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Поиск книг, содержащих: Running coupling constant
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Greiner W., Muller B., Rafelski J. — Quantum electrodynamics of strong fields | see “Coupling constant” | Parisi G. — Statistical field theory | 152, 161, n. 16, 173, 177, 200 | Ryder L.H. — Quantum Field Theory | 327 | Aitchison I.J.R., Hey A.J.G. — Gauge theories in particle physics. Volume 1: from relativistic quantum mechanics to QED | see “Coupling constant, running” | Hughes I.S. — Elementary Particles | 303—305, 317—318 | Muta T. — Foundations of Quantum Chromodynamics | 200, 215 | Greiner W., Muller B. — Gauge theory of weak interactions | 201 | Shifman M.A. — ITEP lectures on particle physics and field theory (Vol. 1) | 116 | Griffits D. — Introduction to elementary particles | (see “Coupling constant”) | Greiner W., Reinhardt J. — Quantum electrodynamics | 294, 302 | Halzen F., Martin A.D. — Quarks and Leptons: An Introductory Course in Modern Particle Physics | 9, 167, 347 | Greiner W., Mueller B. — Quantum mechanics: symmetries | 385 | Hatfield B. — Quantum field theory of point particles and strings | 407 | Gottfried K., Weisskopf V.F. — Concepts of Particle Physics | 163, 164 | Zakrzewski W.J. — Low Dimensional Sigma Models | 85 | Weinberg S. — The Quantum Theory of Fields. Vol. 2 Modern Applications | see "Coupling constants", "Beta-function" | Ross G. — Grand Unified Theories | 102, 105, 194, 202, 388 | Shifman M.A. — ITEP lectures on particle physics and field theory (Vol. 2) | 116 | Moriyasu K. — An Elementary Primer for Gauge Theory | 130 | Morii T., Lim C., Mukherjee S. — The physics of the standard model and beyond | 101 | D.H. Perkins — Introduction to high energy physics | 187 | D.H. Perkins — Introduction to high energy physics | 187 |