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Meschede D. — Optics, Light and Lasers: The Practical Approach to Modern Aspects of Photonics and Laser Physics
Meschede D. — Optics, Light and Lasers: The Practical Approach to Modern Aspects of Photonics and Laser Physics

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Название: Optics, Light and Lasers: The Practical Approach to Modern Aspects of Photonics and Laser Physics

Автор: Meschede D.


Starting from the concepts of classical optics, Optics, Light and Lasers introduces in detail the phenomena of linear and nonlinear light matter interaction, the properties of modern laser sources, and the concepts of quantum optics. Several examples taken from the scope of modern research are provided to emphasize the relevance of optics in current developments within science and technology. The text has been written for newcomers to the topic and benefits from the author's ability to explain difficult sequences and effects in a straightforward and easily comprehensible way. To this second, completely updated and enlarged edition, new chapters on quantum optics, quantum information, matter waves, photonic fibres and materials have been added, as well as more than 100 problems on laser physics and applied optics.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2004

Количество страниц: 410

Добавлена в каталог: 19.03.2008

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Laser theory      227
Laser threshold      232
Laser, amplitude noise      244
Laser, decoupling mirror      200
Laser, disc      220
Laser, end-pumped      216
Laser, fluctuations      244
Laser, gain profile      197
Laser, helium-neon      193
Laser, high-power      255
Laser, line selection      196
Laser, linewidth      200
Laser, mode selection      195
Laser, neodymium      215
Laser, pulsed      247
Laser, RIN      245
Laser, single-atom      238
Laser, single-frequency      198
Laser, single-mode      198
Laser, threshold-less      237
Laser, transition-metal ions      222
Laser, types      192
Laser, vibronic      222
Laser, white light      256
Laser-induced fluorescence      317
Laterally attenuated wave      70
Law of refraction      3
LC modulators      100
Least distance of distinct vision      108
Lens aberrations      121
Lens equation      107
Lens matrix      20
Lens systems      22
Lens systems, afocal      22
Lens systems, periodic      22
Lens, achromatic      128
Lens, biconvex      122
Lens, diffraction limit      43
Lens, magnetic      25
Lens, planar convex      122
Lens, thick      20
Lens, thin      20
Lenses      15
Lenses, designs      122
Lenses, GRIN      24
Lenses, meniscus      122
Lenses, types      122
LiF      317
Light forces      338
Light propagation in matter      65
Light pulse, distortion      86
Light pulse, spectrum      82
Light pulses      81
Light rays, extraordinary      92
Light rays, ordinary      92
light sensors      291
Line shapes      320
Linewidth      320
Linewidth, Doppler      321
Linewidth, heterodyne method      201
Linewidth, homogeneous      321
Linewidth, inhomogeneous      323
Linewidth, natural      321
Linewidth, phasor model      242
Linewidth, pressure broadening      323
Linewidth, time-of-flight      325
Liquid crystal modulators      100
Longitudinal relaxation      180
Lorentz field      174
Lorentz oscillator, in a magnetic field      169
Lorentz profile      167
LP modes      78
Lumen      315
Lyot filter      226
Lyot filters      95
Mach — Zehnder interferometer      143
Magnifying glass      108
Manley — Rowe relation      358
Maser      191
Maser, natural      191
Material dispersion parameter      86
Matrix optics      17
Matrix optics, conventions      19
Matrix, lens      20
Matter waves      135
Maxwell — Bloch equations      229
Maxwell — Lorentz equations      30
Maxwell's equations      30 31
Metal-vapour lasers      205
Metre, definition      33
Michelson interferometer      139
MicroChannel plate      308
Microlaser      237
Microscope, Abbe theory      113
Microscope, resolving power      112
Microscopes      110
Microscopy, confocal      115
Microscopy, scanning near-field optical1      16
Miser      217
Mode dispersion      79 80
Mode locking      249
Mode locking, KLM      253
Mode matching      151
Mode pulling      197 231
Molecular gas lasers      206
Monochromator      138
Monolithic miniature laser      217
MOPA      289
MOS capacitors      313
Multiple beam interference      145
Neodymium amplifier      215
Neodymium laser      215
Neodymium laser, frequency-doubled      216
Neodymium, quantum states      212
Nitrogen laser      206
Noise amplitude      389
Noise properties of measurable quantities3      87
Nonlinear optical switch      382
Nonlinear optics, crystal symmetries      353
Nonlinear polarization      351
Nonlinear products      352
Nonlinear Schroedinger equation      89
Normal dispersion      167
Numerical aperture      112
Numerical aperture, optical fibre      13
Obliquity factor      53
Optical axis      90
Optical Bloch equations      178 181
Optical cavities      150
Optical cavities, concentric      155
Optical cavities, confocal      154
Optical cavities, damping      150
Optical cavities, micro      155
Optical cavities, modes      151
Optical cavities, plane parallel      153
Optical cavities, resonance frequencies      152
Optical cavities, symmetric      153
Optical contact      95
Optical diode      217
Optical diodes      105
Optical fibres      74
Optical Fourier transformation      58
Optical gain      189
Optical grating      136
Optical images      107
Optical isolators      105
Optical Kerr effect      379
optical lithography      114
Optical mixer      302
Optical modulators      97
Optical parametric oscillator, OPO      373
Optical prisms      8
Optical pumping      170 175
Optical resonator, coupling      148
Optical spectral analysis      201
optical tweezers      347
Oscillator strength      174
OWG      74
Parabolic mirrors      16
Parametric gain      371
Paraxial approximation      18
Particle optics      24
Periodically poled materials      369
Phase conjugation      383
Phase diffusion      242
Phase matching      359 362
Phase matching, $90^\circ$      364
Phase matching, non-critical      364
Phase matching, temperature      364
Phase matching, types I, II      363
Phase modulation      98
Phase noise      240
phase velocity      32 33 85
Phasor model      242
Photo-capacitors      313
Photo-refraction      220
Photodiodes      311
Photodiodes, biased      312
Photodiodes, operation modes      312
Photodiodes, photovoltaic      312
Photon      330
Photon echo      335
Photon recoil      338
Pin diodes      311
Plasma frequency, metallic      71
Pn junction      261
Pockels cell      248
Pockels effect      97
Point-spread function      119
Polarization      47
Polarization, dielectric      28
Polarization, macroscopic      28 183
Polarization, microscopic      181
polarizers      97
Porro prism      8
Position sensors      313
Power spectral density      389
Poynting vector      34
Precision measurements      331
Principle of superposition      129
Prism, minimum deflection angle      10
Propagation constant      75
Pseudo-spin system      177
Pulse compressor      256
Pulse distortion      84
Pulse length-bandwidth product      83
Pulse propagation      81
Pulse shape      81
Pulse shaping      101
Pulse stretcher      256
Q-factor      228
Q-switch      247
Q-value      320
qed      166
Quadrant detectors      313
Quadratic index medium      79
Quantities, opto-electronic      295
Quantum beats      336
Quantum dots      278
Quantum efficiency      292
Quantum electrodynamics      166
Quantum electronics      165
Quantum films      275
Quantum optics      165
Quantum sensors      291
Quantum well      277
Quantum wires      278
Quasi-phase matching      369
Rabi frequency      179
Rabi frequency, single-photon      230
Rabi nutation      179
Radiation formula      184
Radiative interaction, semiclassical theory1      65
Rare-earth ions      212
Rayleigh zone      40
Reference star      120
Reflection coefficient      67
Reflection, dielectric      65
Reflection, metallic      73
Reflectivity      68
Refraction coefficient, nonlinear      379
Refractive index      3
Refractive index, complex      71
Refractive index, in conducting materials7      1
Refractive index, macroscopic      171
Refractive indices, table      9
Refractive power      20
Relative intensity noise (RIN)      245
Relaxation oscillations      234
Relaxation, longitudinal      180
Relaxation, transverse      180
Repopulation pumping      329
Resonator field, damping      228
Retarder plates      94
Retarder plates of zero order      95
Retroreflector      8
Ring laser      225
Ruby laser      210
Rydberg constant      331
Sagnac interferometer      143
Saturable absorber      252
Saturated gain      231
Saturation intensity      181 182
Saturation parameter      181
Saturation spectroscopy      327
Saturation spectroscopy, with Cs/Rb vapour      328
Scanning near-field optical microscopy1      16
Schawlow — Townes linewidth      200 246 281
Schmidt mirror      125
Schottky formula      391
Second harmonic generation, SHG      359
Seidel aberrations      122
Self-focusing      380
Self-phase-modulation      386
Sellmeier equation      9
Semiconductors      259
Semiconductors, absorption of light      263
Semiconductors, doped      260
Semiconductors, emission of light      263
Semiconductors, optical properties      262
Sensors, optical      291
Sensors, quantum efficiency      292
Sensors, sensitivity      292
Shot noise      391
Shot-noise-limited detection      302
Signal-to-noise ratio      293
Single lens      25
Single-mode fibres      79
Skin effect, anomalous      72
Skin effect, normal      72
Slab laser      216
SLMs      100
Slowly varying envelope approximation8      8
Small signal gain      189
Snell's law      3
SNOM      116
Solid-state lasers      210
Solitons, optical      88
Spatial filter      46 47
Spatial light modulators      100
1 2 3
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