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Guenther R.D. — Modern optics |
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Fourier, transform 221—230 232—234 237 239 241—244 248—249 305 310 366 448 492
Frankin, Peter 633
Franklin, Benjamin 1
Fraunhofer, approximation 363—366
Fraunhofer, diffraction 362 386 451 459 483 609—610 621
Fraunhofer, Joseph 120 287 362 379
Fraunhofer, lines 288
Free spectral range 113—114 382
Frequency plane 399
Fresnel Kirchhoff diffraction formula 356
Fresnel, approximation 434—437
Fresnel, Augustin Jean 1 325 522 546
Fresnel, diffraction 433—447 453—454 464—466
Fresnel, ellipsoid 561
Fresnel, equation 537—541 561
Fresnel, formula 67—72
Fresnel, integral 331 438 441 467
Fresnel, mirror 94
Fresnel, zone 444 448—494
Fresnel, zone plate 454—457 491—494
fringe 87 96 101—105 109—112
Fringe contrast in multiple reflections 109
Fringe visibility 109 301 490
Frustrated total reflection 78—82 85
Functions, Bessel 163 242—244 373—374 513 627
Galilei, Galileo 129
Gaussian beam parameters (Gaussian wave), complex curvature 345
Gaussian beam parameters (Gaussian wave), complex size 339 344
Gaussian beam parameters (Gaussian wave), divergence angle 341—342 (see also “Diffraction angle”)
Gaussian beam parameters (Gaussian wave), radius of curvature 341 349
Gaussian beam parameters (Gaussian wave), Rayleigh range 342 349 461
Gaussian beam parameters (Gaussian wave), waist 339 341—342 346 349—350 374 404 423
Gaussian constants 144
Gaussian function see “Functions”
Gaussian spectral distribution 299—300
Gauss’s law for the electric field (Coulomb’s) 26
Gauss’s law for the magnetic field 27
Geometrical optics and birefringence 567—568
Geometrical optics and holography 469—502
Gladstone and Dale, law of see “Lorenz — Lorentz Law”
Glan — Foucault prism see “Polarization prism”
Glan — Thompson prism see “Polarization prism”
Glass, dispersion in 274 287—290
Glauber, R. J. 292
Gradient index of refraction fiber 169—176
Grating 377 379—386
Grating, equation 387 486
Grating, factor 376 378
Grating, formula 381
Green’s function 240 352—355 357—358 “Point
Green’s Theorem 359—360
Grimaldi, Francesco Maria 94 252 323 325
Group 256 301—302
Group velocity 256 (see also “Velocity”)
Guided wave index of refraction 149—151 164—166
Guided wave mode 155—158 160 162
Gyration vector 590
Haidinger’s 99 116
Haidinger’s fringes see “Fringe”
Half-wave plate 542 (see also “Retarder”)
Half-wave voltage 578 589 613
Hamilton, William Rowan 136
Hamilton’s principle 166—168
Hanbury Brown and Twiss interferometry see “Interferometer intensity”
Hanbury Brown, R 292 314
Harmonic motion 17 19
harmonic oscillator see “Oscillator”
Helicity 43
Helmholtz equation 9—10 50 131 336
Helmholtz, Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand von 9
Hero of Alexandria 133
Hertz, Heinrich Rudolf 26
Heterodyne 295
High-pass filter see “Filter spatial”
Hint glass 288
Hologram, absorption 474 486
Hologram, Fourier transform 501—502 515
Hologram, phase 487 475 512—514
Hologram, reflection 488 (see also “White light”)
Hologram, thick 487
Hologram, thin 486—487
Holographic image 482—483 493—494 498—502
Holography 662—665
Holography, bandwidth 494—496
Holography, coherency requirements 503—507
Holography, nonlinear effects 485 512—513
Homodyne 295
Homogeneous wave 9
Hooke, Robert 87
Hopkins, H. H. 292
Hurter — Driffield (HD) curve 475—476
Hurter, F. 475
Huygens — Fresnel integral 329—336 435—437
Huygens, Christian 1 521
Huygens, principal 323 326—329 567—568
Huygens, wavelet 323
Idler wave 602 637
Illuminance 34 (see also “Intensity”)
Image, blur 505—507
Image, contrast 426—427
Impedance 33 73 77 124 644
Impermeability tensor 536 597
Impulse response 206 240—241 335 349 395—396 420—421 427 505
Incoherent image 420—428
Index of refraction 30 123
Index of refraction and the nonlinear coefficient 575—576 578
Index of refraction, effective guide 159
Index of refraction, frequency dependence 266—276 593
Index of refraction, gradient 171 261
Index of refraction, normalized 163—166
Index of refraction, principal 539
Index of refraction, step 151
Index surface 523 548—549 563—565
Indicatrix see “Optical indicatrix”
Inhomogeneous wave 9
Intensity from acoustic scattering 625 627
Intensity of light wave 34 (see also “Flux density”)
Intensity of wave 9 14
Intensity, due to interference 91—92 103—104 108—110 301 318
Intensity, modulator 579—582 584—585
Intensity, photoelectric mixing 293—295
Intensity, quantum 35
Interface matrix 126
Interference 235—237 256
Interference and coherence 295—297 305—307
Interference of electromagnetic wave 91—92
Interference, division of amplitude 96
Interference, division of wavefront 97
Interference, fringe see “Fringe”
Interference, order 103 381
Interferometer, Fabry — Perot 111—115
Interferometer, intensity 313—317 (see also “Hanbury Brown and Twist”)
Interferometer, Mach — Zender 105
Interferometer, Michelson 102—106 295—305
Interferometer, Michelson’s stellar 312—313 315 377
Interferometer, Twyman — Green 104—105
Irradiance 34 (see also “Intensity”)
Isolator see “Faraday isolator”
Jones, calculus 544—545 549—550 587
Jones, R. Clark 49
Jones, vector 48—49 544 549
K-ratio 490
Kepler, Johannes 62
Kerr, coefficients 572 599 619
Kerr, constants 578 613
Kerr, effect 572 576—579 660
Kerr, John 571
Kerr, modulator 582 587
Kirchhoff integral 352—354
Kirchhoff, Gustav 324 352
| Kleinman’s symmetry 640—641
Kogelnik, Herwig 663
Lagrange, equation 166
Lagrange, integral invariant 133
Lagrange, invariant see “Optical invariant”
Lagrange, Joseph Louis 166
Lagrangian, optical 167
Land, Edwin Herbert 524
Larmor frequency 593
Laterial magnification 182
Law of rectilinear propagation 327
Law of reflection 65—67 327
Law of refraction 65—67 140—141 328
Left-handed see “Levorotatory”
Leith, Emmett N. 469
Lens equation, Gaussian form 185
Lens equation, Newtonian form 185—186
Lens matrix see “ABCD matrix”
Lens splitting 211—212
Lens, transform properties 367—369 391—396
Lensmaker equation 184—185
LeRous, P. 253
Levorotatory 546 550
Linear electro-optic coefficient see “Pockels effect”
linear polarization 41—42 47—48
Linear system theory 239—241 396 420
Lippershey, Hans 129
Lissajous’ figure 39—40 42—44
Littrow condition 386
Lloyd’s mirror 94
Longitudinal coherence see “Coherence”
Longitudinal electro-optic modulator 613
Longitudinal magnification 499
Longitudinal spherical aberration see “Aberration spherical”
Lord Rayleigh see “Rayleigh Lord
Lorentz force 36—37
Lorentz, Hendrik Antoon 253
Lorenz — Lorentz Law 278—279
Low-pass filter see “Filter spatial”
Lucas, R 571 601
Luneberg, R.K. 214
Magneto-optic effect 590—596 614 “Faraday effect” “Voight
Magnification, angular 184 188
Magnification, lateral 182 287 498—500 509
Magnification, longitudinal 499 509
Maiman, Theodore Harold 633
Malus, Etienne Louis 522
Malus’ Law 581
Manley — Rowe relation 645 666
Marginal ray see “Ray”
Matched filter see “Filter matched
Maxwell, James Clerk 25
Maxwell’s equations 26—29 49—50 537—538 641—642
Meridional ray see “Ray”
Michelson, Albert Abraham 102 295
Miller, R.C. 677
Miller’s, coefficient 677
Miller’s, rule 639 646 677—678
Mode, Gaussian 346—347
Mode, propagation 150—151 342
Mode, radiation (air) 149—150
Mode, substrate 151
Mode, waveguide 151 160 162
Modulation 569 (see also “Contrast”)
Modulation transfer function (MTF) 427—428
Modulation, amplitude 226 228 256—259 293 399 426 579—586
Modulation, bias 469 585
Modulation, frequency 606—609
Modulation, phase 576 578
Modulation, transverse 589
Modulator 569
Modulator, acousto-optic 606—609
Modulator, linear electro-optic see “Pockels”
Modulator, longitudinal 588—589
Modulator, magneto-optic (Faraday) 594
Modulator, quadratic electro-optic (Kerr) 582 587
Molar, polarization 278
Molar, refractivity 278
Momentum density see “Density momentum”
Momentum, wave 8
Monochromatic aberrations see “Aberration”
Moor-Hall, Chester 193 289
Mueller, calculus 543—544
Mueller, H. 48 596
Mueller, matrix 544
Nath, N.S. Nagendra 605
Natural rotation see “Optical activity”
Negative uniaxial crystal 531
Newton, Isaac 1 130 521
Newton’s rings 101—102
Nicol prism see “Polarization prism”
Nicol, William 533
Nodal, planes 187
Nodal, points 187—188 (see also “Cardinal points”)
NoncoUinear phase matching 653—655
Noncritical phase matching 658
Nondispersive 5
Nonlinear optical coefficient 638—641 666 677 679—680
Nonlinear polarization 633 636 641—643 661 679
Nonlinear susceptibility 637—638
Normal surface 523 563—565
Normalized aperture 153—154 189
Normalized film thickness 157 (see also “Normalized frequency or V-number”)
Normalized index 163
Object-image matrix 183 185
Obliquity factor 331—335 356 358 444—447
Offense against sine see “Aberration”
Optic ray axes 562
Optical activity 545—552 (see also “Chiral”)
Optical axis 139 529 537
Optical indicatrix 535—537 573—578 597—599
Optical invariant 183—184 208 612
Optical path 93
Optical path, dependence on index of refraction 133—134
Optical path, length 92—93 133—134
Optical rectification 638
Optical sine theorem 204
Optical Transfer Function (OTF) 424 427 430
Ordinary wave 521 530
Oscillator, damped 20—21 267
Oscillator, harmonic 17—20 263 266
Oscillator, nonlinear 670—676
Oscillator, strength 272
Parametric process 601 637
Paraxial approximation 139 364
Paraxial wave equation 336
Partial dispersion see “Dispersion partial”
Pasteur, Louis 546
Penetration depth 81
Period, spatial 3 401 405
Period, temporal 19
Permeability 28
Perot, Jean Baptiste Gaspard Gustave Alfred 110
Petzval curvature see “Aberration field
Petzval, Josef Max 193
Phase conjugation 660—665
Phase contrast microscope 413—415
Phase matching 636 648—649 651—659
Phase matching, birefringent 655—659
Phase matching, critical 658
Phase matching, noncollinear 653—655
Phase matching, noncritical 658
Phase matching, Type I 656 658
Phase matching, Type II 656 659
Phase plate 415
phase velocity 4 (see also “Velocity”)
Phasefront 131—132 (see also “Wavefront”)
Phonon 602
Photoelastic effect 573 596—601
Photoelastic tensor 619
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