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Taylor M.E. — Partial Differential Equations. Basic theory (vol. 1)119, 235
Hunter J.K., Nachtergaele B. — Applied Analysis331
Hayek S.I. — Advanced mathematical methods in science and engineering488
Wilmott P., Bowison S., DeWynne J. — Option Pricing: Mathematical Models and Computation166
Edminister J.A. — Schaum's outline of electromagnetics109—110
Debnath L. — Linear Partial Differential Equations for Scientists and Engineers420
Bamberg P.G. — A Course in Mathematics for Students of Physics, Vol. 2491
Schmidt V.V. — The physics of superconductors. Introduction to fundamentals and applications34, 116
Planck M. — Introduction to Theoretical Physics215—216
Simon B. — Functional Integration and Quantum Physics70
Zauderer E. — Partial Differential Equations of Applied Mathematics484, 705
Kythe P.K. — Fundamental Solutions for Differential Operators and Applications56, 81, 146
Nayfeh M.H., Brussel M.K. — Electricity and Magnetism97, 153, 230, 314, 486, 499
Jackson J.D. — Classical electrodynamicssee “Images”
Asmar N.H. — Partial Differential Equations with fourier series and boundary value problems638
Orlando T.P., Delin K.F. — Foundations of Applied Superconductivity195, 277, 387p
Schulman L.S. — Techniques and applications of path integrationsee Images, method of
Greiner W. — Classical electrodynamics50
Davies B. — Integral Transforms and Their Applications172
Siegel W. — FieldsXIA3,6
Grosche C., Steiner F. — Handbook of Feynman path integrals262
Guru B.S., Hiziroğlu H.R. — Electromagnetic Field Theory Fundamentals116—20
Wilmott P., Howison S., Dewynne J. — The Mathematics of Financial Derivatives : A Student Introduction208
Ohanian H.C. — Classical Electrodynamics76
Riley, Hobson — Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering639, 693—699, 738
Gallavotti G. — Foundations of fluid mechanics98
McQuarrie D.A. — Statistical Mechanics399, 400
Siegel W. — FieldsXIA3, 6
Szabo R.J. — An Introduction to String Theory and D-Brane Dynamics87
Slater J.C., Frank N.H. — Electromagnetism16—17, 47—49
Kanwal R.P. — Linear Integral Equations: Theory and Techniques107, 110, 121
Edward M. Purcell — Electricity and magnetism102
Slater J., Frank N. — Introduction to Theoretical Physics215—216
Jackson J.D. — Classical electrodynamicssee "Images"
Davies B. — Integral Transforms and their Applications172
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