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Orlando T.P., Delin K.F. — Foundations of Applied Superconductivity
Orlando T.P., Delin K.F. — Foundations of Applied Superconductivity

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Íàçâàíèå: Foundations of Applied Superconductivity

Àâòîðû: Orlando T.P., Delin K.F.


The goal of this text was to use language common to electrical engineers. For this reason, our approach emerges from the concepts encountered in classical electromagnetism. This allows us to discuss the highly interdisciplinary topic of superconductivity in a meaningful way while simultaneously requiring only a modest physics background from the student.

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ed2k: ed2k stats

Èçäàíèå: 1st edition

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1991

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 612

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 04.07.2009

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$I_{c}R_{n}$-product      454 555p
Abrikosov, A.      260 527
Amp$\grave{e}$re’s law      27 28
Anisotropy coherence lengths      307—311 326p
Anisotropy coherence lengths, conductivity      114—123
Anisotropy coherence lengths, first London equation      123 243
Anisotropy coherence lengths, Gibbs free energy      390p
Anisotropy coherence lengths, lower critical field $H_{c1}$      313—314 317 390p
Anisotropy coherence lengths, mass      123 242 304
Anisotropy coherence lengths, modified second London equation      304
Anisotropy coherence lengths, penetration depths      123 125—128 304 577
Anisotropy coherence lengths, principal axis      117
Anisotropy coherence lengths, rotation matrix      120
Anisotropy coherence lengths, rubber sheet model      128 139p 305—308 316
Anisotropy coherence lengths, Schr$\ddot{o}$dinger’s equation      242
Anisotropy coherence lengths, second London equation      124 243 304
Anisotropy coherence lengths, supercurrent density      242
Anisotropy coherence lengths, surface barrier field      391p
Anisotropy coherence lengths, thermodynamic critical field $H_{c}$      315 317 390p
Anisotropy coherence lengths, upper critical field $H_{c2}$      314—315 317 390p
Bardeen, J.      8 249 527
BCS, coherence length      531 575
BCS, energy gap      8 98 264 309 395—398 450 454 575 576
BCS, theory      8 527
Bean, C.      374
Bednorz, J.G.      6
Bessel functions      see Modified Bessel functions
Black’s formula      520
Boltzmann, L.      284
Boundary conditions for superconductors      135p
Boundary conditions, Ginzburg — Landau theory      548p
Boundary conditions, Maxwell’s equations      29—30
Boundary conditions, MQS systems      42 176
Bulk approximation      63 77 81—87 131p 132p 194 209 215p 246 291 293 225 230 231 257p
Charge conservation      27 29
Charge of electron (-$e$)      55
Charge of superelectrons      8 248
Charge relaxation      35—36 208p
Chevrel, R.      6
Chu, P. C. W.      6
Classical model of superconductivity      7 77
Classification of superconductors clean and dirty      531 535
Classification of superconductors, high-$\kappa$      267
Classification of superconductors, local and nonlocal      529
Classification of superconductors, type I and type II      7 259 297—303 513
Clausius, R.      284
Clean superconductor      531
Clean superconductor, coherence length      531 535
Clean superconductor, penetration depth      535 542
Clean superconductor, sum rule      542 554p
Coenergy      183—186 190—194
Coenergy, relation to Gibbs free energy      287 292
Coherence length      260 302
Coherence length, anisotropic      310—311 312 326p
Coherence length, BCS      531 575
Coherence length, clean limit      531 535
Coherence length, dirty limit      534 535
Coherence length, Ginzburg — Landau      499 549p
Coherence length, Pippard      529
Coherence length, temperature dependence      297
Coherence length, vortex radius      264—266 549p
Computer elements      90—92 479—483
Condensation energy      289
Conductivity (normal state)      9
Conductivity (normal state), anisotropy      121 123
Conductivity (normal state), complex conductivity      55
Conductivity (normal state), model of normal state      53—58
Conductivity (superconducting state) anisotropy      123 242—243
Conductivity (superconducting state), classical model      57—60
Conductivity (superconducting state), complex conductivity      59 98 535—545
Conductivity (superconducting state), normal channel      96—104 554p 555p
Conductivity (superconducting state), quantum model      235—242 (also Supercurrent equation)
Conductivity (superconducting state), superconducting channel      96—104 554p 555p
Conservation of charge      27 29 30 35 148 238
Constitutive relations      19 31
Conventional superconductors      8 490
Cooper pairs      8 396 531—534
Cooper, L.N.      8 249 527
Critical current density      4 10
Critical current density, depairing      266 371 503—505
Critical current density, in critical state model      374 380
Critical current density, in Ginzburg — Landau theory      503—505
Critical current density, in Josephson junctions      402
Critical current density, in type II superconductors      371 372
Critical current, in Josephson junctions      405
Critical current, in SQUIDs      417
Critical magnetic fields      4 290 Thermodynamic Upper Lower
Critical state model of type II superconductors      374
Critical temperature $T_{c}$      3 6 575—577
Cylinder driven by a current source, normal      51—53 132p 133p
Cylinder driven by a current source, perfectly conducting      74p 132p 133p
Cylinder driven by a current source, superconducting      132p 133p
Cylinder in a magnetic field, normal      209p
Cylinder in a magnetic field, superconducting      82—83 210p
Cylinder in a magnetic field, vortex      274—276 321 322p 386p
DC flux transformer      90—92
de Broglie wavelength      222
Decay length $\zeta$      401
Delay-power graph      480
Demagnetization factor      215p
Demagnetization factor, as electronic response function      515 520 524
Demagnetization factor, in bulk materials      515
Diamagnetism, perfect      see Meissner effect)
dielectric constant      31 515 524
Dielectric, lossy      40
Diffusion constant      530
Dipole fields electric      364
Dipole fields electric, magnetic      49—51
Dirty superconductor      531
Dirty superconductor, coherence length      534 535
Dirty superconductor, penetration depth      535 544
Dirty superconductor, sum rule      543—544
Dispersion relations plane wave      145
Dispersion relations plane wave, quantum mechanics      224
Dispersion relations plane wave, superconductor      144 145 146 208p
Dispersion relations plane wave, waveguide      158—159 163—164 169
Displacement current      143
Einstein — de Broglie relations      221
Electrodynamics, normal conductor      151
Electrodynamics, superconductor      142—151 152—172
Electromagnetic power      105—113 (see also Poynting’s theorem)
Electromagnetic power, circuit element      105
Electromagnetic power, distributed systems      108
Electromagnetic power, superconducting      112
Electromagnetic power, time averaged      106
Electromagnetic wavelength      145 528
Electromagnetic wavelength and quasistatic criterion      32—33
Electromagnetic wavelength and scattering      243—244
Electromechanical systems      187—204
Electron volt      222
Electron-lattice interaction      524—527 531—533
Electroquasistatics (EQS)      35—37
Energy and coenergy      183 190
Energy and coenergy of vortex      see Vortex
Energy and coenergy, electromagnetic      130 (see also Electromagnetic power)
Energy and coenergy, relation to Helmholtz free energy      325p
Energy and coenergy, stored in electric field      105 108
Energy and coenergy, stored in kinetic energy      112 183
Energy and coenergy, stored in magnetic field      106 108 186—187 190 282 283
Energy and coenergy, thermodynamic      282
Energy gap      8 98 264 309 395—398 450 454 575 576
Energy-phase relation      239 393
Entropy S      284 327p
Equilibrium      288
Faraday’s law      26—27 28
Fermi velocity      243 264 309 530
Field momentum      232
First law of thermodynamics      282
First London equation      see London equations
Flux density      see Magnetic flux density
Flux expulsion      4 67
Flux expulsion and Josephson voltage-phase relation      431
Flux expulsion, Lorentzlike force      333 362 363
Flux expulsion, resistance      366—367
Flux expulsion, velocity      366 368 372
Flux expulsion, viscosity      368
Flux expulsion, voltage      363 373
Flux flow of vortices      363—368 389p
Flux linkage      87
Flux pinning      368—383
Flux quantum $\Phi_{0}$      245
Flux transporter      88
Fluxoid quantization      245 248—251 550p
Force, mechanical      189—190 193—197 199
Force, mechanical,      21p
Fourier transform      516 571—574
Free energy      see Gibbs free energy and Helmholtz free energy
Fribbit me wot      580
Gap      see Energy gap
Gap voltage      450
Gauge invariance      237 403 404
Gauge transformations      237 403
Gauge-invariant phase difference      see Josephson junctions properties)
Gauss’s law electric      27 28
Gauss’s law electric, magnetic      27 28
Gauss’s theorem      28
Generalized potential      226
Gibbs free energy $G(\mathcal{H}, T)$      286—287 293 496
Gibbs free energy $G(\mathcal{H}, T)$ and condensation energy      292
Gibbs free energy $G(\mathcal{H}, T)$, and coenergy      287 292
Gibbs free energy $G(\mathcal{H}, T)$, anisotropic superconductors      390p
Gibbs free energy $G(\mathcal{H}, T)$, at phase transitions      288
Gibbs free energy $G(\mathcal{H}, T)$, normal state      293
Gibbs free energy $G(\mathcal{H}, T)$, second order transitions      292
Gibbs free energy $G(\mathcal{H}, T)$, superconducting state      292 289 492 496 498
Gibbs free energy $G(\mathcal{H}, T)$, type I superconductor      289—291
Gibbs free energy $G(\mathcal{H}, T)$, vortex      280 293—295 313 335 340—344 361 390p
Ginzburg — Landau parameters      495
Ginzburg — Landau parameters, coherence length      499 529p 576 577
Ginzburg — Landau parameters, kappa parameter      267
Ginzburg — Landau parameters, penetration depth      495 576 577
Ginzburg — Landau parameters, temperature dependence      494
Ginzburg — Landau theory      8 490—514
Ginzburg — Landau theory, boundary conditions      502—503 548p
Ginzburg — Landau theory, equations      501
Ginzburg — Landau theory, free energy      492 496 498
Ginzburg — Landau theory, in dimensionless units      503
Ginzburg, V.L.      8 563
Gorkov, L.P.      8 490 527
heat capacity      327p
Helium, liquid      2
Helmholtz equation      79 131p 268 330
Helmholtz free energy      325p
High-temperature superconductors      6 15 62 260 262 485 527 548 577
Hilbert transform      537
Hysteretic losses      381—383
Image solutions      195 277 387p
Impedance, characteristic $Z_{0}$      164
Impedance, circuit      20 21 25
Impedance, normal state      56 59
Impedance, superconducting      113
Impedance, surface      see Surface impedance
Index notation      567—570
Inductance, Josephson inductance      443p 470
Inductance, of transmission line      167 170
Internal energy      282
Josephson current-phase relation      402 404 406
Josephson effect in other structures      405 507—509
Josephson frequency $f_{J}$      408
Josephson junctions, applications      7—8 397—398
Josephson junctions, computer elements      479—483
Josephson junctions, digital circuits      474—483
Josephson junctions, magnetometers      see SQUIDs
Josephson junctions, properties      7—8 396—397
Josephson junctions, properties, capacitance      456
Josephson junctions, properties, critical current      405
Josephson junctions, properties, critical current density      402
Josephson junctions, properties, current-voltage characteristics      394—398 450 462 464
Josephson junctions, properties, energy      407 428 436
Josephson junctions, properties, gauge-invariant phase difference      404
Josephson junctions, properties, inductance      443p 470
Josephson junctions, properties, penetration depth $\lambda_{J}$      430 432
Josephson junctions, properties, plasma frequency      438
Josephson junctions, properties, resistance in normal state      452—453
Josephson junctions, properties, resistance in subgap region      455
Josephson junctions, properties, Stewart — McCumber parameter $\beta_{c}$      459
Josephson junctions, properties, superconducting quantum interference      410—420 421 424 471—474
Josephson junctions, properties, time constants      459
Josephson junctions, properties, vortices      427 431 433—437
Josephson junctions, response to ac sources      409—410 442p 444p 466—470
Josephson junctions, response to dc sources      408 430—431 458—466 486p 487p
Josephson junctions, SQUIDs      410—420 424 471—474
Josephson junctions, transmission lines      437 447p
Josephson junctions, types, basic      398
Josephson junctions, types, extended      420
Josephson junctions, types, generalized      398 449
Josephson junctions, types, long      431
Josephson junctions, types, lumped      405
Josephson junctions, types, short      420—431
Josephson junctions, types, two dimensional      445p 446p
Josephson microbridge      405 507—509 555p
Josephson phasors      418—420
Josephson tunneling      398—405
Josephson voltage-phase relation      405 406
Josephson, B.D.      396
Kamerlingh Onnes, H.      2—4
Kelvin, Lord      284
Kinematic momentum      223
Kramers — Kronig relation      538—539
Landau — Ginzburg theory      see Ginzburg-Landau theory
Landau, L.D.      8 490
Laplace’s equation      48 73p 175
Latent heat      292 327p
Lattice vibrations      524—527
Legendre transformation      183 215p
Length scales, characteristic      see Coherence length Electromagnetic Decay Josephson Mean Penetration
Lenz’s law      46
Linear system      18
Local electrodynamics      528
London equations and quantum mechanics      239—240
London equations, first London equation      59 123 181 239 243 451 537—538
London equations, first London, nonlinear      239—242
London equations, modified second London equation      272 273—278 304
London equations, second London equation      78—87 80 124 181 239 243 304
London gauge      257p
London penetration depth $\lambda_{L}_{0}$      60 542
London, F.      59 219
London, H.      59
Lorentz force law      54 240
Lower critical field $H_{c1}$      260 295
Lower critical field $H_{c1}$, and magnetization      348
Lower critical field $H_{c1}$, anisotropic      313—314 317
Lower critical field $H_{c1}$, in Josephson junctions      436
Lower critical field $H_{c1}$, size effects      386p 387p
Macroscopic quantum model (MQM)      7 219 234
Macroscopic quantum model (MQM) and Ginzburg — Landau theory      501—502 513—514
Macroscopic quantum model (MQM), charge density      235
Macroscopic quantum model (MQM), current density      236
Macroscopic quantum model (MQM), wavefunction      235
Maglev      see Magnetic levitation
Magnetic diffusion      44
Magnetic field $\mathbf{H}$, average $\tilde{\mathbf{H}}$      357
Magnetic field $\mathbf{H}$, thermodynamic $\mathcal{H}$      283 346
Magnetic flux density $\mathbf{B}$ average $\tilde{\mathbf{B}}$      356 357
Magnetic flux density $\mathbf{B}$ thermodynamic $\mathcal{B}$      284 347 389p
Magnetic levitation      194—199 217p
Magnetic monopoles      92—94
Magnetization $\mathbf{M}$      173—176
Magnetization $\mathbf{M}$ and electric field      41
Magnetization $\mathbf{M}$ and Maxwell’s equations      37 41—42
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