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Guenther R.D. — Modern optics |
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Abbe, Ernst 193 363 397
Abbe’s, number (value) 287—290
Abbe’s, Sine condition 204
Abbe’s, theory 397—407 422
ABCD, fibers 174—175
ABCD, law for gaussian waves 343—350
ABCD, matrix 144 182—189
ABCD, principal planes 187
ABCD, thin lens 182 345—346
Aberration 140 191 212 454 457—458
Aberration, astigmatism 206—207
Aberration, chromatic 287—290
Aberration, coma 203—206 211
Aberration, distortion 208—209
Aberration, field curvature 208
Aberration, offense against sine 204
Aberration, spherical 198—202 210
Absorption coefficient 51
Acceptance angle, 2nd harmonic generation 658
Acceptance angle, fiber 152—154
Acceptance angle, polarizer 533
Achromatic lens 288—290
Acoustic wave 601 620
Acousto-optic 601—609
Acousto-optic, beam deflector 610—612
Acousto-optic, effect 601—603 620—629
Acousto-optic, mode locker 612—613
Acousto-optic, modification of index of refraction 620 623—624 630
Acousto-optic, modulator see “Modulator”
Acousto-optic, scattering 602—606 621
airy 109 (see also “Fabry — Perot interferometer”)
Airy, Comb 230 232 234 376
Airy, delta 229—232 238—341
Airy, disk 202 374 398
Airy, Formula 373
Airy, function 109 (see also “Fabry — Perot interferometer”)
Airy, gaussian 228—229 300 338—339
Airy, pattern 196—197 373
Airy, sine 224—225 370—371 374
Airy, Sir George Biddell 373
Airy, square 218—219 224 226 235—236
Alhazen 62
Ampere’s Law 27
Analyzer 579—580 (see also “Polarizer”)
Angular magnification 184
Anisotropic, index of refraction 530 539
Anisotropic, material 521
Aperture, function 365 391
Aperture, length 658
Aperture, stop see “Stop”
Apodization 411—413
Arago, Dominique Francois 325 545
Argand diagram 20
Array, function 376 (see also “Grating factor”)
Array, function, theorem 375—376
Astigmatism see “Aberration”
Atomic refractivity 278 (see also “Lorenz — Lorentz law
Attenuation constant 13
Autocorrelation 235—236 303—305
Axial ray see “Ray”
Babinet, Jacques 463
Babinet’s, compensator 542
Babinet’s, principle 463—466
Bandwidth 35 114 261 606
Bandwidth, space 485 495—496 519 606
Bandwidth, time 606—608
Barrel distortion 209 (see also “Aberration; Distortion”)
Bartholinus, Erasmus 521
Beam, divergence see “Gaussian wave parameters (Guassian wave) divergence
Beam, waist, (width) or spot size see “Gaussian beam parameters (Guassian wave) waist”
Bending 209—210
Bessel function see “Functions Bessel”
Biaxial birefringence 563—564
Biot and Savart, law of 27
Biot, Jean Baptiste 524 545—546
Biquard, P. 571 601
Biradial 562
Birefringence 521 (see also “Double refraction”)
Blazed, angle 384—386
Blazed, grating 379 383—386
Boundary conditions, four wave mixing 662
Boundary conditions, Kirchhoff 355 358
Boundary conditions, Maxwell’s equation 68—70 124—125 163
Boundary conditions, nonlinear wave 645 649
Boundary conditions, string, standing wave 106
Boundary conditions, string, three dimensional wave 66 565
Boundary conditions, string, traveling wave 63—65
Boyle, Robert 87
Bragg, angle 626
Bragg, Equation 381 387 606 609 614 624
Bragg, law 487—488 604
Bragg, scattering 604 606 622—626
Bragg, William Lawrence 487
Brewster, Sir David 77 571 596
Brewster’s angle 61 77—78 552 604—605
Brewster’s law 526—528
Brillouin precurrsor 280—281
Brillouin, L. 280 571
Cardinal points 185—188 (see also “Nodal points” “Focal “Principal points”)
Carrier frequency 226—227 256—257
Cauchy, Augustin Louis 252
Cauchy’s equation 252—253
Chief ray 190
Chiral 546 (see also “Optical activity”)
Chirped grating 493
chromatic aberration see “Aberration”
Chromatic resolving power 111 (see also “Resolving power chromatic”)
Circular dichroism 548 552
circular polarization 26—48
classical turning points 172—173 176
Clausius — Mossorti relation 278
Cleomedas 61
Clerk Maxwell, James see “Maxwell James
Coddington, Henry 209
Coddington’s, position factor 210—211
Coddington’s, shape factor 209—211
Coherence 93 104 291 362 421
Coherence length 303 313 646—648 666
Coherence time 301—303
Coherence, degree 296 298 307—308
Coherence, degree, spatial 305 504—506
Coherence, degree, temporal 297—305 401 403—404 503 506—507
Coherence, longitudinal 303 503—504 507
Coherence, mutual 307 421
Coherence, reduction property 314
Coherence, transverse 311—312 506
Coherency matrix 45
Coherent source size 312
Coma see “Aberration”
Comb function see “Functions”
Compensator see “Retarder”
Complex index of refraction 51—52 83—84 264 268—276
Conductivity 28 49—53 60 251—252
Confocal parameter see “Gaussian beam parameters (Gaussian wave) Rayleigh
Conjugate, planes 184 188 366 396
Conjugate, points 186 491
Conservation laws see also “Optical invariant”
Conservation laws, energy 94 602 606 644—645 676
Conservation laws, information 612
Conservation laws, momentum 603 605 607 644—649 651—659 676
Constitutive relations 28—29 49
Constringence see “Abbe’s number
Constructive interference 87 94
contrast 482 490 399 405—406 426—427
Convolution, integral 237—239 241 249 375 415 518
Convolution, theorem 248 375
Cornu spiral 434 439—442 459—60 468
Cornu, Marie Alfred 440
Correlation 235—238 415 421 517—518
Correlation, auto 303—305 318 425
| Correlation, cross 249 304 319
Cosine transform 223 226 298 310
Cotton — Mouton effect 571 596
Coulomb’s law 26
Coupling coefficient 662 667
Critical angle 78—80
Critical phase matching 658
Crown glass 288
Curie temperature 588
Cut off condition 158
Damped oscillator 20
Damping force 13 20
Dark-ground illumination 413
DaVince, Leonardo 325
Dc stop 413 (see also “Filter spatial” “Apodization”)
Debye, Peter 149 571 601
Debye-Sears effect 571
Decay constant 81 159—163 571
Degree of coherence see “Coherence”
Degree of polarization 47—48
Delta function see “Functions”
Density matrix 45 49
Density, charge 27
Density, current 27—28
Density, energy 33 536 630
Density, flux 34—36 46—47 666
Density, momentum 37
Density, number 263
Density, optical 475
Depolarizer 545
Descartes, Rene 62
Destructive interference 87 94
Dextrorotatory 546 550
Dichroic polarizer 523—526
Dichroism 522 524 552
dielectric constant 28 30 60 252 263 267—268 273 276—278 620
Dielectric polarization 28 262—263 267 273 573 592 634 638
Dielectric polarization 2nd order nonlinear 633 635—640 666
Dielectric polarization 3rd order nonlinear 633 635 659
Dielectric susceptibility 267 636—638 665
Difference-frequency generation 637
Diffraction 310 323 362
Diffraction, angle 341—342 607—608 610 divergence
Diffraction, efficiency 489—490 508 514 625
Diffraction, grating 377 379—386 401 472
Diffraction, limit see “Rayleigh limit” “Strehl
Diffraction, patterns 370—374 377—381 386—387 399—403 407 610 442—443 453—454 464—466 482—485
Diopter 141—143
Dirac delta function 229—232 (see also “Functions delta”)
dispersion 5 251—290 573—574 590—593 640
Dispersion equation 13 157 159—165 253—254
Dispersion, anomalous 252 271 275
Dispersion, material 262—279 657—658
Dispersion, mode 260—261
Dispersion, partial 288 290
Dispersion, profile 260
Displacement (electric) 27 262—263 522 529 534—541 556 560 590
Displacement current 27
Distortion 596—597 664
Distortion by a hologram 499 501
Distortion in a pinhole camera 457—458
Divergence angle 341—342 (see also “Diffraction angle”)
Dollond, John 193 289
Doppler, broadening 299—300
Doppler, Christian 299
Doppler, effect 299 603 621
Double refraction 521 (see also “Birefringence”)
Driffield, V. C 475
Drude, Paul Karl Ludwig 253 547
Drude’s equation 267
Duffieux, Pierre — Michel 214 363
Edge enhancement 409 413 low-pass”)
Effective focal length 187
Effective guide index 159 652
Effective nonlinear optical coefficient 641 646
Eikonal 132
Eikonal equation 131—133
Elastic stiffness constant 598
Electro-optic effect on index of refraction 571—579 614
Electro-optic modulator 582—590 (see also “Specific type”)
Elliptical polarization 43—45 47—48
Ellipticity 41 43
End fired coupling 151—155
Energy density see “Density”
Entrance pupil 188—190
Epoch angle 18
Etalon 117
Euclid 61
Euler formula 22 216
Euler, Leonard 1
Evanescent wave 81—82 161 163 255
Exit pupil 188—190
Extinction coefficient 51
Extinction ratio (of polarizers) 526
Extraordinary wave 521 530
f-number 425—426 (see also “f/#”)
f/# 189 (see also “f-number”)
Fabry — Perot interferometer see also “Resonator or cavity”
Fabry — Perot interferometer, contrast 109
Fabry — Perot interferometer, finesse 114—115
Fabry — Perot interferometer, free spectral range 113—114
Fabry — Perot interferometer, spectral resolution 111—115
Fabry — Perot interferometer, stability 144—148 346—347
Fabry, Marie Paul Auguste Charles 110
False detail 406—407
Far-field 365 386 464 diffraction”)
Faraday, effect 590 594 614
Faraday, isolator 595
Faraday, law 25
Faraday, Michael 25 571
Fast axis 532
Fermat, Pierre de 62 130
Fermat’s principle 130 133—138 458—459
Ferroelectric 634
Feussner see “Polarization prism”
Fiber, cladding 152
Fiber, core 152
Fiber, graded index 171
Fiber, step index 151
Field flattener 208
Figure, optical 102 114—115
Figure-of-merit see also “Bandwidth”
Figure-of-merit, acoustic 630—631
Figure-of-merit, nonlinear 646 666
Filter 238—239
Filter, bandpass 161
Filter, spatial 408—411 415
Filter, spatial, high-pass 408—409
Filter, spatial, low-pass 408
Filter, wavelength 106 120
Finesse 114—115
Finite ray trace 193
Fizeau 95—99 101 105 116
Fizeau fringes see “Fringes”
Fizeau, Armand H. L. 95
Flux density 34 (see also “Density”)
Focal length of hologram 492
Focal length of lens 184—185
Focal length of mirror 146
Focal length of pinhole camera 458
Focal length of zone plate 455—456
Focal point 184 (see also “Cardinal points”)
Forrester, A. T. 292 294
Foucault knife-edge 413
Foucault, Jean Bernard Leon 1
Four-wave mixing see “Phase conjugation”
Fourier transform spectroscopy 297—300
Fourier, integral 221—230
Fourier, Jean Baptiste Joseph Baron de 213
Fourier, series 214—221 670—671
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