Авторизация |
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Poole Jr.C.P., Owens F.J. — Introduction to Nanotechnology |
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Thermal, expansion coefficient of semiconductors, table of values 368
Thermolumihescence 221 222 224
Thermolysis 99
Thermoplastic polymer 336
Thermopower 244
Thiophene 278 292
Threonine 317
Threshold current 253 254
Thymine 318 322 323
Ti (titanium) 99 262
Tin 39
TiN, grain size distribution 40
TiN, x-ray diffraction 40
TiN-NbN multilayer 142
Titania 198 269
Titania , trapped oxygen holes in nanoclusters 70
Tobacco mosaic virus 315
Top-down nanostructure preparation 227
Trans-to-cis transformation 345
Transcription 319 323
Transformation trans-to-cis 345
Transistor, field effect 4 246
Transition, brittle-to-ductile 138
Transition, bulk to nana 88
Transition, Kirkwood — Adler 158
Transition, radiationless 196
Transmission electron microscope (TEM) 42 46
Transmission electron microscope (TEM), micrograph 49
Transmission electron microscope (TEM), resolution 47
Transmission electron microscope (TEM), schematic 47
transmission electron microscopy 261
Transverse, acoustic (TA) mode 20
Transverse, mode 19
Transverse, optical (TO) mode 20
Trap, deep 21 31 214
Trap, shallow 31 214
Trimethylsilyl 269 270
Tripeptide 314 324 325
Tropoelastin 325
Trout fish 192
Tryptophan 315 317
Tunneling 175
Tunneling, ferritin 176
Tunneling, single electron 120
Tunneling, single electron, photon assisted 71
Tunneling, step like features 120
Tunneling, thermally activated 293
Ultraviolet 195 1%
Uncertainty principle 82
Unit cell 9 10 36
Unpolarized 347 348
Uracil 323
V (vanadium) 254
Vacancy 232
Vacuole 316
Vacuum seal 192
| Valence band 20 81
Valence band, figure 21
Valine 317
Valley degeneracy 26
van der Waals, force 93 154
van der Waals, potential 94
van Hove singularity 120
VegaKft law 18 42
Velocity, energy derivative definition 28
Vesicle 326—328
Vibration, energy 58
Vibration, mode, infrared active 59
Vibration, mode, Raman active 59
Vibration, modes, figure 19
Vibrational spectroscopy 194
Vinyl 328
Vinylcyanide 298 300
virus 312 315
Vitamin 328
Volmer — Weber growth 259
Volume compressibility of semiconductors, table of values 368
Vortex 255
W (tungsten) tip, micrograph 51
W (tungsten) tip, stereographic projection 52
Water cluster 96 97
wavefunction 76
Wavefunction, antisymmetric 167
Wavefunction, chemical bond 17
Wavefunction, linear combination 77 78
Wavefunction, nanotube 121
Wavefunction, Schroedinger equation 76—78
Wavefunction, valence state 105
Wavevector 22
wedge 299 302 304
Write mode 182
X-ray, absorption edge fine structure 66
X-ray, density of states 244
X-ray, diffraction 37
X-ray, photoelectron spectrometer schematic 65
X-ray, scan 38
X-ray, spectroscopy 62
Xe (xenon) naaochister 94
XPS, acronym for X-ray pfaotoemission spectroscopy 62 63
Yield strength 140
Youngs modulus 124 134 139
Youngs modulus, nanogram iron 139
Zeolite 154 176 222—224
Zeolite, cage 222 223
Zeolite, pores 154 155
Zinc blende 15 196 361
Zinc blende, structure 231
Zinc blende, structure figure 16
Zirconia 271 272
Zirconia , catalyst 273
Zn (zinc), ferrite 172
ZnS structure 15
Zwitterion 326
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