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Adams S. — Relativity: An Introduction to Space-Time Physics |
Предметный указатель |
Newton, determinism 8
Newton, gravity 15
Newton, mechanistic world-view 8
Newtonian cosmology 228
Newtonian mechanics 10
Nuclear fission 92 97
Nuclear recoil 172
Olber Paradox 263
Operational approach 38
Pair production 168
Parallel transport 211 216
Parallel transport, space-like transport 217
Parallel transport, time-like transport 217
Particle accelerator 100—101
Particle accelerator, collider 103 165
Particle accelerator, fixed target device 165
Particle horizon 263
Penrose 179 245
Penrose, Penrose process 246
Penrose, The Emperor's new Mind 128
Penzias 238
Photon 63 88 200
Photon absorption 170
Photon, energy 166
Photon, mass 128
Photon, momentum 87 120
Pions 60 168 171 176
Poincare 46
Pound, Rebka and Snider 202
Primitive concepts 10
Principia 1 5 8 29
Principle of relativity 47 120 185
Proper length 64 66 73 120
Proper lifetimes 60
Proper time 50 66 120 158 159
Ptolemy 1
Pulsar 242 253
Pulsar, PSR B1913+16 253
Pythagoras's theorem 148 151 224
Pythagoras's theorem in many dimensions 135
Pythagoras's theorem, generalized 225—226
Quantum theory 153 180
Quasar 197 198 236
Quasar, 3C273 and 3C279 203
Quasar, QSO957+561 197
Radar reflection measurements 220
Radiation pressure 21 27 87 91 120 256 267
Radio interferometers 203
Recession velocity 231
Red shift 198 229 235 243
Red shift and scale factor 258
Red shift, doppler 201
Red shift, gravitational 201 257
Red shift, infinite 241 243
Reference frames 11 30
Reference frames, freely falling 194 218 223 249 256
Reference frames, inertial 37 48 50 185
Reference frames, non-inertial 185—186
Relativistic doppler formula 262
Relativity, galilean 120 192
Relativity, general theory 223—227
Relativity, principle of relativity 48—49
Resonant scattering 203
Rest energy 93
Rest mass 81 163
Riemann 221 223
Robertson 229
Romer 2
Rotation 151 187
Rotation of 2D axes 134
Rotation of a vector 213
Rotation of spacetime axes 142
Scaling factor 224 230 231
Schwarzschild radius 243 258
Schwarzschild surface 240—241
Second, definition 140
Shapiro time delay 204 205 215 219
Simultaneity 67—69 143—144 156
Simultaneity and length contraction 73
Simultaneity, operational definition 68
| Singularity 230 245
Slipher 229 235
Soldner 195
Space-time 113 131 136 140 148 151 173 215
Space-time, calibration 157
Space-time, curvature 209 215 244 256 257
Space-time, diagram 136 138
Space-time, displacement vector 151
Space-time, dragged by Earth 220
Space-time, expansion 232
Space-time, geometry 146 150—152 208—209 226—227 244
Space-time, near Earth 210 218
Space-time, rotation 153 174 153
Space-time, stretching 218 226
Space-time, trigonometry 155
Special relativity 48
speed of light 19 22 75 120 140 159 248
Speed of light as a limit 79
Speed of light in water 80
Speed of light, invariant 48
Speed of time 159
star trails 6
Stellar aberration 39 40 42 119 123
Stellar aberration, relativistic explanation 119 123
Stokes ether drag theory 46
Supernova 1987A 49
Synchronization 68—71 76 116 179
Taylor 253
Tensor 226 227
Tevatron at Fermilab 100
Thomson 4
Thomson, discovery of the electron 27
Thomson, measurement of e/m 84
Time dilation 50—67 76 104—105 145 156 253 260
Time dilation equation 54 120
Time dilation equation, derivation from Lorentz transformation 115
Time dilation equation, derived from geometry 152
Time dilation, experimental tests 57
Time dilation, gravitational 200 206 243 253 257 260
Time Machine 246
Time projection chamber 104
Time travel 63
Time, imaginary 140
Twin paradox 105 146 206
Universe, age 230
Universe, Big bang model 230
Universe, critical density 258
Universe, Einstein universe 233
Universe, Einstein — de Sitter universe 233
Universe, energy density of the early universe 237
Universe, expanding universe 230—233 257 262
Universe, finite but unbounded 229
Universe, Freidmann — Lemaitre universes 233
Universe, inflation 233
Universe, radiation era 238
Universe, recollapse 233 236
Universe, static finite 229
Universe, temperature 237
Universe, types of universe 231
Upsilon meson 101
Velocity addition 116
Velocity addition, classical 74
Velocity addition, relativistic 76 78 119 120 155
Velocity transformation 117 121
Vertex detector 103
Vesot 203
Viking 204
Virgo cluster 232
Virtual particles 247
Vulcan 17 220
Weber bar 250
Weightlessness 192
Wheeler 32
White dwarfs 242
Wilson 238
Worldline 137 143 146 148 153 158 173 215 222
Worldline, curved in time and space 208—209
Wormhole 246
Young 2 22 40
Young, double slit experiment 25
Zwicky 197
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