Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Kernighan B.W., Pike R. — The practice of programming |
Предметный указатель |
Declaration, Java synchronized 108
Declaration, loop variable 12
Declaration, static 94
Declaration, typedef 76 217
Deconstruction 82 114
Default parameters 100
defensive programming 114 142
delitem list function 49
delname function 43
Deque container 76 81
Derived type 38
Descartes, Rend 249
Descriptive names 3
Design tradeoffs 90
destructor 108
Dewdney, A.K. 84
Dewhurst, Steve xii
Diagram, binary search tree 51
Diagram, byte order 204
Diagram, CSV field 95
Diagram, hash table 55
Diagram, list 45
Diagram, Markov data structure 66
Diagram, Markov hash table 66
Diagram, packet format 216
Diagram, parse tree 54 232
Diagram, quicksort 33
Diagram, spam filter data structure 170
Dijkstra, Edsger 139
Directive see "Preprocessor directive"
Discrete cosine transform 24
Divide and conquer 52 124
Division by zero 141—142 236 241
divop function 236
do-while loop 13 133 225
Dorward, Sean 213
double vs. float 183
Doubly-linked list 49 81
Dynamic printf format 68
Eager evaluation 181
echo command 207
Edison, Thomas A. 117
Elimination, common subexpression 178
Ellipsis function parameter, ... 109 218
Ellis, Bruce 82
emalloc function 46 110
Emit function 244
Empty string 91 100
Encapsulation 104
Encoding, ASCII 210
Encoding, GIF 184
Encoding, ISO 10646 31 210
Encoding, Latin-1 210
Encoding, MIME 203
Encoding, PPM 184
Encoding, Unicode 31 210 228
encoding, UTF-8 211 213 228
End of file, control-Z 134 207
End of string metacharacter, $ 222
endofline function, CSV 96
Enum declaration 20
enum.pl Perl program 239
Environment dependent bug 131
EOF value 194
eprintf function 49 109
eqn language 229
errno variable 112 193
error message see also "eprintf" "weprintf"
Error, binary search for 124
Error, buffer overflow 67 156—157
Error, gets 14 156
Error, handling 109
Error, hardware 130
Error, memory allocation 130
Error, message format 114
Error, message, misleading 134
Error, numeric patterns of 124
Error, off-by-one 13 124 141
Error, order of evaluation 9 193
Error, out of bounds 153
Error, patterns 120
Error, Pentium floating-point 130
Error, printf conversion 120
Error, qsort argument 122
Error, recent change 120
Error, recovery 92 109—113
Error, reproducible 123
Error, return values 91 111 141 143
Error, scanf 120
Error, status return 109
Error, stream, cerr 126
Error, stream, stderr 104 126
Error, stream.System.err 126
Error, subscript out of range 14 140 157
Estimation, performance 184—187
estrdup function 110 114
eval function 233—234 236
Evaluation of macro argument, multiple 18 129
Evaluation, eager 181
Evaluation, expression 233
evaluation, lazy 92 99
Evaluation, multiple 18—19 22
Examples, regular expression 223 230 239
Excel spreadsheet 97
Exhaustive testing 154
Expected performance 40
Exponential algorithm 41
Expression see also "Regular expression"
Expression, evaluation 233
Expression, format 7
Expression, style 6—8
expressions, complex 7
Expressions, negated 6 8 25
Expressions, readability of 6
Extensions, printf 216
Fall-through, switch 16
falloc symbol 5
far pointer 192
fdopen function 134
Fflush library function 126
Fgets library function 22 88 92 140 156
Fielding, Raymond 29
FILE see also "Header"
files, binary 132 157 203
Files, test data 157
final declaration 21
find library function 30
find_first_of library function 101—102
Flandrena, Bob xii 188
float vs. double 183
Floating-point, arithmetic, IEEE 112 181 193
Floating-point, error, Pentium 130
Flush, buffer 107 126
fmt Awk program 229
for loop idioms 12 194
Format, CSV 91 93 96
Format, dynamic printf 68
Format, output 89
Format, printf %.*s 133
Format, string, printf 216
Fraser, Chris 245
Fread library function 106 205
Free list 180
free, library function 48
free, multiple calls of 131
freeall list function 48
French, Rene'e xii
freq program 147 161
Friedl, Jeffrey 246
| Frost, Robert 85
fscanf library function 67
Function see also "Library function"
function macros see also "Macros function"
Function macros, addend list 46
Function macros, addfront list 46
Function macros, addname list 42
Function macros, addop 233 244
Function macros, alloca 180
Function macros, apply list 47
Function macros, applyinorder tree 53
Function macros, applypostorder tree 54
Function macros, avg 141
Function macros, C++ inline 17 19
Function macros, C++ sort 37
Function macros, check 125
Function macros, CSV advquoted 97 98
Function macros, CSV csvfield 98
Function macros, CSV csvnfield 98
Function macros, CSV endofline 96
Function macros, CSV main 89 98 103
Function macros, CSV reset 96
Function macros, CSV split 97
Function macros, Csv::advplain 102
Function macros, Csv::advquoted 102
Function macros, Csv::endofline 101
Function macros, Csv::getfield 102
Function macros, Csv::getline 100
Function macros, Csv::getnfield 102
Function macros, Csv::split 101
Function macros, csvgetline 95
Function macros, delitem list 49
Function macros, delname 43
Function macros, divop 236
Function macros, emalloc 46 110
Function macros, emit 244
Function macros, eprintf 49 109
Function macros, estrdup 110 114
Function macros, eval 233—234 236
Function macros, fdopen 134
Function macros, freeall list 48
Function macros, generate 235
Function macros, getbits 183
Function macros, grep 226
Function macros, grep main 225
Function macros, Icmp Integer comparison 38
Function macros, inccounter list 48
Function macros, insert tree 51
Function macros, isspam 167 169 177
Function macros, leftmost longest matchstar 227
Function macros, lookup binary search 31 36
Function macros, lookup hash table 56
Function macros, lookup list 47
Function macros, lookup tree 52
Function macros, macro, isoctal 5
Function macros, macros 17—19
Function macros, Markov C add 68
Function macros, Markov C addsuffix 68
Function macros, Markov C build 67
Function macros, Markov C generate 70
Function macros, Markov C hash 66
Function macros, Markov C lookup 67
Function macros, Markov C main 71
Function macros, Markov C++ build 77
Function macros, Markov C++ generate 78
Function macros, Markov C++ main 77
Function macros, Markov Java Chain, build 73
Function macros, Markov Java Chain.add 73
Function macros, Markov Java Chain.gene rate 74
Function macros, Markov Java main 72
Function macros, Markov Java Prefix.equals 75
Function macros, Markov Java Prefix.hashCode 74
Function macros, match 224
Function macros, matchhere 224
Function macros, matchstar 225
Function macros, memset 152
Function macros, names 4
Function macros, newitern list 45
Function macros, nrlookup tree 53
Function macros, nvcmp name-value comparison 37
Function macros, pack 218
Function macros, pack_typel 217 219
Function macros, parameter, ... ellipsis 109 218
Function macros, pointer 34 47 122 220—221 233 236 244
Function macros, printnv list 47
Function macros, progname 110
Function macros, prototype, C 191
Function macros, pushop 236
Function macros, quicksort 33
Function macros, Quicksort.rand 39
Function macros, Quicksort.sort 39
Function macros, Quicksort.swap 39
Function macros, receive 221
Function macros, Scmp String comparison 38
Function macros, setprogname 110
Function macros, strdup 14 110 196
Function macros, strings 132
Function macros, strings main 133
Function macros, strstr 167
Function macros, swap 33
Function macros, testmalloc 158
Function macros, unpack 219
Function macros, unpack_type2 220
Function macros, unquote 88
Function macros, usage 114
Function macros, virtual 221
Function macros, weprintf 52 109 197
Function macros, wrapper 111
Fwrite library function 106 205
Gamma, Erich 84
Garbage collection 48 75 108
Garbage collection, reference count 108
GCC compiler 120
generate function 235
generate function, Markov C 70
generate function, Markov C++ 78
generic class see "Container class"
Getbits function 183
getchar, idioms 13 194
getchar, library function 13 194
getquotes.tcl Tcl program 87
gets, error 14 156
gets, library function 14 156
geturl.tcl Tcl program 230
GIF encoding 184
Global variable 3 24 104 122
Gosling, James 83 212
Got here message 124
Graph of hash table chains 126
Graph of hash table size 174
grep, function 226
grep, implementation 225—227
grep, main function 225
grep, options 228
grep, program 223—226
Grosse, Eric xii
Growing, arrays 41—44 58 92 95 97 158
Growing, hash table 58
Hanson, David 115 245
Harbison, Sam 212
Hardware error 130
Hash function 55 57
Hash function multiplier 56—57
Hash function, Java 57
Hash table 55—58 78 169
Hash table chains, graph of 126
Hash table diagram 55
Hash table function, lookup 56
Hash table insertion 56
Hash table size 56—57 65
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