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Taylor D., Jepson B. — Learning Unix for Mac OS X Panther |
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remote access, from X11
remote access, FTP server access
remote access, networked filesystem for
remote access, remote logins
remote access, running X11 on other computers
remote access, to other Unix systems
remote access, web server access
resource forks
resources, copying files with
Right Arrow key
rlogin program
rm command
rmdir command
Robbins, Arnold
Robbins, Arnold, Learning the vi Editor
Robbins, Arnold, Unix in a Nutshell
Robbins, Arnold, vi Editor Pocket Reference
Root Directory 2nd
Rosenblatt, Bill (Learning the bash Shell) 2nd
Rothman, Ernest E. (Mac OS X Panther for Unix Geeks)
rsh program 2nd
S (Setup) command, Pine
Sanchez, Fred (DropScript utility)
Schwartz, Alan (Practical Unix and Internet Security)
scp command
screen, clearing or redrawing 2nd [See also windows]
scripts, Perl or Python
scripts, shell 2nd
scroll buffer [See also history of commands]
scroll buffer, manpages in
scroll buffer, number of lines stored in
scroll buffer, searching
search command, vi
Security [See also permissions]
security, books about
security, passwords
security, remote access and
semicolon (;), on command line
servers, connecting to remotely
session [See also jobs; windows]
session, ending
session, frozen (hung)
session, printing
session, saving as text file
set noclobber command
setup files [See configuration files]
sftp command 2nd
sh (Bourne shell)
Share My Desktop application
shared directories, mounting
Shell 2nd [See also bash shell]3rd
shell aliases
SHELL environment variable
shell functions
shell programming 2nd
Shell prompt [See prompt]
shell scripts 2nd
Shell settings in Terminal Inspector
shell, customizing
shell, default (bash)
shell, determining shell in use
shell, specified in Terminal Inspector
shell, subshells of
shell, types of
Silverman, Richard (SSH: The Secure Shell)
slash (/)
slash (/), in pathname
slash (/), indicating directory in listing
slash (/), indicating root directory 2nd
slash (/), starting pattern in vi 2nd
sleep command
Sort command
SourceForge, Fink project
spaces in filenames and directory names
Spafford, Gene (Practical Unix and Internet Security)
special characters, in filenames and directory names [See also escape sequences]2nd
square brackets ([]) wildcards
ssh program 2nd 3rd 4th
SSH: The Secure Shell (Barrett; Silverman)
Standard input 2nd
Standard output
standard output, filtering
standard output, redirecting to a file 2nd
standard output, redirecting to standard input of another command 2nd
StarOffice application [See OpenOffice.org application]
Strang, John (Learning the Unix Operating System)
string encoding, nonstandard
sudo command 2nd 3rd
Superuser 2nd
suspend character
symbolic links
system administration
system log, viewing
tail command
tar command
Taylor, Dave (Wicked Cool Shell Scripts)
tcsh (Tabbed C shell)
telnet program 2nd
Terminal application 2nd 3rd
Terminal application, default shell used by
Terminal application, frozen (hung)
Terminal application, in X11
Terminal application, preferences for
Terminal application, starting 2nd
Terminal Inspector
Terminal Inspector, Buffer settings
Terminal Inspector, Color settings
Terminal Inspector, Display settings
Terminal Inspector, Emulation settings
Terminal Inspector, Keyboard settings
Terminal Inspector, Processes settings
Terminal Inspector, setting defaults using
Terminal Inspector, Shell settings
Terminal Inspector, Window settings
Terminal session [See session]
Terminal windows [See windows]
text editors
text editors, BBEdit
text editors, choosing
text editors, end-of-line character problems
text editors, pico
text editors, TextEdit
text editors, vi
text editors, vim
text, color of
text, font for
text-based web browser, Lynx
TextEdit text editor
tilde (~), indicating home directory
time, displaying in prompt
Todino, Grace (Learning the Unix Operating System)
top command
tr command 2nd
transparency of window
troubleshooting, cat command, entering without a filename
troubleshooting, cd to a file instead of a directory
troubleshooting, chmod command errors
troubleshooting, cp command errors
troubleshooting, display becoming garbled
troubleshooting, end-of-line character problems
troubleshooting, exit command errors
troubleshooting, kill command errors
troubleshooting, lpr command errors
troubleshooting, man command errors
| troubleshooting, mistyped commands
troubleshooting, rmdir command errors
troubleshooting, unable to write writable file
tty, specified in Terminal Inspector
u command, vi
u2m command
unalias command
Unicode 8-bit encoding
universities, online documentation at
Unix in a Nutshell (Robbins)
Unix Power Tools (Powers; Peek; O'Reilly; Loukides) 2nd
Unix Programmer's Manual [See man command]
Unix, advantages of
Unix, applications for
Unix, books about
Unix, command line [See commands shell]
Unix, command-line interface [See Terminal application]
Unix, history of
Unix, interfaces to
Unix, reasons to use
Unix, resources used by
Unix, versions of 2nd
Up Arrow key
User Account [See accounts]
user ID, displaying in prompt
username, anonymous
username, displaying in prompt
users [See also accounts; permissions]
users, Admin user 2nd
users, listing users logged on
users, password for
users, superuser 2nd
UTF-8 encoding
VersionTracker software
vertical bar (|), as pipe operator 2nd
vi Editor Pocket Reference (Robbins)
vi text editor
vim text editor
Virtual Network Computer (VNC)
VNC (Virtual Network Computer)
VT-100 emulation
W (Whereis) command, Pine
w (write permission)
w command, vi
Web browser
web browser, FTP used with
web browser, Lynx
web server, accessing
Web sites
web sites, Apple Developer Connection (ADC)
web sites, Apple User Groups
web sites, Darwin project 2nd
web sites, DarwinPorts project
web sites, DropScript utility
web sites, Fink installer
web sites, FinkCommander application
web sites, for this book
web sites, FTP programs
web sites, GIMP application
web sites, Google search engine
web sites, Mac OS X 2nd
web sites, Mac OS X Apps
web sites, Mac OS X Hints
web sites, MacDevCenter
web sites, Macintosh magazines
web sites, O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.
web sites, online documentation
web sites, Open Darwin
web sites, OpenSSH
web sites, printer drivers
web sites, PuTTY
web sites, remote login programs
web sites, Share My Desktop application
web sites, SourceForge
web sites, SSH
web sites, StarOffice application
web sites, VersionTracker software
web sites, VNC (Virtual Network Computer)
web sites, X11 FAQ
web sites, XFree86
who command 2nd
Wicked Cool Shell Scripts (Taylor)
wildcards in filenames or directory names
window managers for X11
Window settings for Terminal Inspector
Windows operating system, accessing files on
windows, as standard output
windows, clearing or redrawing
windows, closing
windows, closing preferences for 2nd
windows, Command Key option for
windows, cycling between open windows
windows, opening as .term files
windows, opening multiple windows
windows, prompting before closing
windows, saving configuration of as .term file
windows, size of
windows, title of 2nd 3rd
windows, transparency of
word processors 2nd [See also OpenOffice.org application]
Working directory
working directory, changing
working directory, displaying
working directory, displaying in prompt
working directory, in file listing
write permission
write permission, for directory
write permission, for files
x (execute permission)
X (Set/Unset) command, Pine
X clients
x command, vi
X servers
X Window System [See X11 application]
X11 application
X11 application, .bashrc file and
X11 application, .profile file ignored in
X11 application, application menus in
X11 application, applications in 2nd
X11 application, Applications menu in
X11 application, c-Q command in
X11 application, cutting and pasting with
X11 application, FAQ for
X11 application, installing
X11 application, OpenOffice.org application and
X11 application, private network remote access and
X11 application, remote access from
X11 application, running on other computers
X11 application, scrolling xterm with
X11 application, starting
xcalc application, X11
xclock application, X11
xeyes application, X11
xhost application, X11
xkill application, X11
xload application, X11
xman application, X11
y1 command, vi
ynw command, vi
yw command, vi 2nd
yy command, vi 2nd
zsh (Z shell)
ZZ command, vi
[] (square brackets) wildcards
\ (backslash)
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