Результат поиска |
Поиск книг, содержащих: Nozieres, P.
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Эриксон Т., Вайзе В. — Пионы и ядра | 187, 201, 202, 428 | Mahan G.D. — Many-particle physics | 385, 409, 418, 461, 463, 730, 743, 746, 756, 757, 759, 893, 896, 902, 928, 930, 1009, 1014, 1015, 1017 | Parr R., Yang W. — Density-functional theory of atoms and molecules | 274, 307 | Efetov K. — Supersymmetry in disorder and chaos | 267 | Knox R.S. — Theory of Excitons | 90, 96, 98, 99 | Kadanoff L.P. — Statistical physics | 194 | Dittrich T. (ed.), Hanggi P. (ed.), Ingold G.-L. (ed,) — Quantum transport and dissipation | 1.4, 2.37, 2.85 | Unertl W.N. — Physical Structure | 98 | Cracknell A.P., Wong K.C. — The Fermi Surface: Its Concept, Determination and Use in the Physics of Metals | 417, 418 | Anderson P.W. — The theory of superconductivity in the high-Tc curprates | 26, 151, 433 | Peierls R. — Bird of passage: recollections of a physicist | 269 | Brout R., Carruthers P. — Lectures on the many-electron problem (Interscience monographs and texts in physics and astronomy) | 127, 129, 134, 148, 151, 157, 159, 176, 189, 199 | Prigogine I. (ed.), Rice S.A. (ed.) — Advances in Chemical Physics. Volume XXXVI | 249(62), 342 | Marder M.P. — Condensed matter physics | 410, 479, 781 | Ehrenreich H., Seitz F., Turnbull D. — Solid State Physics.Volume 26. | 278(22, 26—28), 280, 416 | Mott N.F. — Metal-insulator transitions | 71, 76, 78 | Seitz F. — Solid State Physics. Volume 7 | 103, 120(6), 162, 163 | Park R., Lagally M. — Methods of Experimental Physics.Volume 22.Solid State Physics:Surfaces. | 101(216), 102 | Unknown A. — Solid State Physics | 331(95) | Corciovei A., Costache G., Dederichs P.H. — Solid State Physics | 129 |