Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Kernighan B.W., Pike R. — The practice of programming |
Предметный указатель |
"csv.h" header 94
"eprintf.h" header 110
"errors.h" header 238
#define see also "Macro function
#define preprocessor directive 2 20 240
#elif preprocessor directive 199
#endif preprocessor directive 199
#if preprocessor directive 196
#ifdef see also "Conditional compilation"
#ifdef preprocessor directive 25 196 198—201
$ end of string metacharacter 222
bitwise operator 7 127
logical operator 6 193
'\0' null byte 21
* wildcards 106 222
* zero or more metacharacter 223 225 227
*array[] vs. **array 30
+ one or more metacharacter 223 228
++ increment operator 9
. any character metacharacter 223
... ellipsis function parameter 109 218
0 see "Zero notation
1/k random selection 70
<assert.h> header 142
<ctype.h> header 18 21 129 210
<errno.h> header 109
<stdarg.h> header 109 218
<stddef.h> header 192
<stdio.h> header 104 196
<stdlib.h> header 198
<time.h> header 171
= assignment operator 9 13
>> right shift operator 8 135 194
>>= assignment operator 8
>>> Java logical right shift operator 194
? questionable code notation 2 88
? zero or one metacharacter 223 228
?: conditional operator 8 193
Abort library function 125
Abstraction 104 202
add function, Markov C 68
addend list function 46
addfront list function 46
addname list function 42
addop function 233 244
addsuffix function, Markov C 68
advquoted function, CSV 97—98
Aho, Al xii
Algorithm, binary search 31 52
Algorithm, constant-time 41 44 49 55 76
Algorithm, cubic 41
Algorithm, exponential 41
Algorithm, linear 30 41 46—47
Algorithm, log n 32 41 51—52 76
Algorithm, Markov chain 62—63
Algorithm, n log n 34 41
Algorithm, quadratic 40 43 176
Algorithm, quicksort 32
Algorithm, sequential search 30
Algorithm, tree sort 53
Alignment 206
Alignment, structure member 195
alloca function 180
Allocation, error, memory 130
allocation, memory 48 67 92
Allocator, special-purpose 180 182
Ambiguity and parenthesization 6
Ambiguity, if-else 10
Analysis of Algorithms see "O-notation"
ANSI/ISO C standard 190 212
Any character metacharacter, . 223
Application Program Interface (API) 105 198
apply list function 47
applyinorder tree function 53
applypostorder tree function 54
Approximate values 181
Ariane 5 rocket 157
Arithmetic, IEEE floating-point 112 181 193
Arithmetic, shift 135 194
Arnold, Ken xii 83
Array bounds 14
Array, Java 39
Array, length field, Java 22
Array, static 131
Arrays, growing 41—44 58 92 95 97 158
ASCII encoding 210
Assembly language 152 181 237
assert macro 142
Assignment, multiple 9
Assignment, operator, = 9 13
Assignment, operator, >>= 8
associative array 78 82 see
Atexit library function 107
Austern, Matthew 83
AVG function 141
awk 229
Awk, profile 174
Awk, program, fmt 229
Awk, program, Markov 79
Awk, program, split.awk 229
Awk, test 150
B-tree 54
backwards compatibility 209 211
Balanced tree 52 76
Benchmarking 187
Bentley, Jon xii 59 163 188
Beta release test 160
big-endian 204 213
Bigelow, Chuck xii
Binary search for error 124
Binary Search, Algorithm 31 52
Binary search, function, lookup 31 36
Binary search, testing 146
Binary search, tree 50
Binary search, tree diagram 51
Binary, files 132 157 203
Binary, mode I/O 134 207
binhex program 203
bison compiler-compiler 232
bitblt operator 241
Bitfields 183 191 195
Bitwise operator 7 127
Bitwise operator | 7 127
black box testing 159
Bloch, Joshua xii
Block, try 113
Booth, Rick 188
Boundary condition testing 140—141 152 159—160
Bourne, Steven R. 158
Braces, position of {} 10
Brooks, Frederick P., Jr. 61 83 87 115
Bsearch library function 36
Buffer, flush 107 126
Buffer, overflow error 67 156—157
Buffering, I/O 180
Bug see also "Error"
Bug, environment dependent 131
Bug, header file 129
Bug, isprint 129 136
Bug, list 128
Bug, mental model 127
Bug, non reproducible 130—131
Bug, performance 18 82 175
Bug, reports 136
Bug, test program 129
Bug, typographical 128
build function, Markov C 67
build function, Markov C++ 77
byte order 194 204—207
Byte order, diagram 204
| byteorder program 205
C++, inline function 17 19
C++, iostream library 77
C++, sort function 37
C++, standard, ISO 76 190 212
C++, string class 100
C, function prototype 191
C, standard, ANSI/ISO 190 212
C/C++ data type sizes 192 216
C/C++ preprocessor see "Preprocessor directive"
Caching 179 186 243
Can't get here message 124
Can't happen message 15 142 155
Cargill, Tom xii
Carriage return, \r 89 96 203—204
Cast 35 40 43 244
cerr error stream 126
Chain class, Markov Java 72
Chain.add function, Markov Java 73
Chain.build function, Markov Java 73
Chain.generate function, Markov Java 74
Character class metacharacter, [] 223 228
Character set see "Encoding"
Characters, HTML 31
Characters, non-printing 132
Characters, unsigned 57 152 193
Check function 125
Christiansen, Tom 83
cin input stream 77
Class, C++ string 100
Class, container 71 76
Class, Csv 100
Class, Java Date 172
Class, Java Decimal Format 221
Class, Java Hashtable 71
Class, Java Random 39
Class, Java StreamTokenizer 73
Class, Java Vector 71
Class, Markov 72
Class, Markov Java Chain 72
Class, Markov Java Prefix 72
Cleeland, Chris xii
Clock library function 171
CLOCKS_PER_SEC timer resolution 172
Clone method see "Object copy"
Cmp interface 38
Code generation by macro 240
Code structure 234
Code tuning 176 178—182
Cohen, Danny 213
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor 247
Comma-separated values 86—87 see
Command, echo 207
Command, interpreter 106 228
Command, status return 109 225
Command, sum 208
Command, time 171
Comments 23—27 203
Comments, semantic 239
Common subexpression elimination 178
Comparable interface 37
Compatibility, backwards 209 211
Compile-time control flow 199
Compiler, gcc 120
Compiler, just-in-time 81 241 243
Compiler, optimization 176 186
Compiler, testing 147 239
Compiler-compiler, bison 232
Compiler-compiler, yacc 232 245
complex expressions 7
complexity 40
Conditional, compilation 25 199
Conditional, operator, ?: 8 193
Configuration script 201
Conservation properties, testing 147 161
Consistency 4 11 105
const declaration 20
Constant-time algorithm 41 44 49 55 76
constructor 100 107—108
Constructor, Markov Java Prefix 74
Container, class 71 76
Container, deque 76 81
Container, hash 76 81
Container, list 81
Container, map 72 76 81
Container, pair 112
Container, vector 76 100
Control flow, compile-time 199
Control-Z end of file 134 207
Convention, naming 3—5 104
Convention, _ naming 104
Conversion error, printf 120
Cooper, Alan 115
Coordinate hashing 57—58
Copy, object 67 73 107—108 161
Cost model, performance 184
Coughran, Bill xii
Coverage, test 148
Cox, Russ xii
CPU pipeline 179 244
CRLF 204
Csv class 100
CSV in C 91—99
CSV in C++ 99—103
CSV, advquoted function 97—98
CSV, csvfield function 98
CSV, csvnfield function 98
CSV, endofline function 96
CSV, field diagram 95
CSV, format 91 93 96
CSV, main function 89 98 103
CSV, prototype 87—91
CSV, reset function 96
CSV, specification 93
CSV, split function 97
Csv::advplain function 102
Csv::advquoted function 102
Csv::endofline function 101
Csv::getfield function 102
Csv::getline function 100
Csv::getnfield function 102
Csv::split function 101
csvfield function, CSV 98
csvgetline, function 95
csvgetline, prototype 88
csvgetline, variables 94
csvnfield function, CSV 98
Ctime library function 25 144
Cubic algorithm 41
Cyclic redundancy check 58
Dangling else see "if-else ambiguity"
dangling pointer 130
Data, exchange 203—204 216
Data, structure diagram, Markov 66
Data, structure diagram, spam filter 170
Data, structure, trie 171
Data, type sizes, C/C++ 192 216
Data, type sizes, Java 193
Date class, Java 172
Date.getTime Java library function 172
dbx debugger 122
Debuggers 118—119
Debugging, code 200 202
Debugging, malloc 131
debugging, output 123
Decimal Format class, Java 221
Decisions, multi-way 14
Declaration, const 20
Declaration, enum 20
Declaration, final 21
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