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Поиск книг, содержащих: X Window System
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Таненбаум Э. — Современные операционные системы | 38, 397 | Таненбаум Э., Вудхалл А. — Операционные системы: разработка и реализация | 268 | Федорчук А., Торн А. — FreeBSD. Установка, настройка, использование | 422 | Смит Р. — Полный справочник по FreeBSD | 33, 98, 282, 407 | Ray J., Ray W. — Mac OS X Tiger Unleashed | 2nd 3rd 4th 5th | Gagnt M. — Moving to Ubuntu Linux | 2nd | Sobell M.G., Seebach P. — A Practical Guide to UNIX® for Mac OS® X Users | | Taylor D., Jepson B. — Learning Unix for Mac OS X Panther | [See X11 application] | Poniatowski M. — Linux on HP Integrity Servers: A System Administrator's Guide | 2nd | Jang M. — Linux Annoyances for Geeks | | Cameron D., Elliott J., Raymond E.S. — Learning GNU Emacs | | Smith R. — Linux in a Windows World | | Bauer M.D. — Linux Server Security | | Siever E., Weber R., Figgins S. — Linux in a Nutshell | | McCarty B. — Learning Red Hat Enterprise Linux and Fedora | 2nd 3rd [See also XFree86] | Matteson S. — Linux Desktop: Garage | | Glass G., Ables K. — Linux for Programmers and Users | 2nd | Schroder C. — Linux Cookbook | | Jepson B., Rothman E.E. — Mac OS X Panther for Unix Geeks | | Dean J., Pessanha B.G., Langfeldt N. — LPI Linux Certification in a Nutshell | | Barrett D.J., Byrnes R.G., Silverman R. — Linux Security Cookbook | | Building Applications with the Linux Standard Base | 2nd 3rd | Yaghmour K. — Building Embedded Linux Systems | | Bauer M.D. — Building Secure Servers With Linux | | McKinnon L., McKinnon A. — Customizing and upgrading Linux | 4, 9, 67—68, 91 | Loukides M., Oram A. — Programming with GNU software | 16 | Garfinkel S., Weise D., Strassmann S. (eds.) — The UNIX-HATERS Handbook | 113 | Kernighan B.W., Pike R. — The practice of programming | 202, 206 | Shreiner D., Woo M., Neider J. — OpenGL programming guide | 14, 738 | Hazel P. — Exim. The Mail Transfer Agent | 3 | Oram A., Talbott S. — Managing Projects with make | 108 | Jacky J. — The Way of Z: Practical Programming with Formal Methods | 59, 199, 242 |