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Ehrenreich H., Seitz F., Turnbull D. — Solid State Physics.Volume 26. |
Предметный указатель |
, domain structure 451ff
, ferroelectric transition 440
, domain structure 449
, ferroelectricity 439
, domain structure 459
, domain structure 459
, domain structure 460ff
, band structure 246—251
, Fermi surface 246—251
, domain structure 462
Abarenkov, I. 60 64 148 201
Abilov, G.S. 358(273)
Acket, G.A. 411(572)
Acoustic plasma oscillation 326
Acoustic plasma waves, indium antimonide 415
Acoustoelectric interaction, indium antimonide 424
Acton, F.S. 117(41)
Adams, G. 365(321 332) 371 372
Adati, K. 399(521)
Adler, D. 255(312) 256(312)
AG 150 153 162—167
Ag, band structure, comparison of calculation 164
AgBr 127
AgCl 127
Agdur, B. 335(207)
Ahmad, S. 313(111)
Aigrain, P. 278(35) 279 347(35) 362 375(385) 399(35)
Akachi, T. 365(355) 372
Akai, S. 416(659)
Akramov, G. 375(398) 388(468) 396(468)
AL 33 43 45 220—223
Al, eigenvalues (table) 222
Al, optical absorption 340
Alekseevski, N.E. 178
Alexopoulos, K. 336(228a)
Alfven velocity 355
Alfven waves 280 349
Alfven waves, bismuth 357ff
Alfven waves, plasmas 354ff
Alfven, H. 249(253) 354(253)
Alig, R.C. 365(309) 382(309) 385(309)
Alkali metals, body-centered-cubic 201—208
Alkali metals, eigenvalues (table) 205
Allen, J.W. 412(599) 414(630 632)
Allen, L.C. 201 205 261
Allen, P.B. 108(20)
Allis, W.P. 277(3) 343 345 353 382
Alloys 245—252
Almqvist, L. 301
Altmann, S.L. 23(26 27) 198 208(221)
Amar, H. 163 166 270 272
Ammonium dihydrogen phosphate, domain structure 459
Ammonium periodate, domain structure 458
Ampere, A.M. 388(462)
Amundsen, T. 365(340 334) 371
Analytic pseudopotentials 47—59
Analytic pseudopotentials, critique 59
Ancher-Johnson, B. 277(18) 312(101) 368(18) 386(456) 388(467 488 496) 392(101) 396(467) 397(499a) 400(527 529 532 533) 406(549) 407(529 532 533) 423(101) 424(745—747 754) 425(467 499a)
Andersen, H.H. 365(364) 371
Andersen, O.K. 134(77) 180 181(171) 241(77) 264 265 273 300
Anderson, J.G. 300
Anderson, J.R. 194 266 267
Anderson, P.W. 39(37)
Ando, K. 308 388(490) 396(490) 398 400(490) 407 408
Angular momentum representation 7 60 82
Animalu, A.O.E. 63(70 72) 68(69) 208(220)
Anthony, K.H. 75 79(94) 137(91b) 264 270
Antiferroelectrics, domain structure 457ff
Antiferroelectrics, phase transitions 454ff
Antoncik, E. 48 105 220 261
Antoniewicz, P.R. 375(395) 376(400)
Aoki, T. 423(740 743) 424(740 743)
Apel, J.R. 423(719) 424(719)
APW band calculations, future directions 252—260
APW calculations, results 149—252
APW calculations, survey 149—252
APW formula, derivation 70—71 121—126
APW formula, relativistic effects 72
APW method 8 68 118—135
APW method, advantages 74
APW method, alloys 259—260
APW method, bibliography of calculations 260—269 273—274
APW method, comparison with KKR method 84—92 137—145
APW method, comparison with other methods 135—149
APW method, convergence 255
APW method, defect electronic states 258—259
APW method, electron-phonon interaction 74
APW method, empty lattice 141
APW method, history 104
APW method, modifications 252
APW method, nonrelativistic 121—126
APW method, prescription for band calculation 72
APW method, relativistic 126—135 143 257
APW method, wave functions 257
APW model potential 147
ar 117 150 181—182 184
Arai, T. 335(208) 336(208)
Arakawa, E.T. 336(228) 339(230)
Arbman, G.O. 268
Arizumi, T. 400(534 535 536) 409(534 535 536) 423(740 743) 424(740 743)
Arlinghaus, F.J. 257 263 265 268
Asano, S. 188 191 192 270 271
Asdente, M. 186
Ashcroft pseudopotential 66—67
Ashcroft, N.W. 29(29) 33 66(74) 67 108(23) 201
AU 150 153 162—167
Au, band structure, comparison of calculation 166
Auchterlonie, L. 423(720) 424(720)
Augmented plane wave (APW) method 69—75 103—274
Augmented plane waves (APW) 69
Augmented plane waves (APW), symmetrized combinations 72 74
Austin pseudopotential 55
Austin, B.J. 51(58) 52(58) 146(103)
Avalanche, dielectric breakdown 312
Ayer, J.A. 413(624)
BA 208
Babcenco, A. 334(184) 341(184)
Babushkina, N.A. 300
Bailey, P.T. 257(315 319) 265 266
Bakanov, S.P. 416(661)
Balabanova, L.A. 335(198) 339
Balakirev, M.K. 375(393)
Ballinger, R.A. 152 156 160 161 163 166 270 272
Balulin, E.A. 339
Bambakidis, G. 268
Band calculations, 246
Band calculations, Ag 162—167
Band calculations, Al 220—223
Band calculations, alkali metals 201—208
Band calculations, Ar 181—182
Band calculations, Au 162—167
Band calculations, Ba 208
Band calculations, Be 209—212
Band calculations, Ca 208
Band calculations, Cd 219
Band calculations, Ce 242—244
Band calculations, Cr 186—192
Band calculations, Cu 156—162
Band calculations, Eu 240—242
Band calculations, Fe 183—184
Band calculations, Gd 223—229
Band calculations, Ir 180—181
Band calculations, Mg 212—291
Band calculations, Nb 194
Band calculations, Ni 167—177
Band calculations, Pd 177—181
Band calculations, Pt 180—181
Band calculations, Pu 244
Band calculations, rare earth metals 223—244
| Band calculations, Re 195—197
Band calculations, Rh 180—181
Band calculations, Sc 238
Band calculations, Sr 208
Band calculations, Ta 194
Band calculations, Th 219
Band calculations, Ti 185
Band calculations, V 194
Band calculations, W 192—194
Band calculations, Yb 244
Band calculations, Zn 219
Band calculations, Zr 198
Band structure of solids 1—274 see
Band structure, computational techniques 3
Baraff, G.A. 313(112 113) 314 365(310) 381(418) 382(310) 417(674—679 681)
Barber, M.R. 413(614 625)
Barlakov, R.B. 400(543)
Barlow, H.E.M. 382(420)
Baron, R. 306(76) 307(79)
Bartelink, D. 358(277) 412(577) 418(685—688)
Bassani, F. 48 182
Batdorf, R.L. 315 316(120)
Bate, R.T. 358(283) 372
Bayless, J.R. 417(684)
Baynham, A.C. 343(252a) 416(651)
Be 209—212
Beaglehde, D. 159(127)
Beattie, A.R. 311(93)
Beeby, J.L. 31(30) 93(30)
Begiashvilli, G.A. 416(660)
Behringer, R.E. 221 222
Bekefi, G. 423(732 733) 424(732 733 749)
Beleznay, F. 73(86) 80(86) 255 265 274
Belov, N.V. 430(1)
Benford, G. 376(404)
Bennemann, K.H. 31(30) 84(101) 93(30)
Bennett, A.J. 332(172c)
Bennett, W.H. 388 391(461)
Berglund, C.N. 160
Berlincourt, T.G. 300
Bernstein, I.B. 377(406)
Bers, A. 277(3) 343(3) 345(3) 353 382(3) 387 388(460) 416(648) 423(732 733 744) 424(732 733 744) 425(744)
Bevacqua, S.F. 422(702) 423(702)
Bhargava, R.N. 300
Bhatnagar, S. 162 164 266
Bi, Alfven waves in 357ff
Bi, cyclotron resonance 360
Bi, plasma waves in 418
Birkhoff, R.D. 339(230)
Bjerrum Moller, H. 237(280)
Blaney, T.G. 372 375(391)
Blank, Y.A. 376(405)
Blatt, F.J. 300
Bloch functions 1—101
Bloch functions, angular momentum representation 23
Bloch functions, LCAO representation 16
Bloch functions, reciprocal lattice representation 27
Bloch theorem 22
Bloch, F. 1
Blodgett, A.J. 174(160)
Bloom, F.K. 46(46)
Bloom, S. 419(690)
Bloomfield, P.E. 335(225)
Blossfeld, L. 388(491)
Blotekjaer, K. 382(448) 416(662 665)
Blouke, M.M. 422(705) 423(705)
BN 43
Boardman, A.D. 343(252a) 411(565)
Boeer, K.W. 412(598)
Boersch, H. 339(231 233)
Bogdanov, S.V. 375(393)
Bohm, D. 278
Bohn, G. 273
Boiko, I.I. 388(472 474 477 480) 390(498) 394(480) 396(472 474 477 480)
Bok, J. 255(16) 278(32) 280 398(32) 365(375) 371 372 375(386) 376(375) 386(455) 398(32) 416(455)
Bolemon, J.S. 266
Boling, G. 335(207)
Bolwijn, P.T. 423(716)
Bonch-Bruevich, V.L. 287 422(712—714) 412(585 596 597)
Bordure, G. 272
Boring, A.M. 265 273
Born series 28 30 54 65 91ff
Born series, convergence 45 51 54
Born series, trajectories 54
Born — Oppenheimer approximation 108
Born, M. 108(18)
Borovik, E.S. 300
Bortolani, V. 68(78) 99(122)
Bosenberg, J. 339(237)
Bowers, R. 277(17) 358(286) 365(246 302 319 322 325 329) 370—372 373(319) 374(322) 375(322 329)
Braddock, P.W. 416(651)
Bradley, C.J. 23(27) 198
Brailsford, A.D. 357(271)
Brambring, J. 335(219) 339(234 236)
Bredov, M.M. 335(198) 339
Briggs, H.B. 335(202)
Briggs, R.J. 387 388
Brinkman, W. 117
Brodwin, M.E. 382(435 450) 385(450)
Brooks, H. 147(108) 255(312) 256(312)
Bross, H. 75 79(94) 90(93) 136 137 151(91 114) 261 262 264 267 270 273
Brown, E. 43(42) 44(42 43) 46 98
Brown, P.J. 7(a)
Browne, M.E. 375(388)
Brownell, D.H., Jr. 358(278) 360(278)
Brueck, S.R.J. 423(732 733) 424(732 733)
Buchmiller, L. 416(664)
Buchsbaum, S.J. 277(3) 280(51) 243(3) 245(3) 353 356(260 265 266) 357(51 270) 362(295) 365(327) 371 373(295) 375(327) 376 382(3) 417(674—677) 423(721) 424(721 748)
Budd, H.F. 317
Buneman, O. 388(464)
Burdick, G.A. 104 151 153(3) 154 156 160 161 261
Burke, B.E. 365(369) 417(683) 423(683)
Burker, U. 339(232)
Buss, D.D. 258 268
Butcher, P.N. 411(564) 412(582 583 586 588 606 607) 413(615)
Butler, F.A. 46(46)
C 43
CA 208
Cable, J.W. 240(285)
Cagan, V. 365(366) 371
Calandra, C. 68(78) 99(122)
Callaway, J. 3(4) 30(4) 46 117(41) 135 182 201 205 206(210—213)
Callen, E.R. 374(381) 376(401 402)
Cancellation theorem 52
Canel, E. 342(251)
Canfield, J.M. 243(287a)
Capart, G. 88(106) 89(106) 90(106) 91(106) 92 245 272
Carolan, J.F. 365(312)
Caroli, C. 365(352)
Carroll, J.E. 413(616) 512(581)
Carter, D.L. 358(279 281)
CD 219
CE 242—244
Celli, V. 48
Cellular method 22—26
Cellular method, boundary conditions 22
Cellular method, criticisms 22—24
Cellular method, nonstructural electronic properties 25
Centrifugal barrier 64—65
Cetlin, B.B. 357(271)
Chambers, R.G. 365(323) 370
Chandrasekhar, S. 277(4)
Chatterjee, S. 90(107) 162(142 143) 264 265 271
Chen, W.S. 388(496) 397(499a) 425(499a)
Cheng, Y.C. 377(410) 381(410 417) 414(630)
Cho, S.J. 264 273
Chodorow potential 104 153
Chodorow, M. 104 150 156 169 260 261
Chow, P.C. 15(17) 43(17) 126
Christensen, N.E. 163 164 266 273
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