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Planck M. — General mechanics, being volume I of Introduction to theoretical physics |
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Acceleration 9 10 32
Acceleration, mean 10
Acceleration, of higher order 10
Acceleration, uniform 9
Action and Reaction, Principle of 46 91 144 225
Action, function of 218
Action, integral of 218
Aim, direct and indirect 43
Amplitude 20
Angriffspunkt 131
Anti-parallel forces 140
Apparent weight 202
Archimedes’ Principle 202
Areal velocity 234
Astronomic unit of mass 46
Attraction, of earth 54
Attraction, of finite spherical layer 52—54 59
Attraction, of thin spherical layer 50—52 58
Attractive forces, components of 66
Aufpunkt 55
bernoulli 168
Binormal 109
Canonical equations of motion, Hamilton’s 217
Cat, falling 235
Catenary 194
Causes of motion 11 13 26 34 38 101
Central forces 18
Centre of gravity 138 226
Centre of mass 138
Centre of oscillation 245
Chains 189
Circular motion, uniform 33
Closed systems 207 218
Co-ordinate systems 26 49
Co-ordinate systems, right-handed 26 27
Co-ordinates 26
Co-ordinates, cylindrical 174
Co-ordinates, impulse 232
Co-ordinates, polar 49 78
Collisions 226
Collisions, elastic 230
Collisions, inelastic 229
Components of acceleration 31
Components of acceleration, vectors 28
Components of acceleration, velocity 30
Conservation of energy 76 77 126 206
Conservative forces 77
Constraints 101
Coriolis forces 94
Couple 141
Couple, arm of 143
Couple, composition of 149
Couple, moment of 148
Couple, sense of rotation of 148
Couple, vector 151
Culminating point 43
Curvature, radius of 40
Cylindrical co-ordinates 214
Damped motion 21
Damped motion, uniformly 24
Degrees of freedom 164
density 48
Direction-cosines 28 87
Direction-cosines, ratios 28
Drehimpuls 233
Drehungsmoment 158
Earth’s rotation, influence on vibration of spherical pendulums 122
Einstein 91
Elliptic integral 111
Energy 77 126 206
Energy, kinetic 208
Energy, potential 187 208
Energy, translational 208
Energy, vibrational 208
Equilibrium 65
Equilibrium, stable, neutral and unstable 65
Equipotential surfaces 62
Erg 74
Euler’s equations of motion 255
explosions 227
Falling bodies 16
Falling bodies, cat 235
Fixed axis 173
Fixed axis, rotation about 173
Flachschuss 43
force 13 14 35 36 38
Force, anti-parallel 140
Force, centrifugal 94 104
Force, centripetal 40
Force, conservative 77
Force, constraining 101 167
Force, Coriolis 94
Force, effective 102
Force, external 199 226
Force, instantaneous 231
Force, internal 199 226
Force, lines of 64
Force, moving 102
Force, normal 40
Force, objective 94
Force, subjective 94
Force, tangential 40
Free axis of rotation 241
Free axis of rotation, point 101
Frequency, angular 20
Frequency, radian 20
G 17 18 84
Galileo 17
Galileo, transformations 91
Generalized co-ordinates 212
Generalized co-ordinates, force-components 212
Generalized co-ordinates, momenta 216
Geodetic lines 116 198
Geometrical point 1
grad 61
Gradients 61
Gramme, standard 15
Gravitation 45 84
Gravitational unit 55
Gravity 17 138
Gravity, centre of 138
Gravity, direction of acceleration due to 6 98
Hamilton 209 210
Hamilton — Jacobi differential equation 220
Hamilton, canonical equations of motion 217
Hamilton, function 218
Herpolhode 283
Homogeneous body 48
Impulse moment 233
Impulses 232
Impulsmomgnt 234
Incomplete Differential 74
Inertia 15
Inertia, moment of 239
Inertia, principle of 12
Inertial mass 15
Inertial mass, resistance 104
Infinitesimal displacements 167
| Infinitesimal displacements, rotations 180
Invariable plane 234 260
Invariant equation 90
Isobars 63
Isothermals 63
jacobi 220
Kepler’s laws 84
Kettenlinie 194
Kinematics 5
kinetic energy 77 205
Kinetic energy, potential 210
Kraftefrei 115
Krummungsebene 39
Lagrange’s equations of first kind 203
Lagrange’s equations of second kind 213
Lagrange’s function 210 213 215
Lagrange’s method of elimination 171 193
Laplace’s equation 67 68
Lines of force 64
Liquid sphere 134
Logarithmic decrement 24
Logarithmic decrement, potential 71
Material point 1
Metre, standard 5
Moment of couple 148
Moment of deviation 241
Moment of inertia 239
Moment of momentum 233
Moment of rotation 160
Motion, circular 33
Motion, convective 1
Motion, corpuscular 1
Motion, linear 5
Motion, under no forces 115
Motion, uniform 7
Neil parabola 100
Newton, first law of motion 12
Newton, law of gravitation 84 85
Newton, second law of motion 13
Newton, third law of motion 46 91 144 225
Orbit, earth’s 83
Orbit, elliptic 81 82
oscillations 24
Osculating plane 39
parabola 42
Parallel forces 135
Pendulum, circular 108
Pendulum, mathematical 245
Pendulum, reduced length of 245
Pendulum, reversible 246
Pendulum, spherical 116
Period of vibration 20
Permanent axis of rotation 241
Phoronomy 5 26
Planetary motion 79 223
Poinsot 258
Point, application 149
Point, geometrical 2
Point, material 1
Point, of action 131
Poisson’s equation 67 68
Polar co-ordinates 49 78 213
Polhode 261
Position in space 26
Potential 45 56
Potential, energy 77
Potential, function 65
Potential, gradient 61
Potential, logarithmic 70 71
Potential, Newtonian 67
Principal axes of inertia 242
Principal axes of inertia, moments of inertia 242
Principal axes of inertia, normal 39
Principle, d’Alembert’s 104 203
Principle, Least Action 209 210
Principle, of Energy 77 126 206
Principle, Relativity 91
Principle, Sectorial Areas 79 122 234
Principle, Virtual Work or Virtual Displacements 168 192
Principle, Vis Viva 75 79 126
Product, inner and outer 153
Reference-point 55
Relative motion 86
Relativity 91 225
Resultant force 21 37
Resultant force, moment of momentum 234
Resultant force, momentum 228
Rigid bodies 131
Rigid bodies, connections 47
Ring-shaped surface, attraction of 71
Rolling 248
Rotating axes 93 95 124
Rotating couple, moment of 182
Rotation of rigid body about fixed point 174 et seq.
scalar 57
Scalar, product 74 153
Screw 186
Self-potential 188
Small oscillations 20
Stable axis of rotation 263
State 1 17 37
State, initial 17 36
Statical moment 152
Steiner’s theorem 244
String, elastic 190 191
Tautochrone 114
Top, motion of 265—269
Transformation of co-ordinates 89
Translation 183
Treibende Krafte 101
Turning moment 158
Undetermined multipliers 171
Unstable axis of rotation 263
Upthrust of liquid 201
Variations 168 169 209
Vector 28 151
Vector, absolute value 28
Vector, acceleration 32
Vector, components of 28
Vector, magnitude of 28
Vector, product 153
Vectorial product 153
Vectorial sum 38
Velocity 7 8
Velocity, mean 7
Velocity, vector 31
Vibration, centre of 245
Vibrations 111
Vibrations, infinitesimal 119 120
Virtual displacement 168
Vis viva 72
Vis Viva, principle of 75 79
Weight 15
Wirkungsvorrat 76
Work 72
Wurfhohe 42
Wurfweite 42
Zwangkraft 101
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