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Poole Jr.C.P., Owens F.J. — Introduction to Nanotechnology |
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Catalysis, reactiviiy 37
catalyst 198 227 300
Catalyst, Co 298
Catalyst, pillard 277
Catenane 347 348
Cathedral windows 1
Cathodolttminescence 153
Cationic 326
Cd (cadmium) superconductor 254
CDO 130
CdS 9 130 213 216 361
CdS, fluorescence 216—221
CdS, glow peak 221 222
CdS, in zeolite cages 221
CdS, nanocrystal 285
CdS, photoluminescence 224
CdS, thermoiumihescence 224
CdSe absorption edge 90
CdSe colloidal 61
CdSe fluorescence 215 217
CdSe nanocrystal 285
CdSe nanoparticle size dependence of energy gap 64
CdSe optical spectrum 63 90 91
CdSe quantum dot 214 216
Cellulose acetate 2
Center, deep 31
Center, shallow 31
Charcoal 209
Charge coupled device 195
Chemical bond, carbon 103—106
Chemical bond, wavefimction 17
Chemical sensor 128
Chemical shift 270
Chemochromic 293
Chill block melt spinning 136
Chip 127 333
Chip, Intel, Pentium 127
Chirality 118
Chlorophyll 315
Chloropiast 316
Cholesterol 315 328 329
Chromatin 320 322
Chromatographic column 46
Chromatography 45
Chromophor 300
Chromosome 316 321
Circular well 239 240
Circumferential vector 117
Cl (chlorine) 11 277
Clay 273 274
Cluster array 143 145
Cluster, water 96 97
Co (cobalt), catalyst 298
Co (cobalt), nanoparticle 182
Co (cobalt), nanoparticle magnetoresistance 184
CO carbon monoxide 198 281
CO carbon monoxide, infrared spectrum 198 199
Code word 323
Coding strand 322
Codon 317 325
coercive field 170
Coercive field, particle size dependence 173
Coherence length 254
Coke 209 277
Collagen 311 324
Colloid 3 279 280
Colloid, solution 143
Color of nanocluster 82
Colossal magnetoresistance 181—185
Compact disk (CD) 5
Complementary strand 319 322
Computer switch 6
Concentration of electrons, intrinsic 31
Conductance 147
Conductance, differential 119
Conductance, quantization 4
Conduction band 20
Conduction band, figure 21
Conduction electron, content, table 233
Conduction electron, electron paramagnetic resonance spectrum 100
Conductive polymer 292 293
Conductivity, electrical 22
Conductivity, electrical, temperature dependence 22
Confinement, dimensions, table 234
Confinement, electron 157
Confinement, partial 241 358
Confinement, quantum 3
Conformation change 351
Controlling electrode 246
Cooper pair 254
Copolymer 293 294 306
Copolymer, block 293
Copolymer, election paramagnetic resonance 306 308
Cordierite 212 213
Cornea of eye 324
Cotton — Mouton effect 189
Coulomb, attraction, exciton 90
Coulomb, blockade 121 157 233 247 255
Coulomb, blockade, quantum dot 71
Coulomb, charging energy 247
Coulomb, explosion 93
Coulomb, force 244
Coulomb, interaction 196 244
Coulomb, interaction, exciton 32
Coulomb, staircase 247 248 256
Counterfoil 295 297 298
Covalency, fractional 17 18
Cr (chromium) 262
Cr (chromium), nanostructure, micrograph 57 58
Crack 137 138
Cracking reaction 277
Crystal, growth, activation energy 286
Crystal, lattice 36
Crystal, plane 38
Crystal, space group 37
Crystal, structure 9 10
Crystal, system 36
Crystal, system, table 37
Crystallography 37
Cu (copper) 260 279
Cu (copper), electron affinity 84
Cu (copper), electron paramagnetic resonance 69
Cu (copper), nanocluster 83
Cu (copper), nanoparticle, photoelecSron spectrum 84
Cu (copper), nanostructure 137
Cu (copper), nanostructute, stress-strain curve 141
Cu (copper), surface 338 339
Cu (copper), wire, conductivity 121
Cubane 105 106
Cuhoctrahedron 12
Curie, law 176
Curie, temperature 168 185
Current, dark 250
Current, threshold 254
Cyanide 300
Cyano 298
Cyclohexane 265 266
Cyclotron resonance 30
Cyclphexene 265 266
Cytosine 315 318 320 322
d-orbital 87
Dalton 284 312
Damping factor 342 343
Dangling bond 55
Dark current 250
Dark current, field image 48 49
de Broglie wavelength 45
De Haas — Van Alphen effect 244
Debye — Schemer powder x-ray diffraction 41
Debye, screening length 159
| Debye, temperatures of semiconductors, table of values 367
Decalin 171
Deep trap level 21
Defect, Frenkel 232
Degeneracy 239
Degeneracy, valley 26
Dehydroxylation 276
Dekatessarahedron 12
Delocalization 357
Delocalization, dimensions, table 234
Delta function 242
Dendralyst 300—302
Dendrimer 296—305
Dendrimer, supramotecular 302
Dendritic molecule 296
Densities of semiconductors, table of values 363
Density of states 234—237 241
Density of states, confined electrons 242 243
Density of states, confinement 359 360
Density of states, dimensions, table 236
Density of states, energy dependence 237
Density of states, functional theory 80
Density of states, phonon 242
Desoxyribonuckac acid, (DNA) 310 311 314 316 320 323
Desoxyribose Sugar 318 319
Diacetylene 282 290 291
Diamine 298 300
diamond 205 207
Diamond, Raman spectrum 208
Diamond, structure 15
Diamond, structure figure 16
Diatomic chain 19
Diattyl 328
Dielectric constants of semiconductors, table of values 366
Dielectric gap 162
Differential thermal analysis (DTA) 270 272
Diffraction limit 341
Diffractometer 38
Dimensionality 357
Dimensionality, effects 231
Dipole moment 344
Dipole-dipole interaction 168
Dislocation 138
Dislocation, edge 138
dispersion 277
Disulfide bond 318
Divergent, growth 299
Divergent, synthesis 299
DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) 310 311 314 316 320 323
DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid), double helix, sketch 321
DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid), double nanowue 316
DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid), successive foldings 322
Dodecahedral structure 114
Domain, ferrimagnetic 166
Domain, ferromagnetic 166 169
Domain, growth 169
Domain, rotation 169
Donor 30
Donor, level 21
Dots in a well 251
Double, helix 310
Double, nanowire 310
Double, refraction 287
Double, well potential 174—176
Drain 245 246
Dual space 22
Dye molecules 288
Dynamics of naBomagnets 172
Edge dislocation 138
EELS, acronym for electron energy loss spectroscopy 64 66
Effective mass, definition 28
Effective mass, exciton 32
Effective mass, GaAs 34
Effective mass, longitudinal 30
Effective mass, semiconductors, table of values 365
Effective mass, transverse 30
Elastin 315 325
Electrical conduction along chain molecule 350
Electrical properties of nanostructure 142
Electrochemical cell 128
Electrochemical cell, Raman spectrum 129
Electrochromic 293
Electrodeposition 137
Electroluminescence 153
Electron, affinity 83 84 153 180
Electron, conduction electrons, EPR 99 100
Electron, copolymer, EPR 306 308
Electron, diffraction 37
Electron, donor 180
Electron, energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) 64 66
Electron, gun 125
Electron, micrograph 311 312
Electron, paramagnetic resonance (EPR) 69 308
Electron, spin resonance (ESR) 68
Emulsion, silver hatide 2
Energy band 20
Energy band, parabolic, figure 25
Energy band, small melal cluster 82
Energy gap, pressure dependence 26
Energy gap, temperature dependence 26
Energy, activation 143
Energy, surface, ellipsoidal 26
Energy, thermal 175
enzyme 227 324 328
Epitaxial, film 3
Epitaxial, film, face centered cubic 37
Epitaxial, film, hexagonal close packed 37
Epitaxial, growth 3
Epitaxy, molecular beam 35
EPR, acronym for electron paramagnetic resonance 69 308
Erythrocyte 316 324
Escherichia coli 316
Ester 263
Ethanol 265 266
ethylene 105
Ethylene, glycol 307
Euler buckling force 344
Exchange, coupling 172
Exchange, interaction 167
Exciton 196 244
Exciton, confinement 92
Exciton, effective mass 32
Exciton, energy levels 90
Exciton, fluorescence 219
Exciton, Frenkel 34
Exciton, Mott — Wannier 34 244
Exciton, optical spectrum 34 91
Exciton, radius 34 245
Exciton, self capped 287
Exciton, spectrum 197
Exclusion principle 167
Exothermic 270
Face centered cubic (fcc) 10 36
Face centered cubic (FCC), nearest neighbor distance 13
Face centered cubic (FCC), sublattice 15
Face centered cubic (FCC), unit cell figure 12 13
Face centered tetragonal 79
Failure mechanism 137
Fascicle 311 316
Faujasite 154
FCC, acronym for face centered cubic 10 12 13.15 36
Fe (iron) 279
Fe (iron), circular array 338 339
Fe (iron), electronic structure 165
Fe (iron), granular 139
Fe (iron), in human body 176
Fe (iron), nanoparticle, blocking temperature 177
Fe (iron), nanoparticle, reactivity with hydrogen gas 86
Fe (iron), Young's modulus 139
Fe nanoparticles on nanotubes 177
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