seq.
Two-quanta annihilation 275 315
Uhlenbeck, G. E. 183 290 304 329
Uncertainty principle 30
Unitary matrix 368
Uspensky, A. W. 379
Vacant lattice points 205 206
Valence forces 175
van der Waals 164
Van der Waals’ forces 164 et seq. 204
Van der Waerden 127
Van Vleck, J. H. 272
Vibration of a molecule 162
Vibrational states of diatomic molecules 46 103
Wagner 207
Wallace, P. R. 214
Waller, I. 280
Wang, S. C. 181
Wannier, G. H. 228
Water molecule 193
Watson, G. N. 235 387
Wave functions 105
Wave functions for many-electron atoms 127
Wave functions for the spin 92
wave velocity 24
Weatherbum, C. E. 54
Weinbaum, S. 181
Weisskopf, V. 268 272 313
Welker, H. 58
Wells, A. F. 194
Wentzel, G. 21 278
Weyl, H. 127 290 291
Width of spectral lines 268
Wigner, E. 81 127 209
Wigner’s perturbation method 81
Williams, A. O. 142
Wilson, A. H. 125 225 280 286
WKB method 19
Wonsowski, S. 215
Wylie, G. P. 206
Young, L. A. 144
Zeeman 85
Zeeman effect 85 89 91
Zener, C. 143
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