Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Kernighan B.W., Pike R. — The practice of programming |
Предметный указатель |
McConnell, Steve 28 115 137
Mcllroy, Doug xii 59
McNamee, Paul xii
mechanization 86 146 149 155 237—240
Memcmp library function 173
Memcpy library function 43 105
Memishian, Peter xii
memmove, array update idioms 43 68
memmove, library function 43 68 105
Memory allocation 48 67 92
Memory allocation error 130
Memory Allocator see "Malloc" "New"
Memory leak 107 129 131
Memory Management 48
memset, function 152
memset, library function 182
memset, test 152—153
Mental model bug 127
Message see also "eprintf" "weprintf"
Message, can't get here 124
Message, can't happen 15 142 155
Message, format, error 114
Message, got here 124
Metacharacter $ end of string 222
Metacharacter * zero or more 223 225 227
Metacharacter + one or more 223 228
Metacharacter . any character 223
Metacharacter ? zero or one 223 228
Metacharacter [] character class 223 228
Metacharacter \ quote 223 228
Metacharacter ^ start of string 222
Metacharacter | OR 223
Metacharacters, Perl 231
Metacharacters, regular expression 222
MIME encoding 203
Minnie, A. 253
Misleading error message 134
Mitchell, Don P. 82
Modula-3 237
Mullender, Sape xii
Mullet, Kevin 115
multi-threading 90 108 118
Multi-way decisions 14
Multiple assignment 9
Multiple calls of free 131
Multiple evaluation 18—19 22
Multiple evaluation of macro argument 18 129
Multiplier, hash function 56—57
n log n algorithm 34 41
Name-value comparison function, nvcmp 37
Name-value structure see "Nameval structure"
Names, descriptive 3
Names, function 4
Names, variable 3—4 155
Nameval structure 31 42 45 50 55
naming convention 3—5 104
Naming convention, __ 104
NaN not a number 112
Near pointer 192
Negated expressions 6 8 25
NELEMS macro 22 31
Nelson, Peter xii
Nemeth, Evi xii
New idioms 14
New library function 14 120
Newitem list function 45
Non-printing characters 132
Non-reproducible bug 130—131
NONWORD value 69
Not a number, NaN 112
Notation, for zero 21
Notation, printf-like 87 99 217
nrlookup tree function 53
Null byte, '\0' 21
null pointer 21
null reference 21 73
Numbers, magic 2 19—22 129
Numeric patterns of error 124
Numerology 124
nvcmp name-value comparison function 37
NVtab structure 42
o-notation 40—41 see
O-notation, table 41
Object copy 67 73 107—108 161
Object.Java 38 40 71
off-by-one error 13 124 141
On the-fly compiler see "Just-in-time compiler"
One or more metacharacter, + 223 228
Opaque type 104
Operating system, Inferno 181 210 213
Operating system, Plan 9 206 210 213 238
Operating system, virtual 202 213
Operator, bitwise 7 127
Operator, logical 6 193
Operator, ++ increment 9
Operator, = assignment 9 13
Operator, >> right shift 8 135 194
Operator, >>= assignment 8
Operator, >>> Java logical right shift 194
Operator, ?: conditional 8 193
Operator, bitblt 241
Operator, function table, optab 234
Operator, overloading 100 183
Operator, precedence 6—7 127
Operator, relational 6 127
Operator, sizeof 22 192 195
Operator, | bitwise 7 127
Operator, || logical 6 193
Optab operator function table 234
Optimization, compiler 176 186
Options, grep 228
OR metacharacter, | 223
Order of evaluation error 9 193
Organization, header file 94
Out of bounds error 153
output, debugging 123
Output, format 89
Output, hexadecimal 125
Output, stream, stdout 104
Overflow, integer 36 157
Overloading, operator 100 183
pack function 218
pack, unpack 216—221
Packet format diagram 216
pack_typel function 217 219
pair container 112
Parameter, ... ellipsis function 109 218
Parameters, default 100
parentheses, redundant 6
Parenthesization 18
Parenthesization and ambiguity 6
Parse tree 54 232
Parse tree, diagram 54 232
Parser generator see "Compiler-compiler"
Pattern matching see "Regular expression"
Patterns, error 120
Patterson, David 188
Pentium floating-point error 130
Performance, bug 18 82 175
Performance, cost model 184
Performance, estimation 184—187
Performance, expected 40
Performance, graph 126 174
Performance, test suite 168
Performance, worst-case 40
Perl, metacharacters 231
Perl, program, enum.pl 239
Perl, program, Markov 80
Perl, program, unhtml.pl 230
| Perl, regular expression 230
Perl, test suite 162
Picture see "Diagram"
Pike, Rob 213 245—246
Pipeline, CPU 179 244
Pivot element, quicksort 32—34
Plan 9 operating system 206 210 213 238
Plauger P.J. 28
Pointer to local variable 130
Pointer, dangling 130
Pointer, far 192
Pointer, function 34 47 122 220—221 233 236 244
Pointer, near 192
Pointer, null 21
Pointer, void* 21 43 47
Portability 189
Portability by intersection 198
Portability by union 198
Position of {} braces 10
POSIX standard 198 212
post-condition 141
Post-order tree traversal 54 232
PostScript 203 215 237 239
PPM encoding 184
Practice of Programming web page xi
pre-condition 141
Pre-order tree traversal 54
Precedence, operator 6—7 127
Prefix class, Markov Java 72
Prefix constructor, Markov Java 74
Prefix hash table 64
Prefix.equals function, Markov Java 75
Prefix.hashCode function, Markov Java 74
Preprocessor directive, #define 2 20 240
Preprocessor directive, #elif 199
Preprocessor directive, #endif 199
Preprocessor directive, #if 196
Preprocessor directive, #ifdef 25 196 198—201
Presotto, David 213
Principles, interface 91 103—106
printf, %.*s format 133
printf, conversion error 120
printf, extensions 216
printf, format string 216
printf, format, dynamic 68
printf-like notation 87 99 217
printnv list function 47
Production code 83 99
Profile, Awk 174
Profile, spam filter 173—174
profiling 167 172—174
progname function 110
Program, byteorder 205
Program, counter 236 243
Program, enum.pl Perl 239
Program, fmt Awk 229
Program, freq 147 161
Program, getquotes.tcl Tcl 87
Program, geturl.tcl Tcl 230
Program, grep 223—226
Program, inverse 147
Program, Markov Awk 79
Program, Markov Perl 80
Program, Markov test 161
Program, sizeof 192
Program, split.awk Awk 229
Program, strings 131—134
Program, unhtml.pl Perl 230
Program, vis 134
Programmable tools 228—231
Programming, defensive 114 142
Protocol checker, Supertrace 57
Prototype, code 83 87
Prototype, CSV 87—91
Prototype, csvgetline 88
pushop function 236
qsort, argument error 122
qsort, library function 34
Quadratic algorithm 40 43 176
Questionable code notation, ? 2 88
quicksort function 33
Quicksort, Algorithm 32
Quicksort, analysis 34
Quicksort, diagram 33
Quicksort, Java 37—40
Quicksort, pivot element 32—34
Quicksort.rand function 39
Quicksort.sort function 39
Quicksort.swap function 39
quote metacharacter, \ 223 228
quotes, stock 86
Rabinowitz, Many xii
Rand library function 33 70
Random class, Java 39
random library function, Java 24 162
Random selection, 1/k 70
rb input mode 134 207
Readability of expressions 6
realloc, idioms 43 95
realloc, library function 43 95 120
Receive function 221
Recent change error 120
Records, test 151
Recovery, error 92 109—113
Reduction in strength 178
redundant parentheses 6
Reentrant code 108
Reference count garbage collection 108
Reference, argument 111 220
Reference, null 21 73
Regression testing 149
Regular expression 99 222—225 239 242
Regular expression, examples 223 230 239
Regular expression, metacharacters 222
Regular expression, Perl 230
Regular expression, Tel 230
Reiser, John 246
Relational operator 6 127
Representation, list 45—46 49
Representation, sparse matrix 183
Representation, tree 50
Representation, two's complement 194
Reproducible error 123
reset function, CSV 96
Resource management 92 106—109
RETURN see "Carriage return"
Right shift, operator, >> 8 135 194
Right shift, operator, >>> Java logical 194
Ritchie, Dennis, xii 212—213
Sam text editor 202 213
Sano, Darrell 115
scanf, error 120
scanf, library function 9 156 183
Schwartz, Randal 83
Scmp String comparison function 38
Script, configuration 201
Script, test 149 160
Scripting languages 80 82 230
Search, algorithm, sequential 30
Search, key 36 55 77
Searching 30—32
Sedgewick, Robert 59
Selection, 1\k random 70
Self-checking code 125
Self-contained test 150
Semantic comments 239
Sentinel 30 69—71
Sequential search algorithm 30
Serializable interface 207
setbuf, setvbuf library function 126
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