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Taylor D., Jepson B. — Learning Unix for Mac OS X Panther |
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files, copying
files, copying between computers
files, creating and editing [See I/O redirection text editors word processors]
files, displaying portion of
files, executable, indicated in listings
files, finding
files, formatting
files, group owner of
files, hidden
Files, listing
files, modification date of
files, moving
files, owner of 2nd
files, pathname for
files, PDF
files, permissions for 2nd 3rd 4th
files, PostScript 2nd
files, prepending another file to
files, printing 2nd
files, removing
files, renaming
files, saving session as
files, searching contents of
files, size of 2nd
files, type of
files, with resources, copying
FileSystem 2nd
Filters 2nd
find command
Finder application
Finder application, directory names in
Finder application, dragging files or directories to window
Finder application, filenames in
Finder application, files not visible in
Finder application, files, accessing
Finder application, Force Quit option 2nd
Finder application, home directory, accessing
Finder application, iDisk, mounting
Finder application, root directory, accessing
Finder application, setting permissions
Finder application, shared directories, mounting
finger command
fink install command
fink list command 2nd
Fink project 2nd
Fink project, ghostscript package and
Fink project, graphical user interface for
Fink project, installing
Fink project, packages for 2nd 3rd
FinkCommander application
Folders [See directories]
fonts, color of
fonts, specifying
Force Quit option 2nd
foreground process, moving background processes to
forward slash (/)
forward slash (/), in pathname
forward slash (/), indicating directory in listing
forward slash (/), indicating root directory 2nd
forward slash (/), starting pattern in vi 2nd
frozen session
ftp (file transfer protocol)
ftp command 2nd
FTP server, accessing
functions, shell
G command, vi
Garfinkel, Simson (Practical Unix and Internet Security)
get command, ftp
ghostscript package
GIMP application
GIMP Pocket Reference (Neumann)
glxgears application, X11
glxinfo application, X11
GNU Image Manipulation Program (GIMP)
Google search engine
graphical programs
graphics manipulation program, GIMP
greater-than symbol (>), sending output to file 2nd
greater-than symbol, double (>>), as append redirection operator
grep command 2nd
group owner, changing
groups 2nd
groups command
gzip command
h command, vi
hard links
hash command, ftp
hash mark (#), at end of prompt
help (?) command, Pine
help command, ftp
HFS metadata
hidden files
history of commands 2nd 3rd [See also scroll buffer]
home directory 2nd
hostname, displaying in prompt
hung session
hyphen (-)
hyphen (-), in command line
hyphen (-), indicating plain file in listing
I (inbox) command, Pine
i command, vi 2nd
I/O redirection
icewm window manager
iDisk, mounting
input/output redirection [See I/O redirection]
Insert mode, vi
interactive Unix programs
Internet [See network access web sites]
interpreted programs
IP address, for remote access
j command, vi 2nd
Jepson, Brian (Mac OS X Panther for Unix Geeks)
Job control 2nd 3rd
jobs command 2nd
jobs, errors regarding
jobs, running in background [See background process]
jobs, suspending
k command, vi 2nd
Keyboard settings in Terminal Inspector
keyboard, as standard input
keys, changing function of
KILL command 2nd 3rd
ksh (Korn shell)
l command, vi
Lamb, Linda (Learning the vi Editor)
lcd command, ftp
Learning the bash Shell (Newham; Rosenblatt) 2nd
Learning the Unix Operating System (Peek; Todina; Strang)
Learning the vi Editor (Lamb; Robbins)
Left Arrow key
less command 2nd 3rd 4th
LESS environment variable 2nd 3rd
less-than symbol (<), getting input from a file
links [See also aliases]2nd
links, creating
links, indicated in listing
links, number of
Linux Printing archive
ln command
locate command
logging out of session
logins, remote
Loukides, Mike (Unix Power Tools) 2nd
lpq command
lpr command 2nd
| lprm command
ls command 2nd
Lynx web browser
m2u command
Mac OS X [See also Finder application; Terminal application]2nd
Mac OS X Apps web site
Mac OS X Hints web site
Mac OS X Panther for Unix Geeks (Jepson; Rothman)
Mac OS X, book about
Mac OS X, editors included with
Mac OS X, filesystem
Mac OS X, multitasking by 2nd
Mac OS X, Printer Setup Utility
Mac OS X, web sites about 2nd
Mac OS X, XCode included with
Mac OS X: The Missing Manual (Pogue)
MacAddict magazine
MacDevCenter web site
Macintosh operating systems [See also Mac OS X]
Macintosh operating systems, history of
Macintosh operating systems, magazines about
MacTech magazine
MacWorld magazine
man command 2nd
MANPATH environment variable
mget command, ftp
minus sign (-)
minus sign (-), in command line
minus sign (-), indicating plain file in listing
mkdir command
modal editor
more command
mput command, ftp
Multitasking 2nd
multiuser operating systems
mv command
MvMac command 2nd 3rd
networked filesystem
Neumann, Sven (GIMP Pocket Reference)
Newham, Cameron (Learning the bash Shell) 2nd
newlines, pasting as carriage returns
noninteractive Unix programs
O command, vi
O'Reilly, Tim (Unix Power Tools) 2nd
oclock application, X11
Open Darwin project
open-x11 command
OpenOffice.org application
OpenSSH program
Operating systems [See also Mac OS X]
operating systems, accessing files from other operating systems
option click positioning
osascript command
output redirection operator
owner of file or directory, changing
p command, vi
parent directory [See also root directory]2nd
passive command, ftp
passwd command
password, administrator
password, changing
password, for anonymous FTP
Paste command
PATH environment variable
pausing command output
PDF files, converting from PostScript
Peek, Jerry
Peek, Jerry, Learning the Unix Operating System
Peek, Jerry, Unix Power Tools 2nd
percent sign (%) prompt
Perl programming
permissions (access modes)
permissions (access modes), directories
permissions (access modes), files
permissions (access modes), listing for file or directory
permissions (access modes), setting
pico text editor
PID (process ID)
PID, listing for background processes
PID, of current shell
Pine email application
Pine email application, configuring
Pine email application, reading email with
Pine email application, sending email with
Pine email application, signature file for
pipe operator (|) 2nd
Pipes 2nd
pipes, grep command used with 2nd
pipes, less command used with
pipes, sort command used with
Pogue, David (Mac OS X: The Missing Manual)
PostScript printers
PostScript, converting to PDF
PostScript, formatting files as
Powers, Shelley (Unix Power Tools) 2nd
pr command
Practical Unix and Internet Security (Garfinkel; Spafford; Schwartz)
print requests, terminating
printer queue
Printer Setup Utility
printers, AppleTalk
printers, non-PostScript
printers, PostScript
printers, status of
Process ID [See PID]
Processes [See background process jobs]
Processes settings in Terminal Inspector
programming the shell
Programs [See also commands]
programs, types of 2nd
prompt command, ftp
prompt, changing
prompt, default
prompt, dollar sign ($)
prompt, escape sequences for
prompt, percent sign (%)
ps -up command
ps command 2nd 3rd
PS1 environment variable
ps2pdf command
put command, ftp
PuTTY program 2nd
pwd command
Python programming
Q (quit) command, Pine
quartz-wm window manager
question mark (?) wildcard
quit command, ftp
quotes ("")
quotes (""), around filenames with spaces
quotes (""), around pathnames with spaces
r (read permission)
R (reply) command, Pine
rcp command
read permission
read permission, for directory
read permission, for files
redirection I/O [See I/O redirection]
Regular expressions
relative pathnames
Remote access
remote access, accessing files on other operating systems
remote access, Connect To Server feature for
remote access, copying files between computers
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