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Schulman L.S. — Techniques and applications of path integration |
Предметный указатель |
Gibbs distribution 341 342 343
Glauber, R. J. 257
Glimm, J. 47 325
Global invariants 313
Glory (in scattering) 163
Goldstein, H. 88 91 205
Goldstone boson 84
Golubitsky 130
Goovaerts, M. J. 48 344 346
Gotze, W. 302
Graham, R. 312 343
Gravitational field, quantization 235
Green, M. S. 302
Green’s function see Propagator
Griego, R. J. 63
Gross, E. P. 181 270 331
Ground state energy 342
Group manifolds 41
Gulyaev, V. V. 224 270 346
Guralnik, G. S. 332
Gutzwiller, M. C. 48 154 155 157 313 314
Haag, R. 188 223
Hagedorn, G. A. 21 116 117
Hamblen, D. 302
Hamermesh 202 205
Hamilton — Jacobi equation 15 88 101 155 224 307
Hamilton, J. F., Jr 188
Hamiltonian, time dependent 8
Handelsman, R. A. 169
Hard sphere 334 336
Hard sphere, gas 333 338
Hardy, G. H. 196
harmonic oscillator 32—39 44
Harmonic oscillator forced 38 172 322
Harmonic oscillator, energy levels 46
Harmonic oscillator, propagator 247
Harmonic oscillator, wave function 46
Hartle, J. B. 233 234 235
Hassing, R. F. 189
Hasslacher, B. 313
Hawking, S. W. 233 234 235 236
Heat equation 55 60 117
Heavy ion scattering 158 163
Hecht, R. 302
Helfand, E. 270
Hell war th, R. W. 180
Hemmer, P. C. 283
Hermite polynomials 243 244
Hersh, R. 63
Hibbs, A. R. 3 12 180 188 241 324 347
Higher-order terms, Laplace method 115
Hilbert space, of analytic functions 245
Hilbert space, of paths 63
Hilbert, D. 80 91
Hilton, P. J. 205
Hirshfeld, A. C. 258 312 313
Hirth, J. P. 288
Hocking, J. G. 205
Hoegh — Krohn, R. J. 63 64 117 347
Homogeneous polynomials 246
Homogeneous spaces 41
Homotopy 187
Homotopy, class 198
Homotopy, equivalence classes 199 206
Homotopy, equivalence relation 197
Homotopy, factor 211
Homotopy, theorem (for path integrals) 192 208 210
Homotopy, theory 197 205 209
Homotopy, type 199
Horvathy, P. A. 210
Huang, K. 289
Hydrogen atom 157
I to, K. 28 30 311
Ideal bose gas 252
Ideal gas 237 240
Images, method of 40 41 61 62 156
Implicit function theorem 129 133 140
Importance sampling 339
Impurities 260 262 269
Impurity potential 267
Index of bilinear functional 89
Index of refraction 164
Indistinguishable particles 209
Infinitesimal generator 9
Infrared bounds 270
Inomata, a. 346
Instantaneous Coulomb interaction 321
Instanton 122 271—289 331
Instanton, analytically continued 330
Instanton, explicit solution 274
Integral, Gaussian 6
Integral, Gaussian, multidimensional 34
Integral, Gaussian, table 20 21
Interacting field 172
Interaction, nonlocal 269
Interaction, representation 184
Interference 13 18 168
Internal coordinate 186 187
Intrinsic curvature 187
Invariant distance 219
Invariants, globally defined 310
Ising model 328
Ising model, stochastic dynamics 341
Isotropy group 186
Israel, W. 236
Ito formula 28
Ito formula, integral 27—30 215
Itzykson, C. 157
Jacobi equation 37 84 95 284
Jacobi equation, field 84 85 95
Jacobi equation, matrix 110 328
Jacobi equation, theta function 156 193 195 222 223
Jaffe, A. 47 325
Jeffreys, H. 78
Jensen, C. A. 343
Jensen’s Inequality 174 181
Jevicki, a. 313
Jones, C. E. 163
Jones, R. 270
Jordan, H. F. 343
Kac, M. 42 47 58 63 241 269 283 294 302 329 331 347
Kadanoff, L. P. 291 302
Kane, J. 302
Katz, A. 312 347
Keller, J. B. 157 163 169 348
Khandekar, D. C. 48 346
Kim, D. 289
Kinetic energy, in path integral 51 52
Kishore, R. 189
Klauder, J. R. 188 256 257 346
Klein paradox 228
Klein — Gordon equation 225 226
Knoll, J. 163
Koeling 163
Korepin, V. E. 313
Kostant, B. 210
Kramers, H. A. 288
Kronecker’s theorem 195 196
Kruskal 231
Kruskal coordinates 231 234 235
Kunz, H. 289
Kuratsuji, h. 257
Kuttner, F. 302
Laidlaw, M. G. G. 209 210
Lam, C. S. 96 106
Lamb shift 322
Landau — Ginzburg theory 253 254
Landau, L. D. 154 342 343
Landauer, R. 288
Langer, J. S. 256 270 284 288
| Langouche, f. 312 343
Laplace — Beltrami operator 205 215
Laplace’s method 20 76 96 114 254
Laplace’s method, 273 276 294 295 301 317 320 326 330
Laplacian 205 215
Lawande, S. V. 48 343 346
lddings, C. K. 180
Lebesgue measure 56 57
Lebowitz, J. L. 289
Lee, B. W. 314 347
Lee, L. L. 64
Legendre condition 80
Legendre condition, transform 148
Leschke, H. 313
Levit, S. 95 106 130 142 163 314
Lewis, E. A. S. 302
Lie groups 41
Lieb, E. H. 333 337 338 339
Lifshitz, E. 154
Lifting (of Laplacian) 206
Linked cluster expansion 253
Lipatov, L. N. 288
Lipkin, H. J. 257
Lippmann — Schwinger equation 60 286
Lipschitz condition 319
localization 13
Localized moments 332
Loeve 181
Lothe, J. 288
Lowe, M. J. 289
Ludwig, D. 169
Lukes 270
Lurie, D. 253 256 343
Lusternik, L. A. 212
Luttinger, J. 269
M hring, K. 314
Ma, S. K. 241 291 298 299 301 302
Macroscopic occupation 261 262 263
Macroscopic occupation, 264 266
Magnetic field 22—26
Magnetic field, uniform 39
Magnetic field, varying 185
Magnetic moments, localized 188
Magnetic monopole 212
Magnetic resonance 185
magnetization 326
Maheshwari, A. 270 311 348
Maiinov, M. S. 348
Malfliet, R. A. 163
Malgrange preparation theorem 140
Malgrange, B. 140
Marcus, R. A. 141
Martin, W. 347
Mass renormalization 170
Mass spectrum 187
Mather, J. N. 140
Matrix product, infinite 184
Matthews, P. 188
Mayes, I.W. 258
McCraw, R. J. 289
McLaughlin, D. W. 106 128 155 157 163 224 3 1 3 34 8
Mean field theory 254 326 330 332
Measure theory 56
Medium range interaction 329
Messiah, A. 257
Metastability 278 280 289 331 343
Metastable states 271
Method of images see Images method
Method of stationary phase see Stationary phase approximation
Method of steepest descents see Steepest descents method
Metropolis, N. 343
Midpoint evaluation in path integral 23
Miller, W. H. 142 163
Milnor, J. 90 91
Minimum uncertainty wave packets 244
Mirror, cylindrical 125
Misheloff, M. N. 163
Misner, C. W. 236
Miura 188
Mizrahi 258 311
Momentum operator 51
Momentum states 6
Monte Carlo methods 339 340 343
Montroll, E. W. 39 347
Morawetz, C. S. 169
Morette, C. see DeWitt — Morette Morse 90 91
Morphology 128
Morse index theorem 89—90
Morse theory 89 91 143—146
Mount, K. E. 142 348
Muhlschlegel, B. 188 332
Multiply connected spaces 190
Multiply connected spaces, 211
Natural metric, induced 187
Nauenberg 302
Negative energy state 226 228 231
Nelson, b. 311 348
Nelson, E. 12 39 64
Neveu, A. 313
Newman 289
Newton, R. G. 162
Niemeijer 291 302
Nirenberg, L. 140
Nonclassical effects 124
Nonintegrable phase factors 210
Norcliffe, A. 154 157
Normal form 131—132 136 139 140
Numerical sum over paths 343
O-symbol 73
Olver, F. W. J. 78
One loop approximation 236
Operator, annihilation (lowering) 243
Operator, creation (raising) 243
Operator, extensions of 211
Operator, ordering 52 214 215 310 311 313
Optical modes 170
Optics 124 141 164—169
Orbit 186
Order parameter 254
Order parameter, complex 253
Ornstein — Uhlenbeck process 342 343
Outgoing wave boundary conditions 280
Overcomplete basis 245
Pair production 230
Pak, N. K. 211
Palciauskas, V. V. 302
PapadopouKs, G. J. 106 142 188 270 347
Parabolic barrier 163
Parabolic cylinder function 74 78 97
Parastatistics 209 210
Particle-antiparticle pair 230
Particles moving backward in time 226
Partition function 237 251 252 254 262
Partition function, 292 316 317 326 328
Partition function, grand canonical 250 260
Path integral, circle 208
Path integral, coherent state representation 314
Path integral, complex paths 155
Path integral, curved space 223
Path integral, definition 7
Path integral, Dirac equation 188
Path integral, electromagnetic wave equation 164
Path integral, fermion 256
Path integral, Fourier transform of 158
Path integral, free particle 31 32
Path integral, harmonic oscillator 32—39
Path integral, phase space 242 249 303—314
Path integral, relativistic spinning particles 235
Path integral, Schwarzschild metric 233
Path integral, spin 182—189 218 223
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