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Hills D.A., Kelly P.A. — Solution of Crack Problems |
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continuity 183 219
continuity 181
Anisotropy 232
Arbitrarily shaped boundaries 97
Asymptotics, closed cracks 73
Asymptotics, crack crossing an interface 131
Asymptotics, interface cracks 18 108 125 127
Asymptotics, kinked interface cracks 127 131
Asymptotics, surface-breaking cracks 15 59
Asymptotics, three-dimensional 15
Asymptotics, wedge 5 91
Asymptotics, Williams 5 127
Betti's reciprocal theorem 24
Bi-elastic constant 19 109
Bi-material modulus 111 242
Boundary collocation method 25
Boundary element 101
Boundary element method 25 101 233
Brittle fracture 1—2
Bueckner's principle 22 26 29 231
Burgers vector 31 46 50 139 142 150 211 213 244 261
Burgers vector, Cartesian components 33
Burgers vector, infinitesimal 35
Burgers vector, local and global components 90 249
Burgers vector, sign convention 32
Cauchy principal value 36 176 179
Cauchy term (singularity) 36 51 78 86 96 120 158
Cavity 99
Cleavage 2 14
Closed cracks, adhesion 75
Closed cracks, advancing stick 84
Closed cracks, curved 96
Closed cracks, formulation 71
Closed cracks, incremental (non-proportional) loading 80
Closed cracks, linear programming 86
Closed cracks, partial closure 76
Closed cracks, proportional loading 74
Closed cracks, slipping 72
Closed cracks, stick 71
Crack from hole 27 64
Crack from inclusion 27
Crack in layers 56
Crack of revolution 137 159
Crack, annular 155 159
Crack, biomechanical interface 87
Crack, buried 46—47 52 145
Crack, buried, axi-symmetric 164
Crack, closed 69
Crack, closure 68
Crack, conical 162
Crack, constant K 226
Crack, crossing an interface 135
Crack, curved 93
Crack, edge 45 56 74 148
Crack, edge, axi-symmetric 167
Crack, elliptical 176 206 223
Crack, face contact 19
Crack, half-plane 73
Crack, Hertzian 167
Crack, infinite medium 39
Crack, inter-digitated 87
Crack, interface 107
Crack, kinked 91
Crack, kinked surface-breaking 93
Crack, multiple 88
Crack, opening displacement 12 14 36 38 43 67 71 146—147 175 177 202
Crack, parallel to an interface 126
Crack, partially closed 226
Crack, penny-shaped 137 161 178 186 203
Crack, perpendicular to interface 55
Crack, semi-circular 224
Crack, slant 49 62 149
Crack, square 207
Crack, subsurface 225
Crack, surface tangential (slip) displacement 39 75
Crack, surface-breaking 56 62 64 76 257
Crack, tubular 137 161
Discretization, piecewise constant 184
Discretization, piecewise linear 192 219
Dislocation 26 231
Dislocation dipole (plane) 26 31 140 171 176 261
Dislocation dipole (plane) as a tensor 150 262—263
Dislocation dipole (plane), arbitrarv orientation 149
Dislocation dipole (plane), components 142 150
Dislocation dipole (plane), density 141 145
Dislocation dipole (plane), infinitesimal 141
Dislocation dipole (plane), relationship to ring dipole 158
Dislocation dipole (plane), strength of 140 143
Dislocation dipole (plane), transformation rules 150 262
Dislocation loop, glide 138
Dislocation loop, infinitesimal 171 211
Dislocation loop, prismatic 138
Dislocation loop, Somigliana 139 151 171
Dislocation loop, Volterra 139 171
Dislocation near hole 66 239
Dislocation near interface 239
Dislocation on inclusion boundary 244
Dislocation on straight interface 119 241
Dislocation, additional 83
Dislocation, axi-symmetric 138
Dislocation, catalogue 54
Dislocation, climb 32 72 76 81 104
Dislocation, density 34—36 48 75 79 85 90 120 134 141
Dislocation, density and relative strain 97
Dislocation, displacements induced 33 101 245
Dislocation, fictitious 67 99
Dislocation, fundamental solution 213—214
Dislocation, glide 32 72 76 81
Dislocation, half-plane 46 241
Dislocation, infinite plane 33 88 248
Dislocation, lattice defect 2 31
Dislocation, no-net condition 38 40 48 52 67 80 90 92 122 125
Dislocation, notation 235
Dislocation, outside inclusion 236
Dislocation, pair 101 140
Dislocation, straight edge (line) 29 31 140 171 176 235
Dislocation, straight screw 31
Dislocation, transformation rules 51 248
Dislocation, Volterra 32
Distributed dislocation technique 27 34 111 136 203 211
Dundurs' parameters 56 109 111 166 238 251
Eigenequation 131
Eigenfunction 8 25
Eigenstrain method 27 176 202 223 232
Eigenstrain method, discretization 184
Eigenvalue 8 128
| Eigenvalue, complex 17
Element, iso-parametric 219
Element, non-conforming 194 202
Element, quadrilateral 194 201 218 220 271
Element, triangular 193 201 218 220 271
Fatigue 13 69 86—87 93 225 231
Finite body 99 101
Finite element method 25 194 231
Finite-part integral 146 148 269
Force-pair 26 29
Fracture toughness 15
Frenkel calculation 2
fretting 27 62 69 86 231
Function-theoretic method 134
Fundamental function 34 37 41 48 59 75 79 82 104 146 186
Fundamental function, interface crack 121
Fundamental function, kinked crack 92
Glide (slip) plane 32—33 211 213
Green's function 21 23—24 29 119
Green's function, half-space 214
Green's function, infinite layer 214
Green's theorem 180 217
Griffith's criterion 3
Hadamard's finite-part integral 146 176 178 216
Heaviside step function 78 124
Hertzian cone crack 232
Hertzian indentation 137
Hilbert transform 37
hole 99
Hole, circular 55 64
Hole, elliptical 55
Infinitesimal dislocation loop 172 211 214
Interface crack, biomechanical 87
Interface crack, branched 136
Interface crack, contact model 114 123
Interface crack, curved 126
Interface crack, infinite medium 123
Interface crack, kinked 135
Interface crack, layered media 126
Interface crack, modelling 117—118
Interface crack, open model 108 119
Interface crack, oscillatory field 110
Interface crack, surface displacements 111
Interface crack-tip, closed 114 117
Interface crack-tip, closed with friction 126
Interface crack-tip, open 108 117
Interpolation formulae, Krenk's 42 64 124
Interpolation function 192
Irwin K-G relation 14
J-integral 25
Jacobian transformation 195 220
Keyway 45
Kolosov's constant 10
Lipschitz — Hankel integrals, modified 155 162 166 264
Mellin transform 128
Mindlin's solution 272
Mode-mixity 110 113
Mohr transformation 50 89 149 249 263
Oscillatory stress 18 110
Paris law 13 225
Peierls Nabarro force 2
Plane strain 15 158
Plane stress 15 104
Plasticity, crack-tip 19 103
Plasticity, crack-tip (Atkinson model) 104
Plasticity, crack-tip (BCS model) 103
Plasticity, crack-tip (Dugdale model) 103—104 232
Process zone 8 13 108 118
Quadrature 75 82 86
Quadrature, 2-D Gaussian formula 187—188 197 201 220
Quadrature, bounded kernels 79 253
Quadrature, finite-part integral 178
Quadrature, Gauss — Chebyshev 40 92 254 256 260
Quadrature, Gauss — Jacobi 41 92 134 260
Quadrature, Gaussian formula 147 253
Quadrature, Lobatto — Chebyshev 44 93
Quadrature, piecewise polynomial 44
Quadrature, self-adaptive 191
R-ratio 13
Ring dipole 151
Ring dipole, components 151
Ring dipole, density 159
Ring dipole, relationship to plane dipole 158
Ring dipole, singularity 156
Ring dipole, transformation rules 162
Shakedown 1
Shape function 193 219
Shape function, derivatives 199
Shape function, non-conforming 219
Singular integral equation 34 214
Singular integral equation, Cauchy kernel 36 255
Singular integral equation, first kind 36
Singular integral equation, generalised Cauchy kernel 58 92 134 259
Singular integral equation, hyper-singular 175 215
Singular integral equation, numerical solution 40
Singular integral equation, second kind 120
Singular integral equation, uncoupled 47
Slip velocity 71
Small-scale yielding 13 20
Stokes' theorem 181
Strain energy release rate 3 14
Strain energy release rate, interfacial 113 115 118
Strain nucleus 26 29 138 140 171 231
Stress intensity factor 11 13 18 20 38 40 76 87 115 125 134 191 201 222 231
Stress intensity factor, interfacial 112—113 123
Stress intensity factor, kinked crack 93
Stress intensity factor, relationship to dipole density 147 149
Stress intensity factor, relationship to dislocation density 38 49 60 123
Superdislocation 104
Transform, degenerate coordinate 189 200 221
Transform, polar coordinate 189
Transformation rules, dislocation 51 248
Transformation rules, dislocation dipole 150 262
Transformation rules, ring dipole 162
Transformation rules, tensor 262 272
Unilateral formulation 228
Vector transformation 51 149 222 249
Weight function 184 186 195 219
Weight function method 24
Weight function, crack front 194
Weight function, global 192
Westergaard solution 8 21
Work hardening 1
Yield 1 103
Yield, criteria 1
Yield, small-scale 13 20
Yield, zone 19
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