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Kythe P.K. — Fundamental Solutions for Differential Operators and Applications |
Предметный указатель |
Operator, p-harmonic 339
Operator, p-Laplacian 338
Operator, partial differential 12
Operator, piezoelectric 208
Operator, Poisson 184
Operator, poroelastic 307
Operator, quasihyperbolic 136
Operator, quasilinear 117
Operator, quasilinear elliptic 338
Operator, Riemarm — Liouville 30
Operator, Schrodinger 79
Operator, self-adjoint 12
Operator, transient 33 60
Operator, transport 128
Operator, von Karman 294
Operator, wave 85
Orbits 362
Oscillators, harmonic 90
Oscillators, harmonic, Schroedinger harmonic 94
Out-of-plane deformation 295
p-Laplacian 338
Parabolic boundary 76
Particular integrals 322
Pauli's notation 122
Permeability tensor 196 342
Piezocrystal waves 225
Piezoelectrics 207
Piezometric head 196 342
Planck's constant 79 356
Plates, clamped edges 302
Plates, finite deflection 292
Plates, large deflection 298
Plates, simply-supported edges 303
Plates, thin isotropic 293
Poisson integral 67
Poisson integral, ratio 139
Poly tropic gas 344
Pore-pressure equations 311
Pore-water pressure 196
Poroelasticity 307
Porous media 196
Potentials, double layer 21
Potentials, electromagnetic 114
Potentials, heat 65
Potentials, Newtonian 51
Potentials, single layer 21
Potentials, thermoelastic 327
Potentials, wave 95
Power law fluids 193
Pyroelectric materials 334
Quasihyperbolic operator 136
Quasiliear elliptic operators 338
Quasilinear operator 117
Rayleigh — Green identity 295
Residues 219
Resistance 115
Reynolds average model 180
Riemann function 5
Riemann — Christoffel tensor 358
Rigidity coefficients 140
Scatterer 203
Seepage velocity 196 342
Shadow zones 164
Solutions, axisymmetric 150
| Solutions, black hole 353
Solutions, Fourier series 183
Solutions, half-space 146
Solutions, radial 339 351
Solutions, steady-state 220
Somigliana's identity 155
Sommerfeld radiation condition 203
Spacetime continuum 124
Spherical mean 105
Stokes problem 185
Strain vector 139
Stress-strain relation 139
Surface tractions 141 146 182
Systems, acoustic 116
Systems, electrical 116
Systems, mechanical 116
Tensor product 217
Theorems, divergence 13
Theorems, Gauss 13
Theorems, Gauss' mean value 51
Theorems, gradient 13
Theorems, Green's reciprocity 14
Theorems, homology 349
Theorems, residue 92
Theorems, Schwarz 27
Theorems, Stokes 13
Thermoelastic potential 327
Thermoelastic potential, equations 324
Thermoelasticity 320
Thermoelasticity, uncoupled theory of 320
Tractions, boundary 293
Tractions, surface 141 146 182
Transform Fourier 38 41 44 61 70 86 128 145 209 224 325
Transform Fourier, Laplace 70 83 120 170 172 201 310 318 372
Transient DRM 277
Transient DRM, MRM 279
Underwater acoustic scattering 202
Unit ball 11
Unit sphere 11
Vector, characteristic 125
Vector, electric field 112
Vector, magnetic field 112
Vector, mass-flux 189
Vector, neutron current 329
Vector, null 125
Vector, potential 114 181
Vector, space-like 125
Vector, strain 139
Vector, stress 138
Vector, time-like 125
Vector, vorticity 181
Velocity of light 113
Velocity potential 182
Virtual work 156 175
Viscoelastic materials 191
Vorticity 181 190
Wave potentials 95
Wave potentials, propagation 105 166 200 225 319
Waves, compression 162
Waves, compression, piezocrystal 225
Waves, compression, plane 226
Waves, compression, surface 228
Waves, compression, transverse 162
Yang — Mills equation 358
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