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Seitz F. — Solid State Physics. Volume 7 |
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effect 305
effect in antiferromagnetics 340
effect, ferrites 340
Abeles, B. 173 200
Abrahams, S.C. 477
Acton, F.S. 107 108(13)
Adam, J. 441
Adam, N.K. 379 380(2)
Adsorption, gases on metal 381
Adsorption, gases on metal, mechanism 390
Adsorption, measurement 386
Aebi, F. 468
Alers, G.A. 274 279 308 320 322(293) 323 335(109)
Alkali halide, cohesive energy 202
Alkali halide, elastic constants 286
Alkali halide, elasticity 279 281 283 286—287
Alkali halide, elasticity, theory 329
Alkali halide, thermal conductivity 47
Alkali metals, cohesion, relativistic effects in 127
Alkali metals, cohesive energy 120
Alkali metals, crystal potentials 123
Alkali metals, elastic constants 287—288
Alkali metals, energy band calculations 120
Alkali metals, energy levels by OPW method 131
Alkali metals, ion core field 123
Alkali metals, ion core polarization 125
Alkali metals, Knight shift 143
Alkali metals, Knight shift, pressure dependence 145
Alkali metals, valence electrons, relativistic effects 126
Alloys, dislocation densities from thermal conductivity 91
Alloys, elastic constants 333 335—338
Alloys, elastic constants, valence effect 336
Altmann, S.L. 186 187
Alumina , structure 470
Alumina, thermal conductivity 47 52 54 65—66
Alumina, thermal conductivity, boundary effects 58
Alumina, thermal conductivity, radiation damage effect 70
Aluminum, band structure 154 293
Aluminum, compressibility 155
Aluminum, elastic constants 291—294
Aluminum, energy levels 157
Aluminum, Fermi surface 156 291
Ammonium chloride, structure 498
Ammonium cyanide, structure 498
Anatase, structure 455
Andersson, G. 460 461 503
Andreini, A. 435
Anelastic relaxation, mechanisms 331
Anelasticity, definition 330
Anelasticity, dislocation effects 343
Antoncik, E. 152 154
Arenberg, D.L. 267 277 279 316
Argon, solid, elastic constants 303
Armstrong, P.E. 275
Artman, R.A. 277 296 333(233)
Asano, S. 208
Atanasoff, J.V. 264 283 313
Aubrey, J.E. 200
Aurivillius, B. 446
Ayers, S. 285
Bacon, G.E. 470
Bacon, R. 267 274 335(109)
Bader, F. 181 182
Baenziger, N.C. 444 472
Bailey, M. 482
Bailey, P.C. 465
Bailyn, M. 288
Balakrishnan, T.S. 277
Balamuth, L. 264
Baltensperger, W. 145 155(94)
Balz, D. 500
Band structure near degeneracy point 111
Band structure, alkali metals 119—147
Band structure, borides 210
Band structure, metals, groups II and III 147—158
Band structure, semiconductors 158—180
Band structure, transition metals 180—197
Bangert, L. 339
Banks, E. 461
Barcus, L. 180
Bardeen, J. 55 75 121 128(37) 133 242 289 348
Barium oxide, band structure 209
Barium titanate, elastic constants 312
Barium, desorption from W 411
Barium, migration on W surfaces 411
Barker, J.R. 303
Barkla, H.M. 281
Barnes, W.H. 315
Barrett, C.S. 147
Barron, T.H.K. 21 48 304
Bassani, F. 168 170 171(148)
Bauer, W.H. 456
Bechmann, R. 262 277 279 281 283 285 310 311 323
Becker, J.A. 380 383(5) 386 390(5) 395 396(14) 397(14) 398(14) 399(14) 401(14) 409(5) 411(14) 412(5)
Becker, K.A. 476
Becker, R. 307
Bedo, D.E. 132 135(66) 168 173(156)
Beeman, W.W. 185
Begbie, G.H. 227 228
BELL, D.G. 115 168 171(147) 207
Benbow, J.J. 262
Bender, O. 274 275 288 289
Benedek, G.B. 144
Bensh, H. 293
Berducci, I. 333
Bergman, G. 472
Bergmann — Schaefer method, for elastic constants 265—267
Bergmann, L. 265 266 277 283
Berlincourt, D.A. 279 312
Berlincourt, E.D. 281 312
Berman, R. 3 5 6 7 42 47 49(23) 52 53(23) 55 58 61 62 64(69) 65 66 67 68 69 70 84 95
Berman, S. 136
Bernal, M.J.M. 156
Berry, R.L. 472
Bertaut, (E.), F. 472 486
Beryllia, thermal conductivity 65
Beryllium, cohesive energy 148
Beryllium, density of states 151
Beryllium, energy bands 148 150
Bethe, H. 76 77(96) 102 133 134(70) 135 255
Betts, D.D. 255
Bhagavantam, S. 249 265 274 277 279 286(147) 299(115) 317
Bhatia, A.B. 255
Bhimasenachar, J. 265 274 277 279 281 283 299(115)
Biermasz, T. 3 5(5) 52 55 56 60
Bijl, D. 69
Billy, C. 499
Birch, F. 249 252 325
Birch, J.A. 86 87(110) 88 89(110) 90 91(110) 92(110)
Birman, J. 208 209(274)
Bismuth, Brillouin zone 199
Bismuth, energy bands 199
Blackman, M. 7 48 254
Bloch, F. 76 100
Blomberg, B. 501
Blomberg-Hansson, B. 503
Blum, P. 472
Boas, W. 318
Bode, H. 464 483
Body centered cubic structure 494—496
Body centered cubic structure, Brillouin zone 117
Boemmel, H. 281 342 348
Boerdijk, A.H. 440
Bohm, D. 120 197(36)
Bohm, H.V. 348
Boltzmann equation 357
Bond, W.L. 274 277 281 299 302
Bordoni, P.G. 263 343
Borides, band structure 210
| Borie, B.S. 492
Born theory, elasticity of alkali halides 279
Born, M. 7 227 228 229 232(10) 240 241 299
Bouckaert, L.P. 109 193
Boudart, M. 407
Boulanger, C. 262 344
Boundary correction 120
Boundary, scattering of lattice waves 41
Bowers, W.A. 111 134(23)
Boys, S.F. 156
Bozorth, R.M. 275 305 306 307
Brad field, G. 267 319 338
Bradburn, M. 325
Brass, , band structure 294
Brass, , elastic constants 294—296
Brass, elastic constants 333
Bratten, F.W. 275
Braun, P.B. 470
Breck, D.W. 481
Brenig, W. 13
Bridgman, P.W. 259 275 277 279 281 283 286(143) 320 335
Briggs, H.B. 139
Briggs, N. 343
Brillouin zone, body-centered cubic lattice 117
Brillouin zone, diamond lattice 117
Brillouin zone, face-centered cubic lattice 117
Brillouin zone, hexagonal close-packed lattice 150
Brillouin, L. 273
Briscoe, C.V. 277 286(147) 323
Brockhouse, B.N. 273 302
Brooks, H. 122 124 126 129 133(39 46) 136(46) 137(46 51) 140(46) 143 144
Brown, C.J. 484
Brown, E. 128 130
Browne, M. 192
Brueckner, K.A. 102 103(4)
Bruner, L.J. 277 322(127)
Bulk modulus, definition 222
Bullen, T.G. 185
Buretein, E. 177 256 301
Burns, J.W. 335
Busch, G. 479
Busing, W.R. 491
Button, K.J. 200
Bystroem, A. 458 461
Bystroem, A.M. 458
Cabaret, R. 263 334
Cady, W.G. 247 283 310
Calcium fluoride, structure 444
Calcium fluoride, thermal conductivity 47
Calcium, energy bands 154
Callaway, J. 107 108 115 125 126 127(52) 128 130 131 132 133 135(71a) 136 137 138 140 141 142 144 172 174(161) 175 179 184 189 190 192
Callen, H.B. 184 201
Carbon monoxide, binding on W 393
Carbon monoxide, desorption from W 391
Carbon, desorption from W 414
Carbon, metal, energy bands 167
Carlson, O.N. 275
Carpenter, G.B. 482
Carruthers, J.A. 47 61 62(75) 97
Carter, J.L. 159
Carter, R.S. 273
Casella, R.C. 167 203 204 205
Casimir, H.B.G. 3 41
Cauchois, Y. 185
Cauchy relations 234
Cauchy relations, deviations from 241 256
Cauchy relations, validity 328
Cauchy relations, validity for alkali halides 286
Cerenkov radiation 355
Cesium chloride, structure 447 494 496—499
Cesium cyanide, structure 498
Cesium, band parameters 140
Cesium, cohesive energies 141
Cesium, effective electron mass 139
Cesium, energy level diagram 142
Cesium, energy levels 140
Cesium, energy levels by OPW method 131
Chambers, R.G. 147 200
Chandrasekharan, V. 302
Chari, M.S.R. 87
Chemisorption 381
Chick, B. 343
Chiou, C. 341
Chodorow, M.I. 193 198
Choyke, W.J. 202
Christian, S.M. 173 174(168)
Christoffel equations 224 254
Chromium, antiferromagnetism 188
Chromium, energy bands 187
Chromium, phase changes 339
Clarebrough, L.M. 23 91
Claus, K. 259
Claussen, W.F. 483
Close-packed structure, tetrahedral holes 443
Closest packing, atoms of two kinds 441—442
Closest packing, equal spheres 438—441
Closest packing, unequal spheres 440
Cochran, J.F. 97
Cohan, N.V. 187
Cohen, A.F. 53 69 70
Cohen, D.A. 299
Cohen, M.H. 139
Cohesive energy, alkali halides 202
Cole, H. 296
Collin, R.L. 477
Collins, R.J. 301
Compliance moduli, definition 220
Compressibility, definition 222
Conductivity, electrical, Sommerfield equation 357
Conwell, E.M. 95
Cook, W.R. 283
Cooper, L.N. 348
Copper alloys, thermal conductivity 87
Copper, anomalous skin effect 196
Copper, cohesive energy 194
Copper, d band eigenvalues 195
Copper, elastic constants 288
Copper, electrons, effective mass 194
Copper, energy bands 193
Copper, Fermi surface 196
Copper-gold alloys, elastic constants 333
Copper-gold alloys, thermal resistance 94
Corak, W.S. 196 197(239)
Corbato, F.J. 159 161
Corundum, structure 450 453
Coulomb interaction of valence electrons 120
Coulson, C.A. 159
Cox, B. 464
Cox, H.L. 319
Crawford, J.H. 173
Cristobalite, structure 480 482
Crussard, C. 344
Cryolite, structure 465
Crystal potential 106
Crystal potential for alkali metals 123
Crystals, third-order coefficients 260
Cubic crystals, Cauchy relation 234
Cubic structure, close-packed 440
Cuprite, structure 448
Curien, H. 255
Cyanite, structure 500
Cyclotron resonance, in tin 176
Dail, H.W., Jr. 162
Daniels, W.B. 324 337
Danner, H.R. 465
Dannhauser, W. 492
Dash, W.C. 168 169(157) 173(157)
Dauben, C.H. 444
Daunt, J.G. 184
Davidson, W.L. 316
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