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Meschede D. — Optics, Light and Lasers: The Practical Approach to Modern Aspects of Photonics and Laser Physics
Meschede D. — Optics, Light and Lasers: The Practical Approach to Modern Aspects of Photonics and Laser Physics

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Название: Optics, Light and Lasers: The Practical Approach to Modern Aspects of Photonics and Laser Physics

Автор: Meschede D.


Starting from the concepts of classical optics, Optics, Light and Lasers introduces in detail the phenomena of linear and nonlinear light matter interaction, the properties of modern laser sources, and the concepts of quantum optics. Several examples taken from the scope of modern research are provided to emphasize the relevance of optics in current developments within science and technology. The text has been written for newcomers to the topic and benefits from the author's ability to explain difficult sequences and effects in a straightforward and easily comprehensible way. To this second, completely updated and enlarged edition, new chapters on quantum optics, quantum information, matter waves, photonic fibres and materials have been added, as well as more than 100 problems on laser physics and applied optics.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2004

Количество страниц: 410

Добавлена в каталог: 19.03.2008

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
$M^2$ factor      288
$\mathrm{CO}_2$ laser      207
$\mathrm{KNbO}_3$      364
$\pi$ pulses      332
Abbe number      10
Abbean sine condition      113
ABCD matrices      19
ABCD matrices, conventions      19
ABCD matrices, Gaussian modes      42
ABCD matrices, waveguides      24
Aberration, chromatic      127
Aberration, spherical      124
Aberrations      121
Abraham — Lorentz equation      166 167
Absorption      318
Absorption cross-section      182
Absorption, in optical materials      81
Absorption, saturated      319
Achromat      128
Acousto-optical modulator      248
Acousto-optical modulators      102
Adiabatic elimination      233
Afocal      22
Afocal system      117
Air laser      206
Airy disc      58
Airy function      147
alpha parameter      230
Amplifier noise      296
Amplitude noise      240
Angle matching      363
Anharmonic oscillator      349
Anisotropic optical materials      90
Anomalous dispersion      167
AOMs      102
Aperture aberration      124
Argon laser      203
Astigmatism      125
Atom optics      26
Atomic beams      326
Avalanche photodiodes      312
Babinet's principle      62
Beam splitter      132
Bennett holes      197
Birefringence      90
Birefringence, beam walk-off      93
Birefringence, microscopic model      90
Birefringence, polarizers      97
Birefringence, strain      90
Birefringence, uniaxial crystals      90
Birefringent filter      226
Birefringent filters      95
Bloch — Siegert shift      179
Bragg diffraction      102
Bragg diffraction, pendulum solution      104
Brewster angle      69
Brewster condition      69
Candela      315
Cat's eye      8
Cavity dumping      248
Cavity QED      187
CCD sensors      314
Channeltron      308
Chirped pulse amplification      256
chromatic aberration      127
Cladding pumping      219
Clausius — Mossotti equation      174
Coherence      129 130
Coherence, longitudinal      139
Coherence, temporal      140
Coherence, transverse      134
Coherent superposition      336
Colour centre laser      223
Coma      126
Concave mirror, astigmatic aberration      17
Concave mirror, astigmatism      17
Concave mirrors      16
Confocal parameter      40
Continuity equation      31
Contracted notation      354
Corner cube reflector      8
Corner frequency      296
Cornu spiral      61
Correlation function      131
Cosmic background radiation      184
Coulomb gauge      34
Coupled amplitude equations      357
Crystal field splitting      212
Current noise      389
Curved mirrors      15
Dark current noise      295
DBR laser      286
Density of states      395
Density-matrix formalism      394
Dephasing      334
Depolarizing field      174
Depopulation pumping      329
Depth of focus      114
Detectors, photovoltaic      311
Detectors, quantum      291
Detectors, thermal      291
DFB laser      286
Dielectric function      171
Dielectric interfaces      65
Dielectric media      28
Dielectric media, optically dense      173
Dielectric media, optically thin      171 172
Dielectric susceptibility      28 171
Difference frequency      371
Diffraction      50 65
Diffraction grating      136
Diffraction, Bragg region      102
Diffraction, Raman — Nath region      102
Digital Light Processing      102
Digital mirror device      101
Diode laser, amplitude modulation      280
Diode laser, arrays      289
Diode laser, dynamics      279
Diode laser, extended cavity      286
Diode laser, external cavity      286
Diode laser, heterostructure      270
Diode laser, high-power      288
Diode laser, linewidth      281
Diode laser, optical feedback      284
Diode laser, phase modulation      280
Diode laser, quantum well      277
Diode laser, tapered amplifier      289
Diode laser, tunable      285
Diode laser, wavelength      273
Diode laser, wide stripe      289
Dioptre      21
Dipole character      37
Dipole interaction      176
Dipole operator      176
dispersion      8 318
Dispersion length      87
Distortion      126
DLP      102
DMD      101
Doppler effect broadening      197
Doppler effect, second order      331
Doppler width      322
Double slit, atomic beams      135
Double slit, electron beam      135
Drude model      71
Dye laser      224
EDFA      218
Einstein coefficients      186
electric polarizability      168
Electro-optical modulators      97
Electro-optical modulators, half-wave voltage      98
Electromagnetic field, energy density      34
Electromagnetic field, momentum current density      34
EOMs      97
Erbium laser      218
Erbium-doped fibre amplifier      218
Etalon      145
Evanescent wave field      70
Excimer laser      210
eye      108
Eyepiece      110
Fabry — Perot interferometer      145
Fabry — Perot interferometer, resolution      150
Fabry — Perot spectrum analyser      201
Faraday effect      104
Faraday isolator      106
Faraday rotators      104
Fata Morgana      6
FBGs      220
Femto chemistry      101
Fermat's principle      4
Fibre absorption      80
Fibre Bragg grating      220
Fibre laser      219
FID      333
Finesse      149
Finesse coefficient      147
Flicker noise      296
Focal point      15
Focus      15
Four-level system      188
Four-wave mixing, FWM      377
Fourier components      30
Fourier optics      58
Fraunhofer diffraction      54 55
Fraunhofer diffraction, circular aperture      57
Fraunhofer diffraction, Gaussian transmitter      56
Fraunhofer diffraction, single slit      55
Free induction decay      333
Free spectral range      148
Frequency chirp      87 386
Frequency doubling      359
Frequency doubling, Gaussian beams      365
Frequency doubling, resonant      367
Frequency doubling, strong conversion      361
Frequency doubling, weak conversion      360
Frequency modulation      98
Frequency tripling      377
Fresnel diffraction      54 59
Fresnel diffraction, circular aperture      61
Fresnel diffraction, straight edge      60
Fresnel formulae      68
Fresnel lenses      63
Fresnel zones      63
FTIR      70
Full width at half-maximum      320
FWHM      320
Gain, saturated      197
GaN laser      263
Gas lasers      203
Gauss — Voigt profile      322
Gaussian beams      37
Gaussian beams, ABCD rules      42
Gaussian beams, beam radius      40
Gaussian beams, beam waist      40
Gaussian beams, confocal parameter      40
Gaussian beams, divergence      40
Gaussian beams, Gouy phase      41
Gaussian beams, higher modes      44
Gaussian principal mode      38
Gaussian rays, Gaussian principal mode3      8
Glan polarizers      97
Graded-index fibre      79
Grating laser      285
Grating, blazed      136
Grating, holographic      136
Grating, resolution      138
Gravity wave interferometer      142
GRIN fibre      79
GRIN lenses      24
Group index of refraction      85
Group velocity      85
Group velocity dispersion      86
Hagen — Rubens relation      73
Hanle effect      170
HE/EH modes      78
Helmholtz equation      33
Helmholtz equation, paraxial      44
Hermitian polynomials      45
Hermitian — Gaussian modes      44
Hertzian dipole      36
Heterodyne detection      302
Heterostructures      269
Hole burning      225 327
Holes, spectral      197
Hologram, in-line      159
Hologram, reconstruction      160
Holographic recording      159
Holography      159
Homodyne detection      302
Homostructures      269
Host crystals      211
Hot Spot      63
Hubble Space Telescope      119
Huygens eyepiece      110
Huygens' principle      50
HWHM      320
Hydrogen atom, spectroscopy      331
Image amplifiers      315
Image Converter      315
Image sensors      313
Image, stigmatic      15
Index ellipsoid      92
Index of refraction      3
Index of refraction, extraordinary      91
Index of refraction, inhomogeneous      6
Index of refraction, intensity-depend8      8
Index of refraction, ordinary      91
Indicatrix      92
Injection locking      282
Interferometry      129
Intra-cavity etalon      198
Intrinsic permutation symmetry      353
inversion      177 181 188
Jaynes — Cummings model      239
Jones vectors      48
Kerr effect      97
Kerr lens mode locking (KLM)      253
Kerr lens mode-locking      380
Kirchhoff's integral theorem      52
Kleinman symmetry      355
Lamb dip      198
Lambda half/quarter plates      94
Lambda meter      141
Lanthanides      212
Larmor formula      186
Larmor frequency      169
Laser      191
Laser cooling      343
Laser diode, inversion      264
Laser granulation      163
Laser gyro      144
Laser noise      240
Laser outcoupling      233
Laser rate equations      233
Laser resonator, bowtie      225
Laser resonator, Z-shaped      216
Laser speckle      163
Laser spectroscopy      317
Laser spiking      234
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