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Поиск книг, содержащих: Chemotaxis

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Hutchins M., Schlager N. — Grzimek's animal life encyclopedia (Vol. 17. Cumulative index)1:40
Helmreich E.J.M. — Biochemistry of Cell Signalling70—72
Hatrl D.L., Jones E.W. — Genetics: Principles and Analysis704
Lydyard P.M., Whelan A., Fanger M.W. — Instant Notes in Immunology80—82, 233, 234
Hartl D.L., Jones E.W. — Genetics: Principles and Analysis704
Lin C.C., Segel L.A. — Mathematics Applied to Deterministic Problems in the Natural Sciences26
Ridley A., Clark P., Peckham M. — Cell motility: from molecules to organisms153, 262
Nicolis G., Prigogine I. — Self-organization in nonequilibrium systems379
Cotterill R.M.J. — Biophysics: An Introduction211, 215
Gomperts B.D., Tatham P.E.R., Kramer I.M. — Signal Transduction347
Murray R.M. — Control in an Information Rich World: Report of the Panel on Future Directions in Control, Dynamics, and Systems55
Hobbie R., Roth B. — Intermediate Physics for Medicine and Biology,94, 96
Davies P. — The New Physics326
Lin C., Segel L. — Mathematics Applied to Deterministic Problems in the Natural Sciences26
Lin C., Segel L. — Mathematics Applied to Deterministic Problems in the Natural Sciences26
Logan J. — Applied Mathematics: A Contemporary Approach351
Lin C., Segel L. — Mathematics applied to deterministic problems in the natural sciences26
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