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Taylor D., Jepson B. — Learning Unix for Mac OS X Panther |
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! escape sequence
"" (quotes)
"" (quotes), around filenames with spaces
"" (quotes), around pathnames with spaces
"d", indicating directory in listing
"l", indicating link in listing
# (hash mark), at end of prompt
$ (dollar sign)
$ (dollar sign), at end of prompt 2nd
$ (dollar sign), command, vi
$$ (dollar sign, double), PID of current shell
% (percent sign) prompt
& (ampersand), specifying background process
* (asterisk)
* (asterisk), in regular expressions
* (asterisk), indicating executable file
* (asterisk), wildcard
- (dash)
- (dash), in command line
- (dash), indicating plain file in listing
-- (dash, double) in command line
. (dot), indicating working directory
.. (dot dot), indicating parent directory
.bashrc file
.profile file
.term files 2nd
/ (slash)
/ (slash), in pathname
/ (slash), indicating directory in listing
/ (slash), indicating root directory 2nd
/ (slash), starting pattern in vi 2nd
/Users/Shared directory
/Volumes directory 2nd 3rd
0 command, vi
1 command, vi
: (colon)
: (colon), in filenames or directory names
: (colon), prompt for less command
:q command, vi 2nd 3rd
:q! command, vi
:w command, vi 2nd
:wq command, vi
; (semicolon), on command line
< (less-than symbol), getting input from a file
> (greater-than symbol), sending output to file 2nd
>> (greater-than symbol, double), as append redirection operator
? (help) command, Pine
? (question mark) wildcard
a command, vi
absolute pathnames
access modes [See permissions]
accounts, default
accounts, listing accounts logged on
accounts, password for
accounts, switching from superuser to personal account
ADC (Apple Developer Connection)
Admin user, running sudo command 2nd
AirPort Base Station, remote access and 2nd
alias command 2nd
Aliases 2nd [See also links]3rd
aliases, creating
aliases, listing
aliases, relationship to links
ampersand (&), specifying background process
Anonymous ftp 2nd
ANSI escape sequences [See escape sequences]
append redirection operator
Apple Developer Connection (ADC)
Apple User Groups
AppleScript commands, running at shell prompt
AppleTalk printers
apropos command
apt-get install command, Fink 2nd
apt-get update command, Fink
ascii command, ftp
asterisk (*)
asterisk (*), in regular expressions
asterisk (*), indicating executable file
asterisk (*), wildcard
atprint command
at_cho_prn command
audio, preferences for
b command, vi
background process
background process, canceling 2nd
background process, checking status of 2nd
background process, moving to foreground
background process, PID for 2nd
background process, running commands as
background process, viewing system log for
backslash (\)
backslash (\), before spaces in pathname
backslash (\), prefacing spaces and special characters
Barrett, Daniel J. (SSH: The Secure Shell)
bash shell
bash shell, books about
bash shell, customizing
bash shell, default prompt for 2nd
bash shell, Terminal application using
BBEdit text editor
BEL character
bg command
binary command, ftp
bitmap application, X11
Books [See also documentation]
books, about bash shell
books, about GIMP
books, about Mac OS X 2nd
books, about shell scripts
books, about SSH
books, about Unix
books, about Unix security
books, about vi text editor
books, choosing
brackets ([]) wildcards
Buffer settings in Terminal Inspector
C (compose) command, Pine
C (Config) command, Pine
c-. (cancel) command 2nd 3rd
c-C (copy selection) command, X11
c-D (find previous) command
c-Down Arrow (down one line) command
c-E (find with selection) command
c-F (find in scroll buffer) command
c-G (find next) command
c-J (jump to selection) command
c-N (open window) command
c-Q (quit) command, X11
c-Up Arrow (up one line) command
c-W (close window) command
c-~ (next window) command
carriage returns
carriage returns, pasting newlines as
cat command
cd command
cd command, ftp
chgrp command
child directories [See subdirectories]
chmod command 2nd
chown command
colon (:)
colon (:), in filenames or directory names
colon (:), prompt for less command
Color settings in Terminal Inspector
Command Key option, in title of window
Command mode, vi
commands, aliases for 2nd
commands, AppleScript commands
| commands, arguments of
commands, background, running command in [See background process]
commands, canceling 2nd
commands, case sensitivity of
commands, editing
commands, ending input for 2nd 3rd
commands, entering
commands, executing in configuration files
commands, exiting shell while running
commands, filename arguments of
commands, filtering output of
commands, foreground, moving command to
commands, history number of, displaying in prompt
commands, history of, navigating
commands, in scroll buffer 2nd
commands, input from a file
commands, interrupting
commands, keyboard input to
commands, multiple, entering on command line 2nd
commands, options of 2nd
commands, output as input of another command 2nd
commands, output to a file 2nd
commands, output to screen
commands, pausing output from
commands, programs started by, controlling
commands, recalling previous commands
commands, restarting after pausing
commands, restarting after suspending
commands, shell functions for
commands, suspending 2nd
commands, wrapping long lines of
Common Unix Printing System (CUPS)
Configuration files 2nd [See also .term files]
Connect To Server feature
control characters, set encoding for
Control-C (cancel) 2nd 3rd
Control-D (end of input) 2nd 3rd
Control-H (erase)
Control-L (clear screen)
Control-Q (restart) 2nd
Control-S (pause)
Control-U (erase line)
Control-Z (suspend) 2nd
Copy command
cp command 2nd 3rd [See also rcp command; scp command]
CpMac command 2nd 3rd
csh (C shell)
CUPS (Common Unix Printing System)
curl command
Current directory [See working directory]
cursor, color of
cursor, option click positioning for
cursor, shape of
D (delete) command, Pine
d$ command, vi
d0 command, vi
d1G command, vi
Darwin project 2nd 3rd
DarwinPorts project
dash (-)
dash (-), in command line
dash (-), indicating plain file in listing
date command 2nd 3rd
dd command, vi 2nd
Delete key
df command
dG command, vi 2nd
dir command, ftp
directly executable programs
Directories, changing
directories, completing name while typing
directories, creating
directories, group owner of
directories, hierarchical structure of
directories, home directory 2nd
directories, indicated in listings
directories, links to
directories, modification date of
directories, naming 2nd
directories, navigating
directories, owner of 2nd
directories, parent directory
directories, pathname for
directories, permissions for 2nd 3rd 4th
directories, removing
directories, root directory 2nd
directories, shared among users
directories, shared directories
directories, size of 2nd
directories, subdirectories
directories, wildcards in name of
directories, working directory [See working directory]
disks, external, listing
disks, free space on, calculating
Display settings in Terminal Inspector
Documentation [See also books; web sites]
documentation, man command
documentation, on the Internet
Dollar sign ($)
dollar sign ($), at end of prompt 2nd
dollar sign ($), command, vi
dollar sign, double ($$), PID of current shell
dot (.), indicating working directory
dot dot (..), indicating parent directory
Down Arrow key
DropScript utility (Sanchez)
du command
dw command, vi 2nd
E (exit) command, Pine
editors [See text editors word processors]
email application, Pine
Emulation settings in Terminal Inspector
encoding, control character set
encoding, string
end of input, signal for 2nd 3rd
end-of-line character sequences 2nd
Enscript command 2nd
Errors [See troubleshooting]
ESC character
ESC key, vi
escape sequences
escape sequences, for prompts
escape sequences, for Terminal title
EXECUTE permission
execute permission, for directory
execute permission, for files
Exit command
export command
F (forward) command, Pine
fg command 2nd
File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
filenames, spaces in
filenames, wildcards in
Files 2nd
files, accessing from other operating systems
files, accidentally overwriting with output redirection
files, appending another file to
files, archiving
files, commands getting input from
files, commands sending output to 2nd
files, completing name while typing
files, compressing
Files, concatenating
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