Результат поиска |
Поиск книг, содержащих: Coriolis forces
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Misner C.W., Thorne K.S., Wheeler J.A. — Gravitation | 165, 175, 294, 327, 332 | Zienkiewicz O.C., Taylor L.R. — The finite element method (vol. 3, Fluid dynamics) | 229 | Clift R., Grace J.R., Weber M.E. — Bubbles, drops, and particles | 263 | Dittrich W., Reuter M. — Classical and quantum dynamics | 343 | Fock V. — The Theory of Space Time and Gravitation | 208 | Planck M. — General mechanics, being volume I of Introduction to theoretical physics | 94 | Pope S.B. — Turbulent Flows | 31 | Weyl H. — Space, Time, Matter | 222 | Eliezer Sh., Ghatak A., Hora H. — Fundamentals of Equations of State | 194 | Cox R.T. — Statistical mechanics of irreversible change | 10 | Richards P.I. — Manual of Mathematical Physics | 4 | Guyon E., Hulin J., Petit L. — Physical Hydrodynamics | 140, 284—285 | Adams S. — Relativity: An Introduction to Space-Time Physics | 32, 36 |