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Poole Jr.C.P., Owens F.J. — Introduction to Nanotechnology
Poole Jr.C.P., Owens F.J. — Introduction to Nanotechnology

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Название: Introduction to Nanotechnology

Авторы: Poole Jr.C.P., Owens F.J.


Written to give researchers in various areas an appreciation of nanotechnological developments outside their own fields of expertise, this broad overview of the science of matter at the scale of one-billionth of a meter reveals the diversity of nanotechnology's applications. Poole is professor emeritus in the physics department at the University of South Carolina. Owens is a research scientist at the US Army's Armament Research, Development, and Engineering Center.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2003

Количество страниц: 400

Добавлена в каталог: 17.08.2009

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
$LiB{({C}_{2}{H}_{5})}_{3}H$      98
$NaB{({C}_{5}{H}_{5})}_{3}H$      98
$Ni{(OH)}_{2}$      128
$^{13}{C}$      199
$^{13}{C}$ in rullerene      109
$^{13}{C}$ nuclear magnetic resonance      69
$^{15}{N}$      199
$^{17}{O}$      199
$^{27}{Al}$, nuclear magnetic resonance      275
$^{29}{Si}$, nuclear magnetic resonance      269 270
$^{31}{P}$ nuclear magnetic resonance      69
${AlCl}_{3}$      130
${Al}_{12}$      133 134
${Al}_{13}$      85 275
${Al}_{13}$, nanoparticle      78
${Al}_{13}$, nanoparticle binding energy      80
${Al}_{23}$      85
${Au}_{55}$      260
${Au}_{55}$, ligand stabilized      13 247—249 277
${Au}_{55}$, nanoparticle      13
${Bi}_{2}{Mo}_{2}{O}_{9}$      270
${Bi}_{2}{Mo}_{2}{O}_{9}$, catalyst      271
${B}_{12}$      83
${B}_{12}$ icosohedral structure      154
${B}_{12}$ nanochister energy levels      83
${B}_{6}$ nanochister energy levels      83
${Cd}_{4}{S}_{4}$      223
${CH}_{4}$, methane      104 105 282
${CO}_{2}$ carbon dioxide      198 281
${CO}_{2}$ carbon dioxide, cluster      97
${CO}_{2}$ carbon dioxide, infrared spectrum      198 199
${Co}_{3}{O}_{4}$      270
${Cr}_{2}{O}_{3}$ chromia      270
${CuSO}_{4}$, electrolyte      137
${Cu}_{2}{O}$, exciton optical spectrum      90 91
${C}_{20}$      113
${C}_{20}{HBr}_{13}$      113
${C}_{20}{H}_{20}$ dodecahedron      105 106
${C}_{22}$      113
${C}_{60}$      45
${C}_{60}$, alkali doped      110—112
${C}_{60}$, crystal      110
${C}_{60}$, crystal unit cell      111
${C}_{60}$, discovery      107
${C}_{60}$, infrared spectrum      108 109
${C}_{60}$, mass spectrum      107
${C}_{60}$, nuclear magnetic resonance singlet      69 70
${C}_{60}$, soccer ball structure      111
${C}_{60}$, superconductivity      112
${C}_{70}$      45 113
${C}_{70}$ mass spectrum      107
${C}_{70}$ rugby ball shaped, nuclear magnetic resonance      69
${C}_{76}$      45 113
${C}_{78}$      45
${C}_{80}$      113
${C}_{82}$      45
${C}_{84}$      113
${C}_{8}{H}_{8}$ ctthane      97
${Fe}_{2}{O}_{3}$ hematite      270
${Fe}_{2}{O}_{3}$ hematite, substrate      85
${Fe}_{3}{O}_{4}$ magnetite      186 270
${H}_{2}{S}$      130
${KAl}_{13}$      153
${KAl}_{13}$, structure      155
${K}_{3}{C}_{60}$      110 254
${K}_{3}{C}_{60}$, magnetization      112
${LaC}_{82}$      45 46
${LaC}_{82}$, electron paramagnetic resonance      68 69.
${LaMnO}_{3}$      184
${LaMnO}_{3}$, structure      185
${LiH}_{3}$ (lithium azide)      99
${MgAl}_{2}{O}_{4}$ spinel      11
${MoO}_{2}$      130
${MoO}_{3}$      130
${NaBH}_{4}$      98
${Nb}_{3}{Ge}$      254
${ND}_{2}$      199 200
${NH}_{3}$ (ammonia) cluster      97
${N}_{20}$      113
${PbMo}_{6}{S}_{8}$ (Chevrel compound)      254
${Pd}_{561}$ nanoparticle      14
${SiO}_{2}$      260
${SiO}_{2}$, protective layer      147
${SiO}_{2}$, substrate      49
${Ti}_{13}$      278
${V}_{3}Si$      254
Abalone mollusk      1
Absorption, coefficient      149
Absorption, edge, CdSe      90
Accelerometer      333
Acceptor      30
Acceptor, A1      30
Acceptor, Ga      30
Acceptor, level      21
Acetal      306 307
acetylene      105 282
Acoustic mode      18
Acrylate      328
Activation energy      286
Actuator      333
Actuator, bimorph cantilever      339 340
Adatom      258
Adenine      318 322
Adenosine triphosphate (ATP)      315 316 335
Ag (silver)      260
Ag (silver), colloidal, photography      72
Ag (silver), doped glass      285
Ag (silver), halide      2
Ag (silver), matrix      182
Ag (silver), nanoparticle, Briliouin spectrum      212
Ag (silver), nanoparticle, preparation      100 101
Ag (silver), nanoparticle, superlaitice      157
Ag (silver), nanopatticles in glass      149
Ag (silver), nitrate      2
Air bag      333 334
Aitrile      263
Al (aluminum)      130
Al (aluminum), acceptor      30 152
Al (aluminum), density of states      244
Al (aluminum), donor      30
Al (aluminum), electrode      352
Al (aluminum), ion      11
Al (aluminum), nanoparticle mass spectra      85
Al (aluminum), unit cell      78
Alanine      317 325
AlAs      18 25
Albumin      315
Alcohol      263
Aldehyde      306 307
AlGaAs      252
Alkali halide      17
Alkaline earth chalcogenide      17
Alkanemiol      260 263
Alkanemiotate      262 263
Alkylthiol      143 157
AlOH on $\gamma$-atanina surface      201
Alpha helix      314 318
Alphabet, four letter      322
Alryl      328
AlSb      25
Alternating bonds      291
Alumina      200 269 351
Alumina, nanoparticle passivation      80
Alumina, rods      161
Amido      198
Amino      20 58 307 314
Amino acid      227 257 310 312 315 317
Amino acid, residue      314
Amino acid, sequence      324
Amino acid, structure      315
Amino acid, unnatural      325
Amoeba      316
Amphophilic      327
Anatase      198 269
AND gate      353 354
Angular momentum, orbital      86
Aniline      292
Anionic      326
anthracene      288 289
Anti-Stokes line      59
Antiferromagnetism      166
Antisymmetric waveflmction      167
Ar (argon)      269
Aragonite      330
Architecture, nanosize      345
Armchair, chiral, zigzag structures      115 118
Arrhenius, plot      286
Arrhenius, process      175
As (arsenic), size      42
Atomic Force Microscope (AFM)      52 344 345
Atomic force microscope (AFM), cantilever probe arm      56
Atomic force microscope (AFM), map of surface      336
Atomic force microscope (AFM), radii of atoms, table of values      362
ATP, acronym for adenosine triphosphate      315 316 335
Au (gold)      13 279
Au (gold), cluster, electrical conductivity mode      145
Au (gold), cluster, melting point      89
Au (gold), doped glass      285
Au (gold), electrode      351
Au (gold), encapsulated nanoparticle      143
Au (gold), fluctuation induced changes in nanoparticle structure      87
Au (gold), layer      261—263
Au (gold), linked nanoparticies      143
Au (gold), nanochister      86
Au (gold), nanoparticies in glass, optical spectrum      148
Au (gold), nanoparticies, micrograph      54
Au (gold), nanoparticle      85
Au (gold), nanoparticle self-assembly      157
Au (gold), nanoparticle, linked cluster current-voltage relationship      144
Au (gold), substrate      4
Audiospeaker      192
Auger spectroscopy      64
Azide      3 334
Azobenzene      346 347
B (boron) nanoparticle      81—83
Back-scattering of electrons      48
Bacteriophage      312—315
Bacterium      312 314 316
Bacterium, motion      335
Band jap      24 81 90
Band structure, conduction band valley      25
Band structure, direct gap      24
Band structure, GaAs      24
Band structure, Ge      27
Band structure, indirect gap      25
Band structure, Si      27
Band structure, valley      24
Bandgaps of semiconductors, table of values      364
Base pair      318 321
battery      293
BCC, acronym for body centered cubic      10 12 36
Beads on string      322
benzene      282 292
Benzene, molecule gears      343
BET isotherm      269
Beta sheet      314 315 318
Bifurcation      299—302
Biological materials      310
Biometrics      329
Biominenlization      329 330
Birefringence      287
Block, copolymer      293 305 307
Block, polymer      305
Blocking temperature      176 177
Blood platelet      316
blue shift      196 215
Blue shift, exciton energy      245
Blue shift, optica] absorption edge      245
BN, boron nitride      199 200
Body centered cubic (BCC)      10 12 36
Bohr magneton      167
Bohr radius, effective      33
Bombyx silk caterpillar      325
Bond, broken      31
Bond, disulfide      318
Bond, hydrogen      318
bone      324
Bongo drum      2
Bose — Einstein condensation      95
Boson      95
Bottom-up nanostructure preparation      227
Br (bromine)      277
Bragg, angle      41
Bragg, condition      41
Bragg, reflection      38 160
Bramsted acid      270 276
Bramsted acid, site      272
Bravais lattice      9
Bravais lattice, three dimensional      10
Bravais lattice, two dimensional      9 10
Bremssirahlung isochromat spectroscopy (BIS)      64
Bright field image      48 49
Brillouin zone      20
Brillouin zone, figure      23
Brillouin zone, GaAs      23
Brillouin zone, symmetry lines      23 24
Brillouin zone, symmetry points      23 24 28
Brillouin zone, two dimensional      22 23
Brillouin, scattering      61 203 210
Brillouin, spectra and particle size      213
Brillouin, spectroscopy      210
Brillouin, spectrum      210 211
Britrle-to-ductile transition      138
Brittle fracture      137
Brownian motion      277
Bruriauer — Emmett — Teller adsorption isotherm      269
Brush polymer      158
Buckyball      113
Bulk nanostructure      133
Bulk nanostructure, chill block melt fabrication      136
Bulk nanostructure, electrodeposition fabrication      137
Bulk nanostructure, gas atomization fabrication      137
Bulk nanostructure, gas deposition fabrication      137
Bulk nanostructure, materials      133
Bulk-to-nano transition      88
Butadiene      282
Butanol      265 266
Calcium carbonate, ${CaCO}_{3}$      1 281
cantilever      334 335
Cantilever, bimorph actuator      339
Cantilever, nanosize      344
Cantilever, oscillation      345
Cantilever, tip      341
Capacitance, interparticle      248
Capacitor      246 247
Carbon (C), chemical bond      103 104 106
Carbon (C), cluster      106
Carbon (C), clusters, figure      108
Carbon (C), glassy      209
Carbon (C), nanostructure      103 106
Carbonate      1 281
Carrier density, figure      26
Carrier density, GaAs      29
Carrier density, Ge      29
Carrier density, Si      29
Cartilage      324
Catalysis      257 264
Catalysis, definition      129
Catalysis, heterogeneous      264
Catalysis, homogeneous      264
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