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Adams S. — Relativity: An Introduction to Space-Time Physics |
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threshold 105
resonance 102
Abraham — Lorentz electron theory 4
Absolute elsewhere 139
Absolute motion 38
Absolute reference frame 113
Absolute space 35 187
Absolute time 5 27 36
Action-at-a-distance 17
Advance of perihelion 219—220 253
Airy's ether experiment 42
Aleph 60 102 104
Angles in spacetime 148 158
Annihilation 98
Antimatter 192
Arago's ether experiment 42
Aristotle 1 27 35
Aristotle, idea of force 28
Aristotle, question of place 5
B and D meson tracks 60
Bekenstein 247
Bell 253
Beta decay 127
Bhabha event 104
big bang 61 232 237 247
Binary pulsar 253
Binary pulsar, PSR B1913+16 254
Binary star system 249
Binding energy 93
Black holes 239—247 257
Black holes, critical density 240
Black holes, entropy 247
Black holes, ergosphere 245
Black holes, event horizon 241 244—247
Black holes, evidence 247
Black holes, mini-black holes 247
Black holes, non-rotating 245
Black holes, photon sphere 241
Black holes, rapidly rotating 245
Black holes, Schwarzschild radius 240
Black holes, trapped surface 241
Black-body radiation 238
blue shift 244
Bolyai 221
Bondi 180
Bottom quark 101
Bradley 40
Bucherer 85
Calorimeters 104
Cartesian co-ordinates 7
Cartesian mesh 224
Causal connections 139
Centrifugal force 185 186 189 245
Cerenkov radiation 49
CERN 59 60 100 102 192
Co-moving co-ordinates 231
Co-ordinate distance 231
Collapsed stars 240
Collisions 163
Compton effect 166 168 174
Copernicus 1 37
Coriolis forces 32 36
Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE) 237 239
Cosmic background radiation 239 257
Cosmic censorship hypothesis 245
Cosmic rays 58
Cosmological constant 229 233 239
Covariance 48 113 120
Critical density 236
Crommelin 196
Crookes radiometer 87
Curvature 209 211 215 216 222 240 248
Curvature of a spherical surface 213
Curvature, intrinsic 213 261
Curvature, positive curvature 229
Curvature, radius of curvature 210 214 262
Curvature, radius of curvature near Earth 216 218
Dark matter 237
de Sitter 229
Deceleration term 233
Deflection of light by gravity 194—196 215 218 257 259
Descartes 28
Deterministic chaos 8
Deuteron fusion 86
Dicke 238
Diffraction 22 23
Doppler effect 22 57 120 126 171 229 258
Eddington 195 203 233
Einstein 47 87 88 93 195 223 253
Einstein '...Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies' 4
Einstein — Rosen bridge 246
Einstein's law of gravitation 227
Einstein, acceleration and gravitation 190
Einstein, deflection of starlight 193
Einstein, Einstein And de Sitter Universes 229
Einstein, gravity and relativity 37
Einstein, Mach's principle 188
Einstein, purpose of mechanics 5 30
electromagnetic field 17 20
Electromagnetic waves 19 27 248
Electron-positron collider 102
Electron-volt 96
Energy conservation 11
Energy equivalent of 1 u 93
Energy-momentum invariant 120
entropy 247
Eoetvoes 189
Epstein 181
Equivalence principle 186—188 192—194 205 214—215 223 227 244 249 256—259
Escape velocity 228 237 239 261
Euclid axiom of the parallels 221
Euclid Elements 221
Events 136 173
Exit cone 241
Expansion redshift 262
Faraday 1 3 17 19
Fitzgerald 46
Fizeau 80
Fizeau ether drag 80
Fizeau ether experiment 42
Flatland 211—212
Foucault 2
Foucault, pendulum 5 32 188
Foucault, speed of light in air and water 22
Four-displacement 174
Four-momentum 159—162 174
Four-momentum, Lorentz transformation 174
Four-vector (4-vector) 151 173
Four-velocity 159 174
Free-fall 189
Fresnel 2 80
Fresnel drag hypothesis and coefficient 42 43 122
Friedmann 232
Friedmann — Lemaitre universe 236
Galactic halos 237
Galaxy formation 237
Galilean relativity 36—38 47
Galilean transformation 110
Galileo 1 15 28 30 38 47
Galileo 'Dialogue Concerning Two New Sciences' 28 35
Galileo, free-fall 37
Galileo, Galilean Relativity 36 37
Galileo, Pisa experiment 188
Galileo, thought experiment 190
Gamma factor 55
Gamow 238
Gauss 221
Gauss's theorem 236
General covariance 227
General relativity 194 220 223 226 232 240 248 256
| General relativity, equations 227
General relativity, paraphrased 209
General relativity, Schwarzschild solution 240
General relativity, weak field approximation 199 219
Generalized co-ordinates 223
GEO 600 252
Geodesics 208 210 212 216 222 227
Geometry of curvature 207
Geometry of space 30
Geometry of space-time 194 222—223
Geometry of the universe 228
Geometry, Cartesian 131
Geometry, Euclidean 135 136 146 208 212 218
Geometry, fifth dimension 213
Geometry, flat space 236
Geometry, fourth dimension 150
Geometry, local 218
Geometry, non-Euclidean 212 214 218 221 256
Geometry, visualising non-Euclidean geometries 222
Geostationary satellite 31
Gluon 105
Gravitational lens 197
Gravitational lens, Einstein ring 198
Gravitational lens, focal length 199 257
Gravitational lens, microlens 198
Gravitational radiation 248—257 264
Gravitational radiation, dipole radiation 249
Gravitational radiation, quadrupole radiation 249
Gravitational red shift 262
Gravitational telescope 256
Gravity and acceleration 190
Gravity and geometry 214
Gravity and light 193
Gravity and time 199
Gravity, Einstein's theory 226
Gravity, field theory 248
Gravity, gravitational collapse 242
Gravity, gravitational field 186 206 210 215 222
Gravity, gravitational forces 15 185 191
Gravity, gravitational repulsion 229
Gravity, gravity paradox 228
Gravity, non-linear 224
Gravity, strength of gravity 259
Gravity, tidal effects 215—216 244 249 253 258 261
Grossmann 223
Gyroscope precession 220 246
Half-life 58 60
Hamiltonian mechanics 4
Hawking radiation 247
Haystack radar antenna 204
Hewish 253
Hubble constant 198 230 235 257
Hubble law 229—231 257 263
Hubble period 230 257
Hubble Space Telescope 61 247
Hulse 253
Inelastic collision 138 163
Inertia 9 27 37 81 187—188 190
Inertial forces 36 185 189 191 256
Inertial mass 190
Interference 22 25
Interferometer 25
Interferometer for gravitational waves 252
Interferometer, sensitivity to gravitational waves 254
interval 148 173
Interval, invariance 149 153 157
Interval, null or lightlike 152
Interval, spacelike 152
Interval, timelike 152
Invariants 7 48 96 120 135 148 163
jet 105
k-calculus 180
Kaufmann 85
Kepler 1 87
Kepler laws of planetary motion 16
Kinetic energy, Newtonian 94
Kinetic energy, relativistic 94 120
Lagrange 4
Lambda particle 124
Laplace 239
laws of physics 185 192 223
Laws of thermodynamics 247
LEAR 192
Lebedew 21
Lederman 101
Lemaitre 232
Length contraction 62—66 73 76 144 156 214
Length contraction, derived from Lorentz transformation 115
Length contraction, formula 116 120
LEP 60 102 103
Light clock 48 51 54 64
Lightcone 138 143 148 158
Linear momentum 8 10 81—82 91
Lisa 254 256
Lobachevski 221
Lorentz 4 19 46
Lorentz transformation 109—118 121 131 148 153 161 223
Lorentz transformation, first derivation 110
Lorentz transformation, second derivation 112
Lorentz — FitzGerald contraction 46 66
Lorentz, force equation 19 27
Luminiferous ether 2 20 22 38 40 43 46
Mach 29 36 187 188
Mach, Mach's Principle 31 187—188
Mach, Science of Mechanics 29 36 187
Magnetism 265—267
Mariner 204
Mass and energy 86 91—95 120 194
Mass conservation 82 86
Mass defect 93
Mass increase with velocity 81 85
Mass spectrometer 86
Mass, gravitational and inertial 189—190
Mass, relativistic 81 84 93 95 120
Matrix representation 225
Matter, classical view 7
Maxwell 1 4 45
Maxwell, Maxwell equations 4 18—19 27
Megaparsec 237
Mercury, advance of perihelion 16 219 253 259
Mercury, relativistic effects due to orbital motion 60
Meson 101
Metre, definition 140
Metric 225 226 240
Michelson 2 39 43 45 46 80
Michelson interferometer 26
Michelson — Morley experiment 43 45 46 50 66
Milne 228
Minkowski 131 136
Minkowski metric 226
Mitchell 239
Moessbauer effect 202
Momentum, relativistic 95 120 159
Momentum, transformation of 4-momentum 160
Momentum-energy invariant 160
Morley 39 43
Muons 58 59 62 104 177
Neutrinos 49 104
Neutron absorption 169
Neutron star 240 242 253
Neutron star, density 242
Newton 1 228 136
Newton first law of motion 8 89 186 223
Newton law of gravitation 11 16
Newton laws of motion 5 7 27
Newton second law of motion 8
Newton third law of motion 8
Newton, absolute space and time 5
Newton, bucket experiment 5 187
Newton, calculus 4
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