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Seitz F. — Solid State Physics. Volume 7 |
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de Boer, F. 470
De Boer, J. 145 154(96)
De Haas, W.J. 3 5(5) 52 55 56 60
de Klerk, J. 267 271 275 307 308 343
de Launay, J. 7 253 299
De Marco, J. 186 189(208)
de Vaux, L.D. 277
de Wolff, P.M. 468
Debye temperature 253
Debye temperature, anisotropy effect 254
Debye temperature, thermal conductivity relation 46
Debye, P. 2 46 64
Dehlinger, U. 181 182(190)
Density of states, definition and theory 113
Desorption, electric field effect 412
Desorption, gases from tungsten 390—394
Desorption, gases from tungsten, critical fields for 413
Desorption, measurement 386
Deuterium, solid, compressibility 304
Devyatkova, E.D. 50
Dhillon, J.S. 200
Diamond, band gap 166
Diamond, Brillouin zone 117
Diamond, cohesive energy 165
Diamond, elastic constants 299—303
Diamond, energy bands 164 167
Diamond, infrared spectrum 301
Diamond, structure 430 433 478—480
Diamond, thermal conductivity 47
Diamond, thermal conductivity, boundary effects 58
Diamond, wave functions by tight binding approximation 166
Diekamp, H. 346
Dielectric constants, reduction by crystal symmetry 245—248
Dielectric solids, thermal conductivity, temperature dependence 2
Dienes, G.J. 345
Dirac, P.A.M. 16
Dislocations, anelastic effects 343
Dislocations, density in alloys from thermal conductivity 91
Dislocations, phonon scattering in metals 81
Dislocations, scattering of lattice waves 22
Dislocations, thermal resistance 60 64
Ditmars, D.A. 47
Dobbs, E.R. 303
Dolan, W.W. 397
Domb, C. 304
Donohue, J. 446 478
Donovan, B. 148 151
Doraiswami, M.S. 277
Doring, W. 109 150(18) 307
Drechsler, M. 399 414
Dresselhaus, G. 110 168 169(151) 174 117(20)
Druyvesteyn, M.J. 275
Dugdale, J.S. 46
Durana, V. 283 314
Durand, M.A. 277 323
Dushman, S. 379
Dyer, L.D. 492
Dyke, W.P. 397
Dyson, F.J. 7
Edstrand, M. 451
Ehrlich, G. 390 394
Eisenhauer, C.M. 302
Eisinger, J. 410
Elastic constants, alkali halides 286
Elastic constants, alkali metals, theory 287
Elastic constants, amorphous material 316
Elastic constants, cubic crystals, temperature variation 322
Elastic constants, cubic system compounds 276
Elastic constants, cubic system elements 274
Elastic constants, definition 219
Elastic constants, dynamic methods 259—272
Elastic constants, effect of ordering on 339
Elastic constants, effect of phase changes on 338
Elastic constants, effect of radiation damage on 345—347
Elastic constants, effect of superconductivity on 341—342
Elastic constants, hexagonal crystals 277
Elastic constants, hexagonal crystals, temperature variation 322
Elastic constants, hexagonal metals 296—299
Elastic constants, isotropic medium 221
Elastic constants, magnesium 297—299
Elastic constants, measurement 256—273
Elastic constants, method of long waves 228
Elastic constants, monoclinic crystals 285
Elastic constants, orthorhombic crystals 284
Elastic constants, piezoelectric crystals, temperature variation 323
Elastic constants, piezoelectric materials 310—316
Elastic constants, polycrystalline material 316
Elastic constants, pressure variation 320 324
Elastic constants, reduction by symmetry 220
Elastic constants, static methods 257—259
Elastic constants, tetragonal crystals 280
Elastic constants, third-order 250
Elastic constants, trigonal crystals 282
Elasticity moduli, definition 219
Elasticity moduli, temperature variation 328
Elasticity, atomistic theories 226—243
Elasticity, ferromagnetism effect 305—310
Elasticity, formal theory 216
Elasticity, formal theory, tensor form 222
Elasticity, Laval's theory 230
Electric field, surface migration effect 411
Electron gas, exchange potential 107
Electronic specific heat, transition metals 184
Electrons, effective mass, in alkali metals 139
Electrons, metals, impurity scattering 354
Elliott, R.J. 110 168(21)
Ellis, W.C. 310 334 339
Embrey, P. 468
Epstein, P.S. 234
Espinola, R.P. 320 322(292)
Estermann, I. 6 84 87(27) 90 94 95
Eucken, A. 2 46 47 48 49
Ewald, P.P. 238
Ewing, D.H. 206 207 209
Ewing, F.J. 472
Faber, T.E. 155
Fagen, E. 95
Fan, H.Y. 168 173(155) 177 178 301
Fano, U. 377
Farineau, J. 185
Faris, F.E. 316
Fawcett, E. 176
Faxen, H. 272
Feitknecht, W. 468
Fenn, R.W. 333
Fermi, E. 143
Fine, M.E. 259 262 274 310 323 334 339 340 341
Finlayson, D.M. 281
Fischer, G. 47 53 62(68) 64(68)
Fletcher, G.C. 188 192 193
Foner, S. 185
Foster, E.L. 5 47 52 53(18) 58 61(18) 62(18) 70 95(92)
Frank, F.C. 471
Frank, G. 479
Frazer, B.C. 465
Frevel, L.K. 446
Friedberg, S.A. 95
Friedel, J. 194 344
Friedman, H. 185
Frissel, H.F. 279
Froehlich, H. 152 242 289
Frondel, C. 346
Fruch, A.J. 476
Fry, T.M. 3 69(13)
Fuchs, K. 193 235 238 243 287 288(24 37) 289 290 336
Fukuchi, M. 193 195 196
Fukuroi, T. 334
Fumi, F.G. 249 252
Gaffney, J. 254 274 288 290 323
Galt, J.K. 162 269 277 286 323
| Ganzhorn, K. 181 182(190)
Garfunkel, M.P. 196 197(239)
Garland, C.W. 279 323
Gaspar, R. 154
Gavenda, D. 348
Geballe, T.H. 47 57 59 61 62(75) 63(74) 97(75) 177
Gell-Mann, M. 102 103
Geller, S. 465 476
Gilleo, M.A. 465
Ginnings, D.C. 47
Glasser, M.L. 128 130 131 132
Glicksman, M. 173 174(168)
Gobeli, G.W. 177 178
Goens, E. 274 275 277 279 323 333(134)
Goeppert-Mayer, M. 7
Goff, J. 95
Goldsztaub, S. 492
Gombas, P. 140 152
Gomer, R. 380 407 415(6) 416 418 419
Good, R.H. 394 412 415(13) 416 420(13)
Gordon, G.D. 310
Gordon, R.B. 346
Gorin, E. 136
Gorter, C.J. 87
Gorter, E.W. 470
Gow, M.M. 325
Graighead, C.M. 316
Granato, A. 271 342 343
Green, L., Jr. 316
Greene, J.B. 189
Grenier, C. 342
Grenier, E.S. 339
Greninger, A.B. 332
Gronvold, F. 486 489
Grueneisen, E. 20 47 279 283
Guillaume, C.E. 310
Guillet, L. 334
Gunnersen, E.M. 155
Gunney, R.W. 205
Gyoergy, E.M. 185
Haase, E.L. 140 141 142 144
Haegg, G. 440
Haendler, H.M. 499
Haering, R.R. 162 164
Hahn, H. 325 479
Haken, H. 102
Hall, G.G. 164
Ham, F.S. 124 125 127 129(47) 133(47) 134(47) 194(47) 289
Hanna, I.I. 77
Hanson, A.W. 335
Haraldsen, H. 486
Hargreaves, M.E. 23 91
Harrington, E.L. 380
Harrison, W.A. 300
Hart, P.J. 264 283 313
Hartman, C.D. 386
Hartree, D.R. 105 125 137
Hartree, W. 137
Harvey, G.G. 185
Hauke, W. 472
Hay, R.G. 461
Hearmon, R.F.S. 215 230 252 257 258 275 310 311
Heesch, H. 434
Heikes, R.R. 181
Heine, V. 154 200
Hellmann, H. 124 135
Helmholz, L. 497
Henry, W.G. 197
Hensman, R. 168 171(147)
Hepworth, M.A. 462
Herman, F. 107 108(13) 164 168 172 174 175 179
Herpin, A. 27
Herring, C. 3 27 39 43 59 109 110 128 129(56) 143 148 150 151 168 187
Hershey, A.V. 319
Hibbard, W.R. 333
Hikata, A. 343
Hill, A.G. 148 150 151 187(99)
Hill, R. 318
Hoard, J.L. 476
Holden, J.R. 444
Holmes, D.K. 168 171 346
Holser, W.T. 434
Hopf, L. 254
Horie, C. 209
Horowitz, M. 184
Horton, G.K. 255
Houston, W.V. 254
Hove, J.E. 67
Howarth, D.J. 133 134(71) 135 187 193 194(230 232) 195(230)
Howland, L.R. 205
Howling, D.H. 155
Hrostowski, H.J. 177 275 302(137)
Hsu, Y.C. 194 198
Huang, K. 7.227 228 229 232 233
Hubbard, J. 120
Huber, A. 318
Hudson, R.P. 65
Hughes, D.J. 273 302
Hughes, D.S. 316 325
Hughes, R.E. 476
Hull, G.W. 57 59 63(74)
Hulm, J.K. 6 84
Hum, D.M. 207
Hume-Rothery, W. 336
Hund, F. 164 165(135)
Hunter, L. 277
Huntington, H.B. 145 146(93) 267 277 279 281 283 296
Hurlen, T. 486
Inghram, M. 416 418 419
Ingri, N. 451
Isenberg, I. 290
Ives, H.E. 139
Iyengar, P.K. 302
Jack, K.H. 462 495 499
Jacobsen, E.H. 255
Jaffe, H. 279 281 283 312 314
Jaffee, R.I. 316
Jahn, H.A. 249
Jellinek, F. 486
Jenkins, D.P. 168 171
Johnston, D.F. 159 161 162
Johnston, E.R. 174
Johnston, J.E. 185
Jona, F. 277 279 281 283 311 313 315
Jones, G.O. 303
Jones, H. 74 133 134(71) 135 187 194 197 199 289 291 294 295 296 332
Jongenburger, P. 93
Jossem, E.L. 205
Joynson, R.E. 255
Kahn, A.H. 168 176(153)
Kambe, K. 193 194 197
Kammer, E.W. 279
Kane, E.O. 168 169(150) 171 172(150) 175(150) 177 178
Kasper, J.S. 471 490
Kassatotschkin, W. 124 135
Kay, H.F. 465
Ke, T.S. 260
Keeling, R.O. 449
Keesom, P.H. 66
Keesom, W.H. 65
Kehl, W.L. 461
Kellerman, E.W. 279 285 286(210)
Kelly, J.L. 325
Kemp, W.R.G. 6 63 84(28) 85 86 87(108 110) 88 89(110) 90 91(108 110) 92 93(76)
Kenney, N.T. 340 341
Kersten, M. 305
Kihlborg, L. 503
Kilpatrick, M.F. 316
Kimbal, G.E. 164 165(134) 178(134)
Kingston, R.H. 139
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