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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
167819 Puech C., Reischuk R. STACS 96, Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science 13 conf 1996
74694 Puff R. Anger Work: How To Express Your Anger and Still Be Kind 2002
123681 Pugh C., Shub M. Partial Differentiability of Invariant Splittings 2004
182477 Pugh C. Real Mathematical Analysis 2002
163579 Pugh C. Real Mathematical Analysis 2002
148873 Pugh C. Chapman Real Mathematical Analysis 2002
151965 Pugh C. Real mathematical analysis 2002
33654 Pugh C.C. Real Mathematical Analysis 2002
10295 Pugh C.C. Real mathematical analysis 2002
27694 Pugh E., Gradecki J.D. Professional Hibernate 2004
25139 Pugh K. Interface Oriented Design 2006
19473 Pugh K. Prefactoring 2005
132050 Pugh L. Change Management in Information Services 2007
195778 Puglisi J.D. Biophysics and the Challenges of Emerging Threats (NATO Science for Peace and Security Series B: Physics and Biophysics) 2009
143040 Puglisi J.D. Structure and Biophysics - New Technologies for Current Challenges in Biology and Beyond 2007
57306 Pugmire D. Sound Sentiments: Integrity in the Emotions 2005
199626 Pugnaire F., Valladares F. (eds.) Functional Plant Ecology 2007
6831 Pugovecki E. Quantum mechanics in hilbert space 1971
58556 Pugsley J.A. The Alpha Strategy. The Ultimate Plan of Financial Self-Defense for the Small Saver and Investor 1980
33067 Puhalskii A. Large Deviations and Idempotent Probability, Vol. 119 2001
18990 Puhani J. Statistik 1998
147889 Puhle M. Bond Portfolio Optimization 2008
177512 Puhle M. Bond Portfolio Optimization 2008
165962 Puhler A. Biotechnology, Volume 2: Genetic Fundamentals and Genetic Engineering 1996
74490 Puig L. Frobenius Categories versus Brauer Blocks: The Grothendieck Group of the Frobenius Category of a Brauer Block 2009
11648 Puig-Junoy J. The Public Financing of Pharmaceuticals 2005
50508 Puigjaner L. European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering 2005
137955 Puigjaner L., Espuna A. European Symposium on Computer-aided Process Engineering-15: 38th European Symposium of the Working Party on Computer Aided Process Engineering: Escape-15, 29 May - 1 June 2005, Barcelona, Spain n/a
26720 Puije P.D. Telecommunication Circuit Design 2001
179543 Pujolle G., Perros H., Fdida S. NETWORKING 2000. Broadband Communications, High Performance Networking, and Performance of Communication Networks: IFIP-TC6/European Commission ... 2000
174993 Pukelsheim F. Optimal Design of Experiments 2006
152845 Pukelsheim F. Optimal design of experiments 2006
129205 Pukelsheim F. Optimal Design of Experiments 2006
123644 Pul J.V., Verbeure A., Zagrebnov V.A. Peierls-Friihlich Instability and Kohn Anomaly 1994
16715 Pulciulran B., Dillon S. Flt-3 Ligand 2001
119443 Pule J.V., Verbeure A.F., Zagrebnov V.A. A Dicke Type Model for Equilibrium BEC Superradiance 2005
28199 Puleio M. Macromedia Flash MX Fast & Easy Web Development 2002
139893 Pulendran B., Ahmed R. From Innate Immunity to Immunological Memory 2006
50717 Pulgarin A. A Characterisation of Ck(X) As a Frechet f-Algebra 2000
25198 Pulier E., Taylor H. Understanding Enterprise SOA 2006
104569 Pulkin I., Zakhava-Nekrasova E. Russian .A Practical Grammar with Exercises 1988
155932 Pulkina I.M. A Short Russian Reference Grammar 1984
123773 Pulkkinen O., Merikoski J. Phase Transitions on Markovian Bipartite Graphs-an Application of the Zero-range Process 2005
185475 Pulkkinen T., Tsyganenko N., Friedel R. The Inner Magnetosphere: Physics and Modeling 2005
164025 Pullen D., Cole D. Multiliteracies and Technology Enhanced Education: Social Practice and the Global Classroom (Premier Reference Source) 2010
173771 Pullen D., Cole D. Multiliteracies and Technology Enhanced Education: Social Practice and the Global Classroom (Premier Reference Source) 2009
138186 Pullen D.L., Gitsaki C., Baguley M. Technoliteracy, Discourse and Social Practice: Frameworks and Applications in the Digital Age 2009
87523 Pulleyblank W.R. (ed.) Progress in combinatorial optimization 1984
143585 Pulli K., Aarnio T., Miettinen V. Mobile 3D Graphics: with OpenGL ES and M3G 2008
177198 Pullin A. Conservation Biology 2002

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