Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Kernighan B.W., Pike R. — The practice of programming |
Предметный указатель |
Setjmp library function 113
setmode library function 134
setprogname function 110
Shakespeare, William 165
Shaney, Mark V. xii 84
Shell see "Command interpreter"
Shneiderman, Ben 115
Side effects 8—9 18 193
Side effects, idioms 195
Signals 197
Single point of truth 238
Singly-linked list 45
Size, hash table 56—57 65
sizeof, operator 22 192 195
sizeof, program 192
Sizes, C/C++data type 192 216
Sizes, Java data type 193
size_t type 192 199
sort function, C++ 37
Sort, algorithm, tree 53
Sort, library 34—37
sorting strings 35
Source code control 121 127
Space efficiency 182—184
Spam filter 166—170
Spam filter, data structure diagram 170
Spam filter, profile 173—174
Sparse matrix representation 183
Special-case tuning 181
Special-purpose allocator 180 182
Specification 87 93
Specification, CSV 93
split function, CSV 97
split.awk Awk program 229
Spreadsheet 139 221
Spreadsheet format see "Comma-separated values"
Spreadsheet, Excel 97
Sprintf library function 67
Stack, machine 234
Stack, machine instructions 235
Stack, trace 118—119 122
Standard Template Library see "STL"
Standard, ANSI/ISO C 190 212
Standard, ISO C++ 76 190 212
Standard, language 190
Standard, POSIX 198 212
Start of string metacharacter, ^ 222
State structure 65
State, Markov 64
Static initialization 99 106
static, array 131
static, declaration 94
Statistical test 161
Status return, command 109 225
Status return, error 109
stderr error stream 104 126
stdin input stream 104
stdout output stream 104
Steele, Guy 212
Stevens, Rich xii 212
STL 49 76 104 155 192
stock quotes 86
Strachey, Giles Lytton 215
Strchr library function 30 167
Strcmp library function 26
Strcpy library function 14
Strcspn library function 97 101 155
strdup function 14 110 196
Stream Tokenizer class, Java 73
Strerror library function 109 112
Stress testing 155—159 227
string class, C++ 100
String copy idioms see also "strdup"
String, comparison function, scmp 35
String, copy idioms 14
String, truncation idioms 26
strings, function 132
strings, main function 133
strings, program 131—134
Strlen library function 14
Strncmp library function 167
Stroustrup, Bjarne xii 83
strstr, function 167
strstr, implementation 167—168
strstr, library function 30 167
Strtok library function 88 96 105 108 155
Structure, Code 234
Structure, holes in 195
Structure, member alignment 195
Structure, Nameval 31 42 45 50 55
Structure, NVtab 42
Structure, State 65
Structure, Suffix 66
Structure, Symbol 232
Structure, Tree 233
Strunk, William 1 28
Style, expression 6—8
Style, indentation 6 10 12 15
Subscript Out Of Range error 14 140 157
Suffix 62
Suffix structure 66
sum command 208
Supertrace protocol checker 57
swap function 33
Swift, Jonathan 213
Switch, fall-through 16
Switch, idioms 16
Symbol structure 232
Symbol table 55 58
Synchronized declaration, Java 108
Syntax tree see "Parse tree"
System.err error stream 126
Szymanski, Tom xii
Table, Markov run-time 81
Table, O-notation 41
Table, optab operator function 234
Tail recursion 53
Taylor, Ian Lance xii
Teddy bear 123 137
Tel, program, getquotes.tcl 87
Tel, program, geturl.tcl 230
Tel, regular expression 230
Test program, Markov 161
Test, Awk 150
Test, beta release 160
Test, coverage 148
Test, data files 157
Test, memset 152—153
Test, program bug 129
Test, records 151
Test, scaffold 89 98 146 149 151—155
| Test, script 149 160
Test, self-contained 150
Test, statistical 161
Test, suite, performance 168
Test, suite, Perl 162
Testing, binary search 146
Testing, black box 159
Testing, boundary condition 140—141 152 159—160
Testing, by independent implementations 148
Testing, compiler 147 239
Testing, conservation properties 147 161
Testing, exhaustive 154
Testing, incremental 145
Testing, languages 150
Testing, Markov program 160—162
testing, regression 149
Testing, stress 155—159 227
testing, tools 147 149
Testing, white box 159
testmalloc function 158
Text mode I/O 134
Thimbleby, Harold 115
Thompson, Ken xii 188 213 242 246
Threaded code 234
Time command 171
Timer resolution, CLOCKS_PER_SEC 172
Tools, programmable 228—231
Tools, testing 147 149
Toyama, Kentaro xii
Tradeoffs, design 90
Traveling salesman problem 41
TREE 50—54 231—237
Tree structure 233
Tree traversal, in-order 53
Tree traversal, post-order 54 232
Tree traversal, pre order 54
Tree, balanced 52 76
Tree, binary search 50
Tree, function, applyinorder 53
Tree, function, applypostorder 54
Tree, function, insert 51
Tree, function, lookup 52
Tree, function, nrlookup 53
Tree, parse 54 232
Tree, representation 50
Tree, sort algorithm 53
Trickey, Howard xii 213
Trie data structure 171
TRIP test for TEX 159 162
Try block 113
Tuning, code 176 178—182
Tuning, special-case 181
Tuple 112
Two's complement representation 194
Type, derived 38
Type, opaque 104
Type, size_t 192 199
Typedef declaration 76 217
Typographical bug 128
unhtml.pl Perl program 230
Unicode encoding 31 210 228
uninitialized variables 120 159
Union, portability by 198
unpack function 219
unpack_type2 function 220
Unquote function 88
Unsigned characters 57 152 193
usage function 114
user interfaces 113—115
USS Yorktown 142
UTF-8 encoding 211 213 228
uuencode, uudecode 203
Values, error return 91 111 141 143
Van der Linden, Peter 28
Van Wyk, Chris xii
Variable, errno 112 193
Variable, global 3 24 104 122
Variable, local 3 122
Variable, names 3—4 155
Variables, csvgetline 94
Variables, uninitialized 120 159
va_arg, va_list, va_start, va_end macro 109 218
Vector class, Java 71
Vector container 76 100
Venturi, Robert 189
vfprintf library function 109
virtual function 221
Virtual machine 203 213 232 236
Virtual Operating System 202 213
vis program 134
Visual Basic 215 237
Vlissides, John 84
void* pointer 21 43 47
Wadler, Phil xii
Wait, John W. xii
Wall, Larry 83
Wang, Daniel C. xii
Warning message see "weprintf"
Web, browser 86 231
Web, page, Practice of Programming xi
Weinberger, Peter xii
weprintf function 52 109 197
White box testing 159
White, E.B. 1 28
wide characters 211
Wiener, Norben 139
Wildcards, * 106 222
Winterbottom, Philip 213
Worst-case performance 40
Wrapper function 111
Wright, Margaret xii
X Window System 202 206
Yacc compiler-compiler 232 245
Year 2000 problem 144 182
Yellin, Frank 245
Yorktown 142
Young, Cliff xii
Zero 21
Zero or more metacharacter, * 223 225 227
Zero or one metacharacter, ? 223 228
Zero, division by 141—142 236 241
Zero, notation for 21
[] character class metacharacter 223 228
\ line continuation character 240
\ quote metacharacter 223 228
\r carriage return 89 96 203—204
^ start of string metacharacter 222
_ naming convention 104
{} braces, position of 10
| bitwise operator 7 127
| OR metacharacter 223
|| logical operator 6 193
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