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Kythe P.K. — Fundamental Solutions for Differential Operators and Applications |
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-distribution 17 18
Airfoil 188
Algorithms, CHIEF 206
Anisotropic medium 177
Aquifer 198
Bessel functions 201 301 303
Bingham plastic 194
Biomechanics 3
Biot's criterion 325
Black hole 338
Black hole, physics 355 356
Black hole, solutions 338 353
Blood flow 336
Boley's criterion 325
Boltzmann constant 356
Boltzmann constant, superposition principle 192
Boundary conditions, Dirichlet-type 140
Boundary conditions, mixed 141
Boundary conditions, Neumann-type 141
Boundary conditions, Robin-type 141
Boundary element methods (BEMs) 231 234 298 321
Boundary element methods (BEMs), Laplace Transform 249
Boundary integral equations 169 176 232 250 275 279 295 297 300 321 329
Boussinesq approximation 317
Brownian motion 118
Cantilever beam 271
Capacity 90 115
Cardiovascular mechanics 353
Cauchy problem 5 68 100 107 121 218
Cauchy problem, generalized 73 101
Cauchy problem, homogeneous 104
Cauchy problem, p.v. integral 159 161 251 270
Cauchy — Navier equations 140
Cauchy — Navier equations, dynamic 162
Cauchy's theorem 218
Causality principle 163
Charge density 113
Coefficient of self-inductance 115
Complete elliptic integral 151 186
Complex variable BEM 287
Conduction current 115
Cone, characteristic 28
Cone, characteristic, future 96 136
Cone, characteristic, past 97 136
Conoid 5
Constant coefficients 37
Convolution 6 27
Convolution, algebra 28
Cracks 260
Cracks, mode I, II 261
Cracks, tip 261
Current density 113
d'Alembert's formula 100
d'Alembert's formula, solution 133
d'Arcy's law 196 342
Dam, rock-filled 343
Damping coefficient 115
Deformation, in-plane 295
Deformation, in-plane, out-of-plane 295
dielectric constant 112
Differentiation 22
Differentiations, exterior 358
Dipole 20
Dirac distribution 16 23
Dirac's matrices 122
Direct product 25
Discretisation 244
Displacement 91
Distributions 1 9 11 15
Distributions, tempered 26
Domain integrals 240 266 274
Dual reciprocity method (DRM) 267 314
Einstein's field equations 354 358
Einstein's field equations, relation 355
Elastoplasticity 174
Elastostatic BEM 254
Elastostatics, basic equations 138
Elastostatics, basic equations, Cauchy — Navier equations 140
Electrodynamic theory 324
Elliptic integrals 348
Emden's transformation 345
Equation(s), biharmonic 128 183
Equation(s), Buckingham — Reiner 195
Equation(s), Cauchy — Navier 140 272 320
Equation(s), continuity 342
Equation(s), diffusion 126 313
Equation(s), Dirac's 122
Equation(s), dynamic Cauchy — Navier 162
Equation(s), eikonal 126
Equation(s), Einstein — Kolmogorov 118
Equation(s), Einstein — Yang — Mills 338 358
Equation(s), Einstein's 353
Equation(s), Emden — Fowler 338 349
Equation(s), Euler — Poisson — Darboux 106
Equation(s), Fokker — Planck 120
Equation(s), Fourier heat 79
Equation(s), Fourier — Kirchho 277
Equation(s), group diffusion 327 328
Equation(s), Helmholtz 203 271 276
Equation(s), homogeneous biharmonic 131
Equation(s), hyperbolic 4 5
Equation(s), K-dV 133
Equation(s), kinetic 126
Equation(s), Lane — Emden 338 344
Equation(s), Laplace 42 188 198
Equation(s), Liouville's 134
Equation(s), Maxwell 112
Equation(s), Maxwell — Cattaneo 316
Equation(s), Navier — Stokes 180
Equation(s), nonlinear wave 133
Equation(s), of stellar equilibrium 344
Equation(s), Poisson 50 236 358
Equation(s), Prandtl — Glauert 187
Equation(s), scalar and vector wave 165
Equation(s), semilinear elliptic 250
Equation(s), sine — Gordon 134
Equation(s), telegrapher's 115 121
Equation(s), thermoelastic 324
Equation(s), transcendental 326
Equation(s), transient Fourier 241
Equation(s), transport 123
Equation(s), von Karman 292
Equation(s), wave 125
Euclidean distance 11
Euclidean distance, n-space 11
Exterior product 358
External locomotion 332
Fick's law 329
Finite difference schemes 278
Flexural vibrations 172
Flow, aerodynamic 187
Flow, compressible 188
Flow, groundwater 198
Flow, Hagen — Poiseuelle 195
Flow, Newtonian 181 196
Flow, non-Newtonian 191
Flow, partially-filled pipe 194
Flow, Poiseuelle 195
Flow, potential cross 186
Flow, Stokes 184
Flow, subsonic 187 190
Flow, supersonic 187
Flow, transonic 187 190
Fluid-structure interaction 330
Forward matching process 247
Fourier criterion 325
Fourier heat equation 79
Fourier limit theorems 7
Fourier series 7 90 281
Fourier series method (FSM) 280
| Fourier theorem 7 8
Fourier transform 38 41 44 61 70 86 128 145 209 224 325
Fourier wave vector 209
Fracture mechanics 259
Fresnel integrals 171
Function(s), 135
Function(s), Airy 327
Function(s), Bessel 47 120
Function(s), biharmonic 332
Function(s), characteristic 11
Function(s), diffusion 119
Function(s), four-component wave 122
Function(s), Fowler's energy 351
Function(s), Hankel 45
Function(s), harmonic 332
Function(s), Heaviside 16 23 33
Function(s), Hermite 93
Function(s), holomorphic 5
Function(s), indicator 11
Function(s), Lane — Emden 347
Function(s), modified Bessel 46
Function(s), stream 182
Function(s), with jumps 24
Function(s), “cap” 17
Fundamental solutions 3 4 29 35 37 57 58 61 63 88 93 108 111 119 122 128 132 136 137 142 146 153 157 163 171 175 177 184 205 216 220 242 268 270 300 309 321 332 339
Fundamental solutions, Mindlin's 146
Galerkin-type approximation 285
Gas index 187
Gauss mean value theorem 51
Gauss quadrature 246 285
Gaussian integral 71
General relativity 353
Generalized Green's identities 296
Goethert's rule 189
Gravitational field 358
Green's first identity 14
Green's formula 144 183
Green's function 3 4 10 11 92 119 208
Green's identity 3 23 130 188
Green's reciprocity theorem 14
Green's second identity 14
Green's theorem 4
Hadamard p.v. integral 161
Half-space geometry 57
Half-space geometry, solutions 46
Hamiltonian 93
Harmonic oscillators 90
Harmonic oscillators, damped 90
Heat conduction in anisotropic media 31
Heat conduction MCF model 316
Heat conduction nonlinear transient 313
Heat conduction, non-Fourier 31
Heat conduction, nonlinear steady 312
Heat potential 6
Heat transfer 321 324
Heaviside function 16 23 33
Hexagonal symmetry 221
Hilbert space 2
Holder's condition 158 315
Homology theorem 349
Hooke's law 140
Hopf's Lemma 54
Hubble Space Telescope 339
Huygens principle 4 109
Induction, electric 112
Induction, magnetic 112
J-integral 262
Jacobian 183
Kelvin's transformation 345
Keynotes 91
Kirchhoff's effective shear forces 294
Kirchhoff's effective shear forces, solution 107
Kirchhoff's effective shear forces, transformation 313
Kutta condition 190
l'Hospital's rule 360
Lame's constants 140 308
Laplace transform BEM 249
Laplacian 12 24 323
Laws of black hole physics 355
Laws of black hole physics, of thermodynamics 356
Level surfaces 124
Local barrier 55
Lorenz condition 114
Loss coefficient 115
Lung mechanics 353
Magnetic permeability 112
Maximum principle for elliptic equations 51
Maximum principle for Laplacian 52
Maximum principle for parabolic operator 75
Maximum principle, strong elliptic 54
Maximum principle, strong parabolic 77
Maximum principle, weak elliptic 53
Maximum principle, weak parabolic 76
Maxwell's equations 112
MCF model 316
Method of descent 63
Method of images 56 81 146
Method, d'Alembert's 104
Method, Frobenius 95
Method, Kelvin's 141
Metric, Kerr 354
Metric, Kerr — Newman 254
Metric, Reissner — Nordstrom 354
Metric, Schwarzschild 354
Metric, spacetime 345
Missbach exponential law 342
Model, MCF 316
Model, Noll 192
Model, Oldroyd 192
Model, Sedov 192
Model, Traesdell 192
Model, Walters 192
Moments 293
Multi-index 11
Multiple reciprocity method (MRM) 274
Navier — Stokes equations 180
Neutron diffusion 327
Newtonian mechanics 353
Normed linear space 360
Number, Cattaneo 318
Number, Grashof 318
Number, Mach 187 190
Number, Prandtl 318
Number, Reynolds 219
Ohm's law 113
Open ball 11
Operator, adjoint 12
Operator, Bernoulli — Euler 170
Operator, biharmonic 129 183 300
Operator, Cauchy — Navier 14
Operator, Cauchy — Riemann 37 48
Operator, D'Alembertian 85
Operator, differential 33
Operator, diffusion 60 72
Operator, Dirac's 122
Operator, dynamic piezoelectric 21
Operator, Einstein — Kolmogorov 117
Operator, elastoplastic 175
Operator, electrodynamic 162
Operator, heat 60
Operator, Helmholtz 37 44
Operator, Klein — Gordon 120
Operator, Laplace 37 41
Operator, Laplacian 12 41 50 58
Operator, linear 12
Operator, linear elliptic 37
Operator, linear parabolic 60
Operator, nonhomogeneous 49
Operator, nonlinear 117
Operator, orthotropic 177
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