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Guenther R.D. — Modern optics |
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Photometry 34
Photon 35 114 315—317 602
Piezoelectric effect 573 598—599
Pin cushion distortion 209
Pixal 611
Plane of incidence 67—68 70—71 77 522
Plane of polarization 38 522
Plane of vibration 522
Plane wave 10—11 621
Plasma frequency 263—266 268—271 280 283
Pleochroism 524 529
Pockels, coefficients 572—574 616—618
Pockels, effect 572—576 638
Pockels, Friedrich Carl Alvin 57
Pockels, modulator 582—587
Poincare sphere 47
Poincare, H. 47
Point spread function 240 505
Poisson, Simeon Denis 325
Poisson’s spot 325 453—454 464—466
Polarization 38—49 67—74 77—78 81—85 522
Polarization prism, Bertrand 534
Polarization prism, Feussner 534
Polarization prism, Glan — Foucault 533
Polarization prism, Glan — Thompson 534
Polarization prism, Nicol 533
Polarization prism, Rochon 532—533
Polarization prism, Wollaston 532—533
Polarization, axis 526 580
Polarization, degree 47—48
Polarization, effect on interference 91—92
Polarization, ellipse 38—41 46—47
Polarization-optic coefficients 573
Polarizer 46 579
Polarizer, crossed 581
Polarizer, parallel 581
Polarizer, polaroid, h sheet 524—526
Polarizer, polaroid, j sheet 525—526
Positive uniaxial crystal 532
Potential energy function 17—18 671—672
Power 141—143 287—290
Power spectrum 298
Poynting theorem 33
Poynting theorem, vector 33—36 73 80—81 133 535—536 560 645—646
Poynting theorem, walk-off 554 590 658
Poynting, John Henry 33
Principal dielectric axes 536
Principal planes 186—187
Principal points 186 (see also “Cardinal points”)
Principal ray see “Ray”
Principal refractive index 539
Principal velocity 561
Principle of reciprocity 136
Prism coupling 82
Profile dispersion 260
Propagation constant 3 254—255 661
Propagation mode 150 342
Ptolemy, Claudius 62
Pump, frequency 601
Pump, wave 637
Pupil see “Entrance pupil” “Exit
Pyroelectric 634
Q-factor 606
Quadratic electro-optic coefficients 572
Quadratic electro-optic effect 613 (see also “Kerr effect”)
Quarter-wave plate see “Retarder”
Radiant flux density 34
Radiation pressure 37
Radiometry 34
Raman — Nath scattering 487 605—606 626—629
Raman, C.V. 605
Ray 130—131 560
Ray ellipsoid see “Fresnel ellipsoid”
Ray, axial 140
Ray, chief see “Principal”
Ray, equation 561
Ray, index of refraction 560
Ray, marginal 188—189
Ray, meridional 149 153
Ray, principal 188 190
Ray, skew 149 153—154 203
Ray, surface 523 567—568
Ray, velocity 560
Rayleigh Sommerfeld formula 357—358
Rayleigh, criterion 404 422—424 429 610
Rayleigh, limit 196
Rayleigh, Lord (John William Strutt) 457 397
Rayleigh, range see “Gaussian beam parameters (Gaussian wave)”
Real image 479 498
Reciprocal dispersive power see “Abbe’s number (value)”
Rectangular function see “Functions square”
Rectilinear propagation 327
Reflectance 73—74 (see also “Reflectivity”)
Reflection coefficient 64 71—73 75—76 81—82 120—121
Reflection coefficient for a multilayer 126—128
Reflection coefficient, law of 65—67 327
Reflection coefficient, total 65 254 652
Reflectivity 73—74 76—77 80 83—84
Reflectivity, dependence on index of refraction 75—76 128
Refraction 61 521 565—566
Refraction, law of 65—67 140—141 328
Refraction, matrix 142—143
Refractivity, atomic see “Lorenz — Lorentz law”
Refractivity, molar 278
Refringence 521 (see also “Refraction”)
Relative partial dispersion 290
Renormalization 273
Resolution 401 (see also “Rayleigh” “Sparrow’s
Resolving power, chromatic 111—115 297 381—382 388
Resolving power, spatial 332—333 401 404 426 429—430 611
Retardation 541 583—584 587 589 631
Retardation time 104
Retarder 541—543 580
Retarder, compensator, Soleit — Babinet 542
Retarder, half-wave 542
Retarder, quarter-wave 541
Retarder, rhomb-type 543
Right-handed see “Dextrorotatory”
Rittenhouse, David 379
Ronchi ruling 402
Rontgen, Wilhelm Conrad 571
Rotational strength 547
Rotatory, dispersion 551
Rotatory, power 550 (see also “Specific rotation”)
Rowland, H.A. 380
Royen, Willebrord Snell van see “Snell (Willebrord Snell van Royen)”
Sag (sagitta) 207—208 392
Saggital, approximation 392
Saggital, field 207
Saggital, focus 206
Saggital, plane 194
Saggital, ray 203—207
| Sampling theorem 234 426
Schlieren method 213
Sears, F.W. 571 601
Second harmonic generation 637 649—651
Secondary spectrum 290
Seidel coefficients 197
Seidel, Ludwig Philipp von 193
Sellmeier 253
Shape factor see “Coddington’s shape
Sign convention 139—140
Sine function see “Functions sine”
Sine transform 223
Skew ray see “Ray”
Skin depth 52—53
Slow axis 531
Smith chart 124
Snell (Willebrord Snell van Royen) 62
Snell’s law 67 69 84
Soleit — Babinet compensator see “Retarder”
Sommerfeld, Arnold Johannes Wilhelm 280 324
Sommerfeld, integral 358
Sommerfeld, precursor 280—281
Sommerfeld, radiation condition 355
Space bandwidth product 611—612 (see also “Bandwidth”)
Sparrow, C 423
Sparrow’s Criterion 423—424 429
Spatial, coherence see “Coherence”
Spatial, filter see “Filter spatial” “Apodization”
Spatial, frequency 258—259 366 369—370 386 405 485 495—496
Specific rotation 550—552
Speckle noise 376 430
Spectral distribution function 298
Spectrum analyzer 609—610
speed of light 1 29—30
Spherical aberration see “Aberration”
Spherical wave 12
Spring constant 17
St. Venaut’s Hypothesis see “Boundary conditions Kirchhoff”
Stokes, George Gabriel 46
Stokes, parameters 46—49 543
Stokes, vector 48 543—544
Stop, aperture 188—189
Stop, dc 413
Stop, field 190
Stop, glare 190
Strain-optic, effect 573
Strain-optic, tensor 597
Strehl ratio 196
Stress birefringence 596 600—601
Stress-optical tensor 597
Substrate mode see “Mode”
Sum frequency generation 637
Superposition principle 16 65
Susceptibility, 2nd order tensor 637—638 666
Susceptibility, 3rd order 659
Susceptibility, dielectric 636 665
Susceptibility, linear 636 665
Tangential field 206—207
Tangential focus 207
Tangential plane 194
Tangential ray 203
Taylor, Dennis 120
TE wave 70
Telegraph equations 50
TEM wave 70
Temporal coherence see “Coherence”
Tensor 535—536 547—548 556—559
Time-bandwidth product 611—612 (see also “Bandwidth”)
TM wave 71
Total reflection 78—83
Transfer function 241
Transfer matrix (translation matrix) 143
Transmission coefficient 64 70—71 75 121 478 482 484 512
Transmission matrix 126
Transmissivity 587
Transmittance 73—74
Transverse coherence length 311
Transverse electro-optic modulator 614
Twist, Richard Q. 292 314
Twyman-Green see “Interferometer”
Tyndall 149
Uniaxial birefringence 529 564—565
Unit planes 182 186
Up-conversion 637
Upatnieks, Juris 469 472
V-number (dispersion) see “Abbe’s number
V-number (waveguide) see “Normalized film
Van Cittert — Zernike theorem 310
Vander Lugt filter see “Filter matched”
Vander Lugt, Anthony 415
Velocity group 256 258 279
Velocity of light see “Speed of light”
Velocity phase 4—10 52 279 281—282 560 567
Verdet’s constant 594 614
Vertex 139
Vignetting 190
Virtual image 479 498
vmatched (phase and amplitude) 515—519
Voigt effect 596
Voigt, W. 253
Waist see “Gaussian beam parameters (Gaussian wave)”
Wave equation 5 9
Wave equation from Maxwell’s equation 29
Wave equation in a conductor 50
Wave equation in nonlinear material 641—642 666
Wave equation with dispersion 254 263 267
Wave equation, modulated by acoustics 620—621
Wave equation, paraxial 336
wave number see “Propagation constant”
Wave vector 11 536—537
Wave, conjugate 662
Wave, electromagnetic 30—35 537—541 620 642
Wave, extraordinary 521 530 541
Wave, Gaussian 336—343
Wave, harmonic 3 9 11 14
Wave, ordinary 521 530 541
Wave, plane 10—11 362 365 369—370 449 537—538 642
Wave, pump 601
Wave, signal 602
Wave, spherical 10—12 437 444—445
Wave, standing 123—124
Wavefront 131—132 326
Wavefront, plane 10—11
Wavefront, spherical 10—12
Waveguide mode 151
Wavelength 3
Wollaston prism see “Prism coupling”
Wood, Robert Williams 380 384 457
Young, Thomas 1 87 325 522
Young’s two slit experiment 94—97 305—312 368—369 377—379 405—406
Zeeman effect 590—593
Zeeman, P. 590
Zernike, Fritz 292 363 413
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