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Aitchison I.J.R., Hey A.J.G. — Gauge theories in particle physics. Volume 1: from relativistic quantum mechanics to QED |
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24 (see also “ Charmonium”)
boson 38 335—336
in QED 325
resonance 13—15
matrices 90 103 185 211 379—380
matrices, anticommutation relations 379
matrices, trace theorems 216 379—382
matrix 274 379—380
decay 19—20
(Pauli) matrices 79 82 102 339
4-momentum conservation 152 163 348
4-vector 347—348
ABC theory 144—145 150—171
ABC theory, decay 151—154
ABC theory, propagator corrections in 280—286
ABC theory, scattering 155—171
Abelian U(l) group 69
action 120
Action at a distance 28—29
Action, Hamilton’s principle of least 119—120 123 127—128
Aharonov — Bohm effect 71—72
Ampere’s Law 55 346
Amplitude, invariant 153 163
Amplitude, transition current form Dirac case 211
Amplitude, transition current form KG case 206
Analogue nuclei 12 164
Analytic function 361
Analyticity 361
Annihilation process 165
Annihilation, into hadrons 267—272
Annihilation, 239 247—248
Annihilation, , in CM frame 239 247—248
Annihilation, 230—233
Anticommutation relations 182—185
Antiparticles, in quantum field theory 174—181
Antiparticles, prediction and discovery 94
Associated production 21—22
asymptotic freedom 255 321—322
Baryon number, conservation 67
Baryon number, non-conservation 56 336
Baryon spectroscopy 13
Beta decay 3 37—39
Beta decay in Fermi theory 39
Bjorken, limit 252
Bjorken, scaling 252—259
Bjorken, x variable 254—255
Black hole 46
Black hole, horizon 46
Bohr model 6
Born approximation 34 374—375
Bose symmetry 135
Bottom quark 25
Breit (‘brick wall’) frame 259
Breit — Wigner amplitude 165
Callan — Gross relation 257—259
Casimir effect 135
Cauchy — Reimann relations 362
Cauchy’s integral formula 363
Cauchy’s Theorem 362
Causality 157—158 180—181
Centre-of-momentum (CM) frame 164 167—168 224 236 239 267 275
CGS units, rationalized Gaussian 345—346
Chadwick, discovery of neutron by 10
Charge independence of nuclear forces 12
Charge independence of quark forces 15
Charge, electric, conservation, global 55 58 197
Charge, electric, conservation, local 55 58 197
Charge, electric, definition 229 324
Charge, electric, effective 284 292
Charge, electric, quantization 67
Charge, electric, screening 318—319
Charge, electric, screening, by the vacuum 319—320
Charged current process 20
Charm 21—25
Charm quark 21 23—24
Charmonium 24—25 41 51
Cloud of virtual particles 169
Colour 41—44
Colour and R 270
Colour in Drell — Yan process 265
Compactified space dimensions 48 52
Compensating field 59
Compton effect 29
Compton scattering of 233—237
confinement 17 43—44 270
Conjugate variables 130
Conservative force 360
Constraints 189
Contact force 28
Continuity equation for electric charge 55 57—58
Continuity equation in covariant form 57
Contour integration 294—296 360—365
Contravariant 4-vector 73 347
Coulomb interaction, instantaneous 222
Coulomb’s law 35 207 222 302 310 315—316 366
Counter terms, determined by renormalization conditions 300—302
Counter terms, dimension 47 154 197—198 329—334
Counter terms, dimensionless 335
Counter terms, Higgs 321
Counter terms, in ABC theory 299—302
Counter terms, in Fermi theory 331—333
Counter terms, in QED 306—308
Counter terms, running 40 317—322
Coupling constant 36 197 279
Covariance 57 349—351
Covariance of Dirac equation under Lorentz transformation 85—91
Covariant 4-vector 73 348
Covariant derivative 63 196 199
Cross section, derivation of formula for two-body spinless differential 166—168
Cross section, differential for 270—272
Cross section, differential for 239 247—248 344
Cross section, differential for hadrons 267—272
Cross section, differential for 223—225 383—388
Cross section, differential for 237—239 246
Cross section, differential for Compton scattering 235—237 246
Cross section, differential for elastic scattering 240—244
Cross section, differential for inelastic scattering 251
Cross section, differential for virtual photons 257—259
Cross section, differential for virtual photons, Hand convention 258 273
Cross section, differential for virtual photons, longitudinal/scalar 258
Cross section, differential for virtual photons, transverse 258
Cross section, differential in natural units 343—344
Cross section, differential in non-relativistic scattering theory 373
Cross section, differential, inclusive 249 251 256 272
Cross section, differential, Mott 213
Cross section, differential, no structure 224—225 239
Cross section, differential, Rosenbluth 242
Cross section, differential, unpolarized 212 223 250 268 383
Crossing symmetry 230—233
Current, and form factors 228—229 241
Current, and gauge invariance 195—197
Current, and hadron tensor 250
Current, conservation 76 82 101 103 197 220 238 313
Current, current form of matrix element 220—221
Current, momentum space 219—220
Current, operator, electromagnetic 4-vector, Dirac 197
Current, operator, electromagnetic 4-vector, Klein — Gordon 199
Current, probability see “Probability current”
Current, symmetry see “Symmetry current”
Current, transition, electromagnetic 206 209 211 220
Current, used in evaluating contraction of tensors 238—239
Cut-off, in renormalization 284 288 296—298 310 312
Decay rate 153 389
Deep inelastic region 244
Deep inelastic scattering 16 244 249—262 266
Deep inelastic scattering, scaling violations in 42 253—254
Density of final states 166
dielectric constant 318—319
Dielectric, polarizable 318
Dipole moment, induced 318—319
| Dirac, algebra 379—382
Dirac, charge form factor 242 317
Dirac, delta function 31 130 152 352—359
Dirac, equation 77—82
Dirac, equation, and parity 91
Dirac, equation, and spin 78—80 82—85
Dirac, equation, for interacting with potential 98
Dirac, equation, free-particle solutions 80—81 91—93 101—102
Dirac, equation, in slash notation 211
Dirac, equation, Lorentz covariance of 85—91
Dirac, equation, negative-energy solutions 91—97 104
Dirac, equation, positive-energy solutions 92 99 104
Dirac, equation, probability current 81—82 88 90 97 103
Dirac, equation, probability density 81—82 88 97 103
Dirac, field, quantization of 181—186
Dirac, Hamiltonian 122 129 131
Dirac, interpretation of negative-energy solutions 93—94
Dirac, Lagrangian 181
Dirac, matrices 78—80 101 103
Dirac, propagator 185 199
Dirac, sea 93—94
Dirac, spinor 79 82—93
Dirac, spinor, conjugate 103
Dirac, spinor, Lorentz transformation of 85—91 104—106
Dirac, spinor, normalization 89—90 92—93 181 211
Displacement current 55
Divergence 47 170 283
Divergence, infrared 306 309
Divergence, of self energy, in ABC theory 293—297
Divergence, of self energy, photon, in QED 309—311
Divergence, ultraviolet 283 306
Drell — Yan process 262—267 270 275
Drell — Yan process, scaling in 266
Dyson expansion 147—150 279—280
d’Alembertian operator 75
Effective low-energy theory 334—335
electromagnetic field see “Field electromagnetic”
Electromagnetic interactions see “Interactions electromagnetic”
Electromagnetic scattering see “Scattering electromagnetic”
Electromagnetic transition current see “Current transition electromagnetic”
Electron Compton scattering 233—237
Electron, magnetic moment of 100—101 326—329
Electroweak theory 4
Energy-time uncertainty relation 32—33 319
Ether 28
Euler — Lagrange equations 121 128 130 137 175 186
Exclusion principle 12 93 119 182
Faraday — Lenz law 55
Faraday, and lines of force 28
Fermi, constant 39 47 330
Fermi, constant, dimensionality of 330
Fermi, constant, related to W mass 39
Fermionic fields 181—186
Fermionic fields and spin-statistics connection 181—185
Feynman rules for ABC theory 163
Feynman rules for loops 169—170 282—283
Feynman rules for QED 221—222 233 389—391
Feynman, prescription 160—165 179—180 185 294—295 371
Feynman, diagram, description of 35
Feynman, diagram, description of, connected 171
Feynman, diagram, description of, disconnected 170
Feynman, diagram, description of, for counter terms 299—300
Feynman, gauge 195
Feynman, identity 294 304 319
Feynman, interpretation of negative-energy solutions 95—97 209 230
Feynman, path-integral formulation of quantum mechanics 123—124
Feynman, propagator for complex scalar field 179
Feynman, propagator for Dirac field 185
Feynman, propagator for photon 190—195
Feynman, propagator for real scalar field 157
Feynman, scaling variable 266 275
Field strength renormalization 288—291 297 308 349
Field theory, classical, Lagrange — Hamilton approach 127—129
Field theory, quantum see “Quantum field theory”
Field, electromagnetic 29
Field, electromagnetic, quantization of 186—195
Fine structure constant 206 279
Fine structure constant, -dependent 317—321
Flavour, lepton 18—21
Flavour, quark 21—26
Flux factor 166 208 251 372—373 376 385
Flux factor for virtual photon 257—258
Form factor, electromagnetic 9
Form factor, electromagnetic, of nucleon 12 16 240—244
Form factor, electromagnetic, of nucleon, and invariance arguments 241—244
Form factor, electromagnetic, of nucleon, Dirac charge 242
Form factor, electromagnetic, of nucleon, Pauli anomalous magnetic moment 242
Form factor, electromagnetic, of nucleon, radiatively induced 317
Form factor, electromagnetic, of pion 225—230
Form factor, electromagnetic, of pion, and invariance arguments 227—230
Form factor, electromagnetic, of pion, in the time-like region 230
Form factor, electromagnetic, static 226
Form invariance see “Covariance”
Four-vector potential, electromagnetic 57 59 186—195
Fourier series 354—356
Franck — Hertz Experiment 6
g factor, prediction of g = 2 from Dirac equation 98—101
g factor, QED corrections to 326—329
Gauge, choice of 187
Gauge, choice of, and photon propagator 194—195
Gauge, covariance, in quantum mechanics 60—63
Gauge, covariant derivative 63
Gauge, field 67
Gauge, invariance 36 54—63 188 220
Gauge, invariance, and charge conservation 58 195—197
Gauge, invariance, and masslessness of photon 36 40 187 311 314
Gauge, invariance, and Maxwell equations 56—60
Gauge, invariance, and photon polarization states 187—189
Gauge, invariance, and Schrodinger current 62
Gauge, invariance, and Ward identity 234—235
Gauge, invariance, as dynamical principle 63—72
Gauge, invariance, in classical electromagnetism 56—60
Gauge, invariance, in quantum mechanics 60—63
Gauge, invariance, of QED 195 220
Gauge, parameter 194—195
Gauge, parameter, physical results independent of 195 220
Gauge, principle 63—72 98—101 171 195—199
Gauge, theories 38 40 45 49 53—56
Gauge, transformation 57—66
Gauge, transformation and quantum mechanics 60—63
Gauss’s divergence theorem 366
Gauss’s law 55 318 345 366
Geiger — Marsden experiment 5—7 16 42
Gell — Mann — Nishijima scheme 22
General relativity 4 45—46 59—60
Generations 17—19 21—25
Glashow — Iliopoulos — Maiani (GIM) mechanism 24
Gluon 41—44 262
Gluons, and momentum sum rule 262
Golden Rule 375—376
Goldstone quantum 314
Gordon decomposition of current 248
Graviton 46
Gravity 4 28 44—48 52 59 335—336
Green function 35 158 172 179 190 366—371 374
Gupta — Bleuler formalism 193—194
Hadron 4—5 14
Hadronic multiplets 15
Hadronization 43
Hamiltonian 122 124—126 128—129 131—133 138—139
Hamiltonian, density 129 131 138
Hamiltonian, Dirac 184
Hamiltonian, for charged particle in electromagnetic field 60
Hamiltonian, Klein — Gordon 138 145
Hamilton’s equations 60
Hand cross section for virtual photons 258 273
Heaviside — Lorentz units 54 345—346
Heisenberg, equation of motion 122 139—140
Heisenberg, picture (formulation) of quantum mechanics 122—123 134—135 377—378
Helicity 84—87 105—106 213 259 274 309
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