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Banerjee P.P., Poon T.-C. — Principles of applied optics |
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Abby condition 105 107
Aberration 25
Absorption coefficient 247
Acoustooptic interaction 191
Acoustooptic interaction, downshifted 194
Acoustooptic interaction, strong 196
Acoustooptic interaction, upshifted 193
Acoustooptic interaction, weak 196
Acoustooptic modulator 191
Airy function 75
Airy pattern 105
Amplification by population inversion 246ff
Amplitude modulation, longitudinal configuration 231ff
Amplitude modulation, transverse configuration 234ff
Amplitude reflection coefficient 68
Amplitude transmission coefficient 68
Angular frequency 57
Angular magnification 28
Angular plane-wave spectrum 71 72 86
Anisotropy 216
Anode 268
Autocorrelation 177
Avalanche effect 275
Avalanche multiplication 276
Avalanche photodiode 275
Axis, fast 224
Axis, slow 224
Bessel functions 104 203
Birefringence 219ff
Bistability 213 316
Bistability in nonlinear Fabry — Perot 316ff
Bistability, absorptive 316
Bistability, acoustooptic 213ff
Bistability, dispersive 316
Boltzmann constant 244
Boltzmann statistics 244
Bragg angle 194
Bragg diffraction 194
Bragg regime 196 203ff
Brewster angle 70
Broadening, Doppler 251
Broadening, homogeneous 250
Broadening, inhomogeneous 251
Cardinal points 27 28
Cauchy’s product rule 299
Character-recognition system 175
Characteristic impedance 61
Circuit rise time 275
Coefficient of finesse 75
Coherence length 297
Coherent transfer function 138
Coherent versus incoherent imaging 147ff
Comb function 5
Compensator 224
Complex amplitude 13
Complex spatial filters 153
Complex spatial filters, application 174
Complex spatial filters, construction 171
Conjugate planes 27
Conjugate wave 324
Conservation laws, energy 192 295
Conservation laws, momentum 192 295
Constitutive relations 53
Continuity equation 53
contrast 162
Contrast reversal 154
Conversion efficiency 304
Convolution 8
Cornu spiral 94
Correlation 9
Critical angle 21 71
Cross-correlation 176
Crystal class, biaxial 219
Crystal class, cubic 219
Crystal class, uniaxial 219
Cutoff wavelength 268
Dark current 278
Debye - Sears diffraction 196
Deflection angle 210
Degeneracy 244
Delta function 2 5
depletion region 272
Detection, direct 280
Detection, heterodyne 280
Dielectric 54
Dielectric tensor 216ff
Diffraction 82
Diffraction, efficiency 208
Diffraction—free beam 311 314
Diopter 31
Dipole moment density 54
dispersion 77ff
dispersion relation 4 77 295 330
Dispersion, group velocity 331
Dispersion, modal 114
Dispersive medium 78
Divergence theorem 51
Doppler effect 192
Dynodes 271
Eigenfunctions 256
Eigenmodes (also see “Mode patterns”) 256
Eigenvalues 112 256
Eikonal equations 23 80ff
Eikonal equations, nonlinear 314
Einstein coefficients for absorption 244
Einstein coefficients for spontaneous emission 242
Einstein coefficients for stimulated emission 242
Einstein summation convention 11
Electromagnetic boundary conditions 65ff
Electromotive force 52
Electrooptic coefficients 230
Electrooptic effect 228ff
Elliptic functions 304
Elliptic integral 303 307 312
Emission, spontaneous 241ff
Emission, stimulated 241ff
Emulsion 160
energy levels 241
Envelope, complex 13
Evanescent wave 71
Exposure 161
f-number 107
Fabry — Perot etalon 73
Far field 96 99
Faraday’s law of induction 52
Fermat’s principle 16 17
Fermi — Pasta — Ulam recurrence 297
films 160ff
Filter, spatial, applications 172ff
Filter, spatial, bandpass 147
Filter, spatial, complex 170ff
Filter, spatial, construction 170ff
Filter, spatial, low-pass 146 152
Filter, spatial, matched 175
Filter, spatial, opaque stop 154 155
Fixing 160
FM demodulation 212ff
Focal length 34 125
Focal plane 125
Focal plane, back 28
Focal plane, front 26
Focal point 123
Focus back 34 35
Focus front 35
Four-level system 252ff
Fourier optics 99ff
Fourier plane 139
Fourier transform 1
Fourier transform, spatial 3
Fourier transform, temporal 2
| Fourier — Bessel transform 104
Fourier—transforming and imaging properties of spherical mirrors 142ft
Fourier—transforming property of lenses 122ff
Fraunhofer approximation 99ff
Fraunhofer diffraction formula 100
Frequency chirping 333
Fresnel diffraction 84ff
Fresnel diffraction formula 83 88
Fresnel equations 65ff 68
Fresnel integral 94
Fresnel number of circular aperture 96
Fresnel number of square aperture 257
Fresnel zone plate 97
Fringe contrast 115
Gaussian beam 90
Gaussian function 5
Gaussian optics 25
Gauss’s law for electric fields 51
Gauss’s theorem 51
Geometrical image 135
Geometrical optics 16
Goos — Hanchen shift 72
Graded index fiber 24 109ff
Grating amplitude 108
Grating equation 191
Grating phase 119 191
Ground level 242
Group velocity 79 331
g—parameters 46 264
Half—period zones 97
Helium—neon laser 265ff
Helmholtz equation 81
Hermite polynomials 112 258
Hermite — Gaussian beams 113 254ff
Hermite — Gaussian functions 112 259
Hilbert transform 15
Hologram 166
Hologram, construction 170ff
Hologram, Gabor 170
Hologram, image reconstruction 172ff
Hologram, Leith — Upatneiks 171
Holographic magnification 177ff
Holographic resolution 184ff
Holography 164ff
Homogeneous wave equation 56
Hurter — Driffield curves 161
Huygens — Fresnel Principle 99
Huygens’ principle 98ff
Huygens’ wavelets 98
Hysteresis 216 321
Image 36
Image, plane 26 39 134
Image, real 37
Image, virtual 37
Imaging (cont’d.) by thick lens 39ff
Imaging (cont’d.) by thin lens 36ff
Imaging by a single lens 131 ff
Imaging with spatially incoherent light 142ff
Impulse response 7
Impulse response of imaging system 131 ff 138
Impulse response of two—lens system 139ff
Index ellipsoid 225ff
Index matching fluid 163
Index of refraction 16
Inhomogeneous medium 22
Intensity 62
Intensity modulation 208
Intensity—dependent refractive index 309
Interference 102
Intrinsic impedance 60
Invariant bilinear function 12
Irradiance 62
Isotope shift 251
Jones matrix 65
Jones vector 65
Kerr effect 228
Kerr medium 317
Kronecker delta function 11
Laser levels, lower 253
Laser levels, upper 353
Lasing medium 265
Law of reflection 19
Law of refraction 21
Lens, biconvex 126
Lens, concave 34
Lens, converging 34
Lens, convex 34 126
Lens, diverging 34
Lens, formula 37
Lens, plano—convex 126
Lens, thick 33 39
Lens, thin 33 37
Lensless imaging 158
Lenz’s law 52
Light beam deflector 208ff
Linear system 7
Linear wave propagation 54ff
Line—shape function 249 250
Line—shape function, Gaussian 252
Line—shape function, Lorentzian 250
Longitudinal mode number 260
Magnification 26 37
Magnification, lateral 182
Magnification, longitudinal 182
Matrix methods in paraxial optics 24ff
Maxwell’s equations 54ff
Medium, anisotropic 216ff
Medium, homogeneous 18 23 53
Medium, isotropic 53
Medium, linear 53
Medium, nonlinear 287ff
Metastable state 250
Minimum detectable power 280
Mode numbers, transverse 113 256
Mode pattern 112
Near phase—synchronous Bragg diffraction 238
Near—Bragg regime 208
Nodal planes 28
Nodal points 28 40
Noise mechanisms 277ff
Noise, Johnson 277
Noise, Nyquist 277
Noise, quantum 278
Noise, shot 277
Noise, thermal 277
Nonlinear Fabry — Perot cavity 316ff
Nonlinear refractive index coefficient 293 294
Nonlinear Schrodinger equation 329ff
Nonlinearity 287ff
Nonlinearity coefficients, cubic 288 290 293 294
Nonlinearity coefficients, quadratic 288 290 293
Number density of states 244
Number of resolvable angles 210
Object plane 26 39
Optic axis 219
Optical axis 24
Optical image processing 150ff
Optical path length 17
Optical switching 213 321
Optical transfer function 142 145
Oscillation frequency 263
Paraxial approximation 25 89
Paraxial wave equation 85
Parseval’s theorem 15
Peak phase delay 206
Periodic focussing 310
Phase conjugation 32ff
Phase curvature 91
Phase fronts 78
Phase modulation 236
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