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Поиск книг, содержащих: Heaviside step function
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Hunter J.K., Nachtergaele B. — Applied Analysis | 254 | Bender C., Orszag S. — Advanced Mathematical Methods for Scientists and Engineers | 16—18 | Parr R., Yang W. — Density-functional theory of atoms and molecules | 128 | Maple 8. Learning guide | 15, 257 | Schenk C.A., Schueller G.I. — Uncertainty Assessment of Large Finite Element Systems | 118 | McMano D., Topa D.M. — A Beginner's Guide to Mathematica | 382 | Peiponen K.-E., Vartiainen E.M., Asakura T. — Dispersion, complex analysis and optical spectroscopy. Classical theory | 20 | Zagoskin A.M. — Quantum theory of many-body systems | 11 | Szekeres P. — A Course in Modern Mathematical Physics: Groups, Hilbert Space and Differential Geometry | 316 | Scott A. — Neuroscience: a mathematical primer | 42, 237, 238 | Greenberg M.D. — Advanced engineering mathematics | 269 | Thirring W.E. — Classical Mathematical Physics: Dynamical Systems and Field Theories | 303 | Hilborn R.C. — Chaos and nonlinear dynamics | 356 | Saaty T.L. — Elements of Queueing theory with applications | 320 | Poole Jr.C.P., Owens F.J. — Introduction to Nanotechnology | 242 | Cercignani C. — Theory and Application of the Boltzman Equation | 6, 223, 226, 311 | Selvadurai A.P.S. — Partial Differential Equations in Mechanics 1: Fundamentals, Laplace's Equation, Diffusion Equation, Wave Equation | 24 | Chan Man Fong C.F., De Kee D., Kaloni P.N. — Advanced Mathematics for Engineering and Sciences | 49 | Evans G.A., Blackledge J.M., Yardley P. — Analytic Methods for Partial Differential Equations | 39, 152 | Bracewell R.N. — The Fourier Transform and its applications | 61—65, 70, 265 | Davies B. — Integral Transforms and Their Applications | 28 | Prigogine I. — Proceedings of the International Symposium on Transport. Processes in Statistical Mechanics, held in Brussels,. August 27-31, 1956 | 357 | Grosche C., Steiner F. — Handbook of Feynman path integrals | 24, 428 | Phillips P. — Advanced Solid State Physics | 242 | Tsang L., Kong J.A., Ding K.- H. — Scattering of electromagnetic waves (Vol 2. Numerical simulations) | 181, 188, 610 | Adomian G. — Stochastic Systems | 11 | Bracewell R. — The Fourier Transform and Its Applications | 61—65, 70, 265 | Goertzel G. — Some Mathematical Methods of Physics | 99 | Mathews J., Walker R.L. — Mathematical methods of physics | 107 | Adler S.L. — Quaternionic Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Fields | 170, 289 | Pan G.W. — Wavelets in Electromagnetics and Device Modeling | 200 | Schwinger J. — Particles, Sources, And Fields. Volume 3 | 167 | Hills D.A., Kelly P.A. — Solution of Crack Problems | 78, 124 | Kleinert H. — Gauge fields in condensed matter (part 2) | 292, 570 | Mathews J., Walker R.L. — Mathematical Methods of Physics | 107 | Thirring W., Harrell E.M. — Classical mathematical physics. Dynamical systems and field theory | 303 |