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Lin C.C., Segel L.A. — Mathematics Applied to Deterministic Problems in the Natural Sciences
Lin C.C., Segel L.A. — Mathematics Applied to Deterministic Problems in the Natural Sciences

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Название: Mathematics Applied to Deterministic Problems in the Natural Sciences

Авторы: Lin C.C., Segel L.A.


This book addresses the construction, analysis, and intepretation of mathematical models that reveal significant problems in the physical sciences.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1988

Количество страниц: 608

Добавлена в каталог: 18.08.2008

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Absorbing barrier      96
Acrivos, A.      305
Action and reaction      361 457—458
Active transport      245
Adam, G.      109
Adiabatic process      494
AMP      23
Analyticity      59
Andronov, A.      344
Angular momentum, conservation of      37
Anharmonic periodic behavior      178
Anomaly      45
Aphelion      45
Applied mathematics      4—8 31—33
Aris, R.      305
Astronomical unit      11
Asymptotic approximations      81—89 230 232
Asymptotic approximations to eigenfunctions and eigenvalues      163—165
Asymptotic series      230 232
Asymptotic stability      324
Attenuated wave      386
Autocorrelation function      178
Autonomous systems      339
Availability of energy      501
Average value      76
Axial strain      363
Balance law      24 see Energy
Balancing procedure      282
Barber, M.      74
Barotropic fluid      512 541
Basic simplification procedure      186—194
Batchelor, G. K.      200
Bell, E. Т.      5 114
Bernoulli equation      513—514 556
Bessel equation      164—165
Bessel function      80
Bessel inequality      146
Binomial coefficient      75
Binomial expansion use in perturbation theory      234
Birds, salt glands of      273
Bode’s law      37
Body force      358 454
Bok, B. J.      20
Boltzmann’s constant      78
Bond number      202
Bonner, J. T.      22
Bossert, W.      245
boundary conditions      119 121
Boundary conditions, elastic bar      366—368 372
Boundary conditions, homogeneous      124 126
Boundary layer      288
Bowen, J. R.      305
Brockett, R. W.      32
Brownian motion      73—74 78—79
Brownian motion, recurrence property in      108—110
Buckingham Pi theorem      207
Buoyancy      556
Carrier, G. F.      35 298 530
Cauchy’s differential equations      461
Center      341
Chain rule      433—434
Chandrasekhar, S.      15 531
Chang, C. T.      530
Change of units rule      205
Characteristic curves      17
Characteristic equations      17 160
Characteristics, Lagrange’s method of      17
Chemical engineering, scale models in      202—203
Chemotaxis      26
Chinnaswamy, A. V.      583
Circular cylinder, flow past      551—558
Circulation      555
Clausius — Duhem inequality      479
Coagulation      97
Cohen, H.      32
coin tossing      72 74
col      340
Collisions      491
Completeness      163
Completeness, dimensional      207
COMPLEX      304
Complex representation      379—380
Compression waves      539—549
Computation      32
Condensation      541
Conservation laws      see Mass conservation Linear
Consistency      188 189
Constitutive equations      363 487 see such Inviscid
Constitutive equations, heat flux      117
Contact force      456
Continuity equation      357 442
Continuous dependence      63
Continuous medium      414
Continuum      3 24 417—418
Continuum mechanics, validity of      490—491
Convection      353
Convergence      52
Convergence of perturbation series      232—233
Convergence, absolute      62
Convergence, uniform      62
Convergent series, compared to asymptotic      84
Cosine series      see Fourier series
Courant, R.      33 121
Covariance      487
Critical points      338
Critical points, behavior of trajectories near      339—341
Crocodiles, kidney tubules of      273
Cross-section paths      350
Cylindrical coordinates      565
Dainty, J.      261
Daly, B. J.      530
Darvey, I. G.      344
Deborah number      510
Deformation rate      479—480
Degree of freedom      344
Delbruck, M.      109
Delta function      416
Den Hartog, J. P.      323
density      355 see
Deterministic system      42
Diamond, J.      245
Difference equation      91 153
Differentiability      60 64—65
Differential equations      see also Laplace equation Wave
Differential equations, nondimensionalization of      195—198
Differential equations, residuals for      191—193
Differential equations, system of      42
Diffraction integral      584—586
Diffraction of acoustic waves      580—587
Diffusion coefficient      78
Diffusion equation      26 93 100 118 120—129 151 156
Diffusion equation, fundamental facts concerning      129
Diffusion equation, numerical integration of      153
Diffusion equation, solution by Fourier transform      170—171
Diffusivity      26 255
Dilatation      431
Dimensional analysis      195—204
Dimensional analysis of functional relationship      249—252
Dimensional analysis, comparison of physical and mathematical approaches      259
Dimensional analysis, practical examples of      204—205
Dimensional homogeneity      208 257
Dimensionless groups      197
Dimensionless parameters, estimating the size of      264
Dimensionless parameters, physical interpretation of      272—274
Dimensionless variables      128 196 517
Dirac delta function      176
Direct notation      460
Dirichlet problem      573
Discontinuous solutions      549
Discontinuous solutions for elastic bars      381—384 388—399
Discontinuous solutions for general media      482—485
Discrete spectrum      160
Displacement      352
Dissipation function      481
Dissociation      247
Distortion, measure of      363
Distribution function      15—16
DNA molecules, collision of      106
Doherty, R. E.      204
Drag      556
Drew, D.      221
Dubois — Reymond lemma      121 441
Dynamics      418
D’Alembert’s paradox      557 560—563
Edson, L.      8
Effective radius      260
Eiconal equation      396
Eigenfunctions      157
Eigenfunctions, asymptotic approximation      163—165
Eigenfunctions, completeness      163
Eigenfunctions, linear independence      161
Eigenfunctions, orthogonality      161
Eigenfunctions, properties      405
Eigenvalue problem      522
Eigenvalue problem, perturbation theory for      242
Eigenvalues      157
Eigenvalues, asymptotic approximations to      163—165
Eigenvalues, multiplicity of      162
Eigenvalues, numerical determination of      165—166
Eigenvalues, properties of      405
Einstein, A.      5
Elasticity      349
Emergent osmolality      248
Energy      45 480
Energy balance      476
Engel, A.      33
Engineering, applied mathematics in      8
Ensemble average      78 179
entropy      478—481 496—501
Enzymes      304—306
Equations, heat      see Heat equation
Equilibrium      321 515
Equilibrium thermodynamics      474
Equilibrium, stability of      322—324
Error, formula      68
Error, least squared      144
Error, weighted      145
Euler expansion formula      355 432
Euler momentum equation      510
Eulerian strain      375
Eulerian variables      357 420
Euler’s contributions to mechanics      413 503—504
Euler’s laws of mechanics      413 503—504
Existence      57 61
Exotic materials      487
Expected value      75
Falling sphere, dimensional analysis of flow      205
Ferguson, N.      194
Feynman, R.      496
Fick’s law      101 255
Field equations      365 440 485—486
Field point      574
Finite differences      66—68
Finlayson, B.      194 466
First passage time      97 104
Flux      24 100 104
Focus      341
Formal calculation      59
Fourier identity      169
Fourier series      77 131—139
Fourier theorems      137
Fourier transform      167—172
Fourier’s book on mathematical theory of heat      114—115
Free will      43
frequency      380
Fresnel integrals      90
Friedrichs, K.      121
Frog skin      260—261
Froude number      201
Function space      63
Functional relationship, nondimensionalization of      198—200
Fundamental solution      103—106 160
Fundamental solution of Laplace equation      575
Fundamental term      127
Fundamental units      196
Gadd, G.      202
Galactic spirals      19—20
Galaxies      10—14
Gal—or, B.      500
Gamma function      86—89
Gasparoux, H.      466
Gauss’ Theorem      568
Generating function      76—77 80
Gibbs phenomenon      141—143
Gibbs relations      477
Goldgraben, J. R.      275
Gompertz equation      325
Gram molecular weight      247
Gram — Schmidt process      161—162
Gravitation      39
Gravitational potential      15 566
Green’s formula      108
Green’s functions      574—579
Grenander, U.      34
Ground, temperature in      151—153
Gupta, A.      537
Harmonic analysis, generalized      172—180
Harmonic functions      570—572
Harmonics      127
Heat conduction      115—129
Heat conduction in nonuniform medium      156
Heat conduction, geophysical      158—159
Heat conduction, in ground      151
Heat conduction, three-dimensional      120
Heat conductivity      116
Heat content      496
Heat equation      see Diffusion equation
Heat flux density      116 477
Heaviside function      175
Heineken, F. G.      305
Helmholtz equation      578—581
Herman, P.      32
Heurism      34
Higher harmonics      53
Homogeneity      159
Homogeneity, dimensional      208
Homogeneity, spatial      217
Homogeneous boundary condition      124 126
Homogeneous function      43
Hooke, R.      34
Hooke’slaw      364
Hoppenstead, F. C.      316
Horizontal wave number      522
Hourglass      515
House, C. R.      261
Huygen’s principle      584
Hydrostatic equation      509
Ideal gas      471
Ill-conditioned problem      189
Images, method of      103 576—577
Impedance boundary conditions      368
Impenetrability of matter      419
Incompressibility      357 426
Infinite plane, Green’s function for      576
Inhomogeneous function      43
Initial conditions      119
Initial layer      308
Initial value problem      42 46 57 104
Initial value problem, singular perturbation approximation to      308—316
Inner approximation      290
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