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Вебер И., Вельштейн И. — Энциклопедия элементарной математики. Алгебра и анализ (книга 1)356
Ito K. — Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mathematics. Vol. 2301.C
Bulirsch R., Stoer J. — Introduction to numerical analysis307ff
Conte S.D., de Boor C. — Elementary numerical analysis - an algorithmic approach76
Henrici P. — Elements of numerical analysis87, 213
Dickson L.E. — Elementary theory of equations111
Скарборо Дж. — Численные методы математического анализа175
Ito K. — Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mathematics301.C
Sokolnikoff I.S. — Higher Mathematics for Engineers and Physicists101
Chabert J.-L., Weeks C., Barbin E. — A History of Algorithms: From the Pebble to the Microchip85
Montenbruck O., Pfleger Th. — Astronomy on the Personal Computer210
Eschenauer H., Olhoff N., Schnell W. — Applied structural mechanics : fundamentals of elasticity, load-bearing structures, structural optimization311
Kreyszig E. — Advanced engineering mathematics796
Kurosh A. — Higher Algebra251
Herriot J.G. — Methods of mathematical analysis and computation36—39
Jordan C. — Calculus of Finite Differences366, 486
Stibitz G.R., Larrivee J.A. — Mathematics and Computers75
Mathews J., Walker R.L. — Mathematical methods of physics360
Zeidler E. — Oxford User's Guide to Mathematics1093
Collatz L. — Functional analysis and numerical mathematics300
Gullberg J. — Mathematics: from the birth of numbers297
Hammerlin G., Hoffmann K.-H., Schumaker L.L. — Numerical Mathematics342
Mathews J., Walker R.L. — Mathematical Methods of Physics360
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