Результат поиска |
Поиск книг, содержащих: Cornu spiral
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Siegman A.E. — Lasers | 717—718 | Ito K. — Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mathematics. Vol. 2 | 93.H 167.D | Henrici P. — Applied and Computational Complex Analysis (Vol. 2) | 397 | Guenther R.D. — Modern optics | 434, 439—442, 459—60, 468 | Braselton J.P. — Maple by Example | 54 | Ito K. — Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mathematics | 93.H, 167.D | Zajac A. — Optics | 287, 500—503 | Meschede D. — Optics, Light and Lasers: The Practical Approach to Modern Aspects of Photonics and Laser Physics | 61 | Banerjee P.P., Poon T.-C. — Principles of applied optics | 94 | Kühnel W., Hunt B. — Differential Geometry: Curves - Surfaces - Manifolds | 16 | Bracewell R.N. — The Fourier Transform and its applications | 20, 546 | Vanderlugt A. — Optical signal processing | 91—92, 94 | Fogiel M. — The optics problem solver | 11—21 to 11—23 | Ohanian H.C. — Classical Electrodynamics | 513, 514 | Bracewell R. — The Fourier Transform and Its Applications | 20, 546 | Pedrotti L.M. — Introduction to Optics | 376, 86 | Kruegel E. — The Physics of Interstellar Dust | 113, 115 | Sapidis N.S. — Designing Fair Curves and Surfaces: Shape Quality in Geometric Modeling and Computer-Aided Design | 31 | Guillemin V., Sternberg S. — Symplectic techniques in physics | 61 |