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Schulman L.S. — Techniques and applications of path integration |
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Abers, E. S. 314 347
Abramowitz 78
action 7
Action, analytically continued 155 156
Action, at a distance 323 325
Action, at a distance electrodynamics 174
Action, forced harmonic oscillator 38
Action, harmonic oscillator 38
Action, instanton 275
Aharonov — Bohm effect 195 196 210
Aharonov, Y. 15 195 196 210
Airy function 122 123 135 139
Airy function, generalized 127
Alben, R. 342 343
Albeverio, S. 63 64 117 347
Algebraic topology 197
Alimov, A. L. 311
Amit, D. J. 189 302 314 347
Amplitude, probability 13
Analytic continuation 64 99 105 162 168 230 232 272 279 280 281 289 327 331
Anderson model 270 331
Anderson, J. L. 235
Anderson, P. W. 257
Anharmonic oscillator 96—117 271
Annihilation, particle-antiparticle 227 228
Anticommuting c-numbers 188
Arcwise connected 197
Arnold, V. I. 313
Arthurs 128 189 211 224 332 333 347
Aspnes, D. 302
Asymptotic analysis 73—78
Asymptotic approximation 16—21 106
Asymptotic approximation, 117 126 129
Asymptotic approximation, uniform 131—142
Asymptotic expansion 139 169
Asymptotic series 73—78 97 134
Asymptotic series, exercises 76
Atomic scattering 158
Auxiliary coordinates 323
Avez, A. 313
Babcenco, A. 48 344
Baker, G. A., Jr 289
Balian, R. 163
Bander 157
Banks 288
Bare mass 170
Bargmann, V. 245 257
Barrier penetration 155 157 162 163
Barrier penetration, 271 272 273
Bead on a ring 190
Bekenstein, J. D. 229 235
Bender 189 288 332
Berlin, T. H. 294 302
Berry, M. V. 142 348
Bessel functions 345
Bezak, V. 270
Birman, Sh 339
Black body temperature 234
Black hole, absorption probability 234
Black hole, emission 229 230 232 233 234 235
Black hole, singularity 231
Black hole, temperature 230 233
Black hole, thermodynamics 236
Black holes 229—236
Bleistein, N. 169
Bliss, G. A. 91
Bloch waves 195
Bloch, C. 163
Bohm, D. 195 196 210
Bohr — Sommerfeld quantization rules 143 154
Boon 257
Boosts (Lorentz transformations) 235
Bopp, F. 188 223
Borel resummation 75
Born 146
Born approximation 287
Born — Oppenheimer approximation 160
Bose — Einstein condensation 259—270
Bosons 209 250
Boundary conditions, Dirichlet or Neumann 212
Branch point, classical action 224
Brezin, E. 288
Brillouin zone 292 297 301
Broken line path 7 8 29
Brownian motion 28 53—64 342
Brownian motion, exercise 63
Brownian motion, paths 263 264 319 320
Brush, S. G. 241 347
Burton, W. K. 196
Buslaev, V. S. 41 212 339
Calculus of variations 79—91
Callan, C. 288
Calogero model 346
Calogero, F. 346
Cameron, R. H. 64
Campbell, W. B. 163
Canonical form 136 139
Canonical morphology 140
Canonical operators 216
Canonical quantization 215
Canonical transformation 20 306 307 308 309 311
Casher, A. 253 256
Catastrophe, dimensions of 140
Catastrophe, elementary 140 141
Catastrophe, theory 120—130 139 140 142
Caustic surfaces 87
Caustic, fourth-order 128
Caustics 17 118—142 168
Chang, S. S. 313
Chapman — Kolmogorov equation 42 47
chemical potential 250 260
Chester, C. 132 141
Child, M. S. 142
Chretien 331
Chu, F. Y. F. 313
Classical evolution, exercise 19
Classical limit 16 51 WKB
Classical limit, coalescing 125
Classical path 39—41 159
Clutton — Brock 41 311
Cohen, L. 257 312
Coherent state representation 242—256
col 277
Coleman, S. 106 288
Collective behavior 290 (see also Phase transitions)
Collins, J. C. 288
Combe, P. 347
Commutation relations 49—52 255
Complete integrability 313
Complex paths 162 163 168
Complex potentials 163
Complex scaling 99 105
Computer 341
Conjugate point 84—90 118 122 124
Connor, J. N. L. 141—142
Continuity of paths in Wiener measure 318 319
Continuous deformation 197
Continuous spectrum 43
Contractible 198 (see also Simply connected)
Convex function 174
Convex obstacle 339
Cooper, F. 332
Copson, E. 78
Correlation function, two-point 291 299 302
correlation length 291 298
Correspondence, identities 157
Correspondence, limit 16—21
Correspondence, principle 154
Courant, R. 80 91
Covering projection 202 203 206
| Covering space 203
Covering space, universal 202 203 206
Covering space, universal SO(3) 204
Covering space, universal torus 204
Coyne, S. 128
Creep wave 40 339
Critical droplet 271 278 280 288
Critical droplet, explicit solution 274
Critical exponents 290 291 296 302
Critical phenomena 293 295 297 299
Critical point 126 136 281 290 291 298 299 301
Critical point, coalescing 125 126 132 135 136 141
Critical region 121
Curie point 291
Curie — Weiss model 325
Curvature 217 220
Curvature, phase factor 216 217
Curved space path integral 41 214—224
Curved spacetimes 229
Cusp 127 128
Cylinder sets 57
Cylindrical mirror 125
Dashen, R. F. 313
Davies, H. 311
DeBorde, A. H. 196
DeBruijn, N. G. 78
Decay rate 273
Decimation 302
Deficiency indices 211 212
Dekker, H. 312 343
Density, of paths 88
Density, of states 268
Dente, G. C. 324
Deser, S. 331
Deviations, large 266
Devreese, J. T. 48 142 188 344 347
DeWitt — Morette, C. 63 64 96 106 130 185 188 209 210 224 236 311 347 348
DeWitt, B. 96 106 216 217 224
Dicke, R. H. 162
Difference differential equations 174
Diffracting body 212
Diffraction 168 212 339
Diffraction, geometrical theory of 157 163
Diffusion 54 55 60
Dilute gas of excitations 282
Dirac equation 185 229
Dirac, P. A. 14 15
Domb, C. 302
Donsker 96 180 266 269
Dowker, J. S. 41 210 223 224 258 312
Dreyfus 106 314
Drift velocity 55
Duistermaat, J. J. 142
Dym, H. 106
Dyson, F. 98 106
Edwards, R. E. 181
Edwards, S. F. 224 270 333 346
Effective field approximation 98
effective mass 170
Ehrenfest theorem 51
Elastic forces 332
Electric field, uniform 39
Electrodynamics 174
Electrodynamics, time symmetric 323
electromagnetic field 320—323
Electromagnetic field, quantized 324
Electron in a solid 267
Ellis, R. S. 129
Emission by black holes 235
Emission probability from black hole 234
energy levels 44—48 147—157
Energy, imaginary part of 273
entropy 332
Enveloping ray 339
Equations of motion, complex 250
Equivalence class 198 200
Erdelyi, A. 21 78
Error function 76
Essential singularity 98 107 271 283
Essential singularity, 284 289
Ester ling, D. 189
Euler — Lagrange equation, finite difference approximation 109
Eve, M. 169
Event horizon 229
Exchange operator 209
Exchange second virial coefficient 338
Expectation value, complex 49 50
Exponential potential, exercise 89 105
Extensions of symmetric operators 212
Fadeev, L. D. 313
Fanelli, R. 311
Fermat’s principle 168
Fermi statistics 256
fermions 209 346
Ferrell, R. A. 270
Ferromagnet 325
Feynman diagrams 65—69 324
Feynman — Kac formula 43—48 171 173 178 272 273 330 339
Feynman, R. P. 3 12 15 26 180 185 188 214 217 226 228 234 241 311 323 324 325 346 347
Fibich 270
Field theory 242 251 315 316 317 320
Fields, rough 320
Fifth parameter 214 226 230
Finkler, P. 163
First passage time 60—64 265
First-order phase transitions see Phase transitions
Fisher, M. E. 283 289
Fixed point 291 298 299 302
Fluctuation, destabilizing 277
Focal point 84—90 (see also Conjugate point)
Fock, V. A. 214 226
Focusing 105 118 141
Fokker — Planck equation 310 342 343
Fokker, A. D. 323
Force field, uniform 32 38
Fosdick, L. D. 343
Fourier coefficients, asymptotic properties of 319
Frank, W. 107
Free energy 272 317 326 329
Free particle 31 32 45
Free particle, spectrum 45
Friedman, B. 132 141
Frohlich 180 270
Fugacity 260
Functional calculus 49—52
Functional form, topological 132 133
Functions of bounded variation 319
Fundamental group 201 202
Fundamental group, SO(3) 221
Fundamental homotopy group 208 210
Fundamental theorem for theta functions 223
Furman 302
Gamma function 75
Gamma matrices 229
Garrido, L. 312 343
Garrod, C. 311
Gauge Fields 210
Gauge invariance, exercise 30
Gauge transformation 27—30 210 211 213
Gaussian functional integral 269
Gawedzki, K. 311 314
Gelman, D. 162
Gel’fand, I. M. 39 64 347
Generating function 243
Geodesic deviation 87
Geometrical optics 164—169
George, T. F. 163
Gervais, J. L. 313
Gibbons, G. W. 236
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