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Poole Jr.C.P., Owens F.J. — Introduction to Nanotechnology |
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Magic number, nanoparticle 78 80 85 276
Magic number, , , nanoparticle 13 247—249 260 277
Magic number, nanoparticle 14 15
Magic number, nanoparticle 14
Magic number, nanoparticle 14
Magic number, nanoparticle 278
Magic number, electronic 15 75
Magic number, energy 74 76
Magic number, energy, figure 76
Magic number, face centered cubic nanoparticle 13
Magic number, figure 15
Magic number, hexagonal close packed nanoparticle 13
Magic number, inert gas-nanoparticle 94
Magic number, mass spectrometer measurement 74
Magic number, metal atom 74
Magic number, potential, figure 76
Magic number, sodium nanoparticle 14 15
Magic number, structural 13 15 75 94
Magic number, structural, table 14
Magnetic, information storage 147
Magnetic, material, hard 170
Magnetic, material, soft 170
Magnetic, moment 165 167
Magnetic, moment measured by Stem — Gerfach experiment 88
Magnetic, moment, net 87
Magnetic, nanoparticle chain 188 189
Magnetic, resonance 68
Magnetic, susceptibilities of semiconductors, table of values 369
Magnetism, locked moment 88
magnetite 186
magnetization 168
Magnetization, curve, reversible 171
Magnetization, remnant 169 170
Magnetization, saturation 170
Magnetoftuid 186
Magnetoresistance, colossal 181
Magnetoresistance, giant 4 181
Magnetorestrictive effect 334
Mass, analyzer 43
Mass, effective see “Effective mass”
Mass, free electron 28
Mass, molecular of semiconductors, table of values 363
Mass, spectrometer 43 84 106
Mass, spectrometer, figure 44
Mass, spectrometer, time of flight 45
Mass, spectrum, Pb cluster 75
Mean free path 73 232
Mean free path, definition 47
Mean free path, electron 47
Mechanical, properties of nanostructures 139
Mechanical, reinforcement 130
Medieval cathedral 1
Melting points of semiconductors, table of values 367
Merocyanine 347 348
Mesoscopic 311
Messenger RNA 323
Metal, organic 292
Metal, oxide semiconductor (MOS) 195
Metal-insulator junction 146
Metaphase chromosome 321 322
Metastable 196
Methaerylaie 328 '
Methane 104 105 282
Methane , structure 104
Methanol 265 266
Methyl 198 263
Methyl methacrylate 301
Mg (magnesium) 274
Mg (magnesium), ion 11 12
Mg (magnesium), radius 11 12
MgO 11
MGS 11
Micelle 305 326 327
Micelle, critical concentration 328
Micelle, dendritic 306
Microcontact printing 263
Microelectromechanical, device 334 335
Microelectromechanical, systems 332
Microemulsion 327
Microfibril 311
Microhardness of semiconductors, table of values 369
Microseale 333
Microwave absorption 71
Mie theory 2 149
miniaturization 333
Mitochondrion 316
Mn (manganese), electron paramagnetic resonance 308
Mn (manganese), mixed valence system 184
MnO 11
MNS 11
Mo (molybdenum), nanoparticle synthesis 98
Mo (molybdenum), x-radiation 40
Mo (molybdenum), x-ray line energy levels, sketch 68
Mobility, Ge and Si 31
Mobility, semiconductor, table of values 366
Mode, vibrational, longitudinal 19
Mode, vibrational, transverse 19
Molecular, beam epitaxy 35
Molecular, mass of semiconductors, table of values 363
Molecular, nartochister 96
Molecular, orbital calculation 78 79
Molecular, orbital theory 76
Molecular, sieve 268—270
Molecular, square 297—299
Molecular, switch 300 347
Molecular, weight 312
Molecule, guest 304
Molecule, size, determination 311 312 314 320
Molecule, trapped 304
Mollusk 330
Monolayer self-assembled 80 260
Monomer 283 294
Montmorillonite 274 276
Moore's law 35
Mordenite 154
Mordenite, channels 156
Moseley's law 66
Moseley's law, plot 67
Mott — Wannier exciton 34 196 244
Multilayer, film 329
Multilayer, TiN-NbN 142
Multiplicity 333
N (nitrogen) 114
N-type semiconductor 21 152
Na (sodium) 3
Na (sodium), diffusion in glass 150
Na (sodium), nanoparticle 3 14 15
NaCl, lattice type 11
NaCl, structure 39 142
Nanocluster, molecular 96
Nanocluster, multiple ionization 93
Nanocluster, rare-gas 94
Nanocrystal 285
Nanodevice 332 339
Nanoelectromechanical, device 6
Nanoelectromechanical, machine 335
Nanoelectromechanical, system 335
Nanomagnet dynamics 172
Nanonlm 315
Nanoparticle synthesis 97
Nanoparticle synthesis, chemical methods 98
Nanoparticle synthesis, pulsed laser 100
Nanoparticle synthesis, radiofrequeney (RF) plasma 97 98
Nanoparticle synthesis, thermolysis 99
Nanoparticle, definition 72 74
Nanoparticle, fabrication by laser evaporation 74
Nanoparticle, geometric structure 78
Nanoparticle, icosahedron 78
Nanoparticle, mass 43
Nanoparticle, polypeptide 310
| Nanoparticle, reactivity 83
Nanoparticle, size range 73
Nanoparticle, surface area 264
Nanoparticle, theoretical modeling 75
Nanosphere 294 295
Nanostrand 319
Nanostructure 6
Nanostructure, carbon 103
Nanostructure, electrical properties 142
Nanostructure, FET-type 246
Nanostructure, mechanical properties 139
Nanostructure, multilayer 141
Nanostructure, stress-strain curve 141
Nanoswitch 348
Nanotechnology, applications 6
Nanotechnology, interdisciplinary nature 5
Nanotechnology, meaning 1
Nanotechnology, research growth 5
Nanotube 4 114
Nanotube, aligned 177
Nanotube, applications 6 125
Nanotube, armchair, cfairal, zigzag structures 115
Nanotube, asymmetric stretch 122 123
Nanotube, band gap 118
Nanotube, bending 124
Nanotube, carbon are fabrication 115
Nanotube, chemical vapor deposition 116
Nanotube, computer switching 127
Nanotube, Coulomb blockade 121
Nanotube, electrical properties 118
Nanotube, electrochemical cell 128
Nanotube, electron transport 120
Nanotube, fabrication 114
Nanotube, formation 117
Nanotube, growth 117
Nanotube, growth and Co, Ni 177
Nanotube, hydrogen stored 128
Nanotube, Landau level 122
Nanotube, laser evaporation synthesis 114 116
Nanotube, mechanical properties 123
Nanotube, multiwalled 115 116 344
Nanotube, nested 115 114124
Nanotube, normal mode of vibration 122 129
Nanotube, paper 128 339
Nanotube, Raman spectrum 129
Nanotube, semicotMlucting 118
Nanotube, structure 117
Nanotube, symmetric stretch vibrational mode 122
Nanotube, tensile strength 124 131
Nanotube, thermal conductivity 121
Nanotube, vibration 122
Nanowire, DMA and RNA 323
Nanowire, double 310
Nanowire, polypeptide 310 314
naphthalene 282
Naphthalene, formula 288
Nauranachine 332 339
Nb (niobium) 142
NbN 142
NbN, alloy 254
nd 199 200
Nd (neodymium) 171
Nd magnet material 171
Nd-YAG laser 252
NdFeB alloy 171 172
Nearest neighbor distances in semiconductors, table of values 363
Neutron diffraction 37
nh 199 200
Ni (nickel) 130 279 301
Ni (nickel), nanoparticle 49
Ni (nickel), nanoparticle, transmission electron microscope image 50
NiO 130 270
Nitro 20 129 351
Normal mode 18
Nuclear fusion 94
Nuclear fusion, deuterium cluster 93
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) 68 244
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), 69 109
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), 69
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), 69
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), 275
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), 269
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), 69
Nucleatton 258
Nucleic acid 316
Nucleotide 310 315 316
Nucleotide, structure 319
Number of free electrons, energy dependence 236
O (oxygen) 199
Octadecylthiol surfactant 80
Octahedral site 11
Octahedral site, fullerene 111
Octanethio! self assembly 349
od 200 201
Oh 199 200
Oligopeptide 314
Optical, extinction 107
Optical, mode 19
Optical, spectroscopy 194
Order, long range 9
Order, short range 9
Organelle 316
Organic, compound 281
Organic, metal 292
Organosol 277
Oxygen ion 11
P (phosphorus) 69
p-orbital 105
P-type semiconductor 21 152
Packing of nucleosomes 320 322
Parabolic, energy band 25
Parabolic, well 239 240
Paramagnetism 166
Parity 238
Partial confinement 241
Particle, in box 82
Particle, size 13—15 42 231 232
Particle, size, Raman measurement 205
passivation 80 264
Pauli exclusion principle 167
Pb (lead) 254
Pb (lead), cluster mass spectrum 75
Pb (lead), nanoparticle 74
Pb (lead), superconductor 254
Pb-Ir alloy 254
Pd (palladium) 14
Penetration depth 254
Penetration depth, microwave 99
Pentane 282
Peptide bond 310 317
Peryiene 286 289
Peryiene, Anhenius plot 290
Peryiene, formula 288
Phase transition FCC/BCC 159
Phenanthroline 14
Phenylene 298
Phenylenediamine 298
Phonon, acoustic 210
Phonon, optical 203
Phosphate 316 319
Phospholipid 328 329
Phospholipid, bilayer 328
Phospholipid, bilayer, spin label ESR 70 71
Phosphorescence 151 195
Phosphorescence, porous silicon 151
Phosphorus donor 152
Phosphoryl 328 329
Photodissociation of Si nanoparticle 92
Photoelectron 63
photoemission 195
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