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Knox R.S. — Theory of Excitons |
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Abramson, E. 170 178
Absorption coefficient, definition of 105
Absorption coefficient, energy dependence of 144—163
Absorption coefficient, in exciton continuum 123 161—162
Absorption coefficient, integrated, definition of 116
Absorption coefficient, measurement of 111
Absorption coefficient, on Lorentz model 107
Absorption coefficient, semiclassical expression for 116
Absorption edge, shape in presence of exciton and magnetic field effects 127—128
Absorption of light, physical basis of 122 133—134 136—137 145—146
Adams, E.N. 81
Agekyan, V.T. 86
Agranovich, V.M. 119 134(206) 135(206) 140 144(247) 152 157 165 174(247 265)
Alkali azides, exciton levels in 58
Alkali halides see also “Individual solids”
Alkali halides, band structure of 71—72 74
Alkali halides, doublet intensities in 130
Alkali halides, exciton levels in 63
Alkali halides, exciton mean free paths in 148 174 175
Alkali halides, photoconductivity in 180
Alkali halides, photoemission from 176
Alkali halides, transport of energy by excitons in 186—187
Allen, J.W. 79
Alpha band 183
Anderson, P.W. 100
Anomalous waves see “Spatial dispersion”
Ansel’m, A.I. 137 143 144(242 243) 148(242 243)
Anthracene, Davydov splitting in 32
Anthracene, exciton diffusion length in 182 188
Anthracene, exciton mean free path in 174
Anthracene, photoconductivity in 178
Anthracene, spatial dispersion in 167
Aoyagi, K. 180
Apfel, J.H. 176
Apker, L. 176 179 186
Arakian, P. 170 178
Argon, solid, absorption line in 34
Argon, solid, exciton band structure of 35
Argon, solid, Frenkel excitons in 33—37
Asymmetry, in absorption lines, causes of 152
Baldini, G. 33 34(64) 70 122(64) 130(64) 192(64)
Balkanski, M. 47 90 99
Bardasis, A. 5 100
Bardeen, J. 100 123 142 144 148 161(213) 174(254)
Barium oxide, photoemission from 176 177
Barriol, J. 52
Bassani, F. 73 183
Baumeister, P.W. 3 52 122(80)
Benzene, Davydov splitting in 32
Beta band 183
Biellman, J. 57 130
Biem, W. 149
Bierman, A. 172
Blakney, R.M. 175
Blatt, F. 123 161(213)
Blatt, J.M. 91
Bloch representation, of excited states of a crystal 14—15
Bloch representation, of one-electron states 10
Boer, K.N. 91
Bogoliubov, N.N. 100
Bonch-Bmevich, V.L. 27
Born, M. 25 27 28 64 107 109(193) 110(50) 137
Bose — Einstein condensation of excitons 90—91 134
Bouckaert, L.P. 27 29
Bound exciton see “Trapped exciton”
Bradburn, M. 25 28
Brandt, W. 91
Braunstein, R. 136
Brillouin, L. 105 106(192)
Brodin, M.S. 130 167 168
Broude, V.L. 32
Brout, R. 147
Brown, F.C 58 161 163(100)
Brueckner, K.A. 95 97(174)
Bulyanitsa, D.S. 86
Burckel, J. 57
Busch, G. 184
Button, K. 82
Cadmium selenide, exciton levels in 58
Cadmium selenide, strain effects in 87
Cadmium selenide, Zeeman effect in 82
Cadmium sulfide, band structure of 55
Cadmium sulfide, edge emission from 189
Cadmium sulfide, energy transport in 187
Cadmium sulfide, exciton levels in 55—57
Cadmium sulfide, field ionization of excitons in 79
Cadmium sulfide, indirect transitions in 163
Cadmium sulfide, longitudinal excitons in 28 57
Cadmium sulfide, magnetic effects on intensities in 124—126
Cadmium sulfide, magnetostark effect in 85—86
Cadmium sulfide, photoconductivity in 78
Cadmium sulfide, Stark effect in 78
Cadmium sulfide, Urbach’s rule in 155
Cadmium sulfide, Zeeman effect in 82
Cadmium telluride, strain effects in 87
Carbon monoxide, solid, Davydov splitting in 32
Cardona, M. 85
Cario, G. 171 182(306)
Caris, J.C. 170 178
Casella, R.C. 91
Cauchois, Y. 101
Central-cell corrections see “Wannier exciton first-order
Chadderton, L.T. 87
Cherepanov, V.I. 115 124
Choi, S. 170 178
Choyke, W. 58 163(99) 189
Clark, C.D. 163
Coelho, R. 130
Cohen, M.H. 25 29
Condon, E.U. 62 134 135(236)
Cooper, L.N. 100
Copper halides, exciton levels in 130
Craig, D.P. 32
Crystal Hamiltonian see “Hamiltonian”
Cuprous oxide, absorption spectrum of 3
Cuprous oxide, asymmetry of n = 2 line in 152
Cuprous oxide, band structure of 54
Cuprous oxide, exciton levels in 52—55 130
Cuprous oxide, field ionization of excitons in 77 79
Cuprous oxide, first-order exciton energies in 45
Cuprous oxide, magnetic effects in 82
Cuprous oxide, photoconductivity in 176
Cuprous oxide, quadrupolar transitions in 124
Cuprous oxide, spatial dispersion in 167 168
Cuprous oxide, Stark effect in 77
Cuprous oxide, strain effects in 86—87
Cuprous oxide, temperature dependence of band gap in 154
Davydov splitting 29—33
Davydov splitting, definition 32
Davydov splitting, observation of 32
Davydov, A.S. 4 29 141 149 165
Davydov, V.I. 144
De Boer, J. 64
Deb, S.K. 58
Deformation potential theory, matrix elements in 142
Delbecq, C.J. 183 187
Demidenko, A.A. 25
Des Cloizeaux, J. 47
Detectors, of excitons 185
Devyatkova, E.D. 184
Dexter, D.L. 4 21 22(40 41) 33(41) 67 68(123) 70(123) 73(123) 90(40) 112 118 128(10 123) 129(10) 131 134 135(235) 155 156 171 175 179 182(306) 186 189
Diamond, indirect transitions in 163
Dianov-Klokov, V.L 135
Dieke, G.H. 134
Dielectric constant, choice of, in Wannier theory 49—52
Dielectric constant, complex 104
Dielectric constant, on Lorentz model 107
Dietz, R.E. 58
Diffusion of excitons 171
Dimmock, J.O. 44 58 82
| Dipole lattice sums 25 29
Direct transitions, theory of 112—134
Dislocations, effect of, on absorption edge 175
Dislocations, scattering of excitons by 175
Dissociation of excitons see also “Photoconductivity”
Dissociation of excitons by collisions between excitons 178
Dissociation of excitons by phonons 177
Dissociation of excitons by static imperfections 178—180
Dissociation of excitons, mechanisms of 170—171 177—181
Doublet splitting see “Spin-orbit interaction”
Dresselhaus, G. 5 42 46 119
Dressier, K. 5 32 33(22)
Druzhinin, V.V. 124
Dutton, D.B. 55 56 63 66(109) 69(109) 72 111 130(109) 155(86) 180(109)
Dykman, I.M. 64 66 129(119) 181 182
Eby, J.E. 63 66(109) 69(109) 72 111 130(109) 180(109) 187
Edge emission 189
Edwards, D.F. 82 83 128(149)
Effective mass, of Frenkel exciton 28 35
Effective mass, of Wannier exciton 38 85 148
Ehrenreich, H. 130
El Komoss, S.G. 129 130
El-Sayed, M.A. 188
Electric field effects see also “Individual solids”
Electric field effects, ionizing 79
Electric field effects, on diffusion of excitons 172
Electric field effects, Stark effect in hydrogen 78
Electric field effects, theory of 74—79
Electron-transfer model of the exciton 61—67 70—74
Electron-transfer model of the exciton, connection with the Wannier model 65
Electronic polaron 92
Elliott, R.J. 5 45 53 79 81 87(70) 119 123(21) 124(70) 126 127 147 152 158(21)
emission see “Radiative decay”
Energy transport see “Transport of energy by excitons”
Englert, F. 50 96
Excitation model of the exciton 67—74
Excitation model of the exciton, connection with the Wannier model 67—68
Exciton representation 17—20
Exciton rydberg, definition of 39
Exciton rydberg, definition of, experimental determination of 51 52—58
Exciton rydberg, definition of, size of, relative to band gap 100
Exciton-phonon interaction see also “Specific exciton models”
Exciton-phonon interaction, general theory of 137—140
Exciton-photon interaction 131—132 (see also “Specific exciton models in second quantization”)
Exciton-photon interaction, semiclassical theory of 113—117
Extinction coefficient, definition of 104
F centers, ionization of, by excitons 179
Factor group splitting see “Davydov splitting”
Fan, H.Y. 58
Fano, U. 27 108 164
Ferguson, J.N. 180
Field ionization see “Electric field effects”
Firsov, Yu.A. 137 143 144(242 243) 148(242 243)
Fischer, F. 66 70 72 73
Flood, W.F. 190
Foerster, T. 171 182(306)
Fox, D. 25(44)
Franck, J. 62 169 171 182(306)
Franz, W. 157
Frenkel exciton 21—37
Frenkel exciton, eigenvalues and eigenfunctions 21—24
Frenkel exciton, phonon interaction with 140—141
Frenkel exciton, photon interaction with 118—119
Frenkel, J. 1 21 22 144 169 171(4) 181
Friedel, J. 98
Frohlich, H. 93 142
Fuchs, R. 183
g-value, exciton 83
Galischev, V.S. 115 124
Gallium antimonide, exciton levels in 58
Gallium arsenide, energy transport in 187
Gallium arsenide, exciton levels in 58
Genkin, G.M. 148
Germanium, band gaps in 83—85
Germanium, direct transitions in 178
Germanium, exciton levels in 58 162
Germanium, exciton lifetime in 149
Germanium, exciton mean free paths in 148
Germanium, indirect transitions in 162
Germanium, magnetic effects in 82—85
Germanium, strain effects in 87
Gilleo, M.A. 155 158(278)
Ginzburg, V.L. 165 168
Givens, M.P. 63 130(110) 135
Gold, A. 34 148 174(262)
Goldstone, J. 95 97(174)
Goodman, B. 66 90 170(121) 177
Gorban’, I.S. 162 167
Goto, F. 70
Gribnikov, E.S. 172
Griffith, H.O. 33
Gross, E.F. 5 28 52 53 55 56(53) 58 74(53 132) 77 79 82 83 86 121(209) 124 126(53) 130(16) 169 176 189
Grun, J.B. 122 130 162
Gurney, R.W. 64
Guseva, G.I. 99
Haga, E. 141
Haken, H. 6 50 53 93 94 154 172 173
Hall, L.H. 123 161(213)
Hamiltonian, crystal 7—8 137 139
Hamiltonian, crystal, in presence of electric field 74 77
Hamiltonian, crystal, in presence of electromagnetic field 113
Hamiltonian, crystal, in presence of magnetic field 80—83
Hamiltonian, effective, for electron-hole pair 37 51 91—97
Hamiltonian, of excess charge in crystal 92
Hamiltonian, of idealized model of an insulator 9
Hamiltonian, phonon 138
Harbeke, G. 85
Hartman, P.L. 33 63 66(109) 69(109) 73(109) 130(109) 180
Haupt, U. 155
Hayashi, M. 52
Haynes, J.R. 172 182(309) 190
Hebb, M.H. 179
Heller, W.R. 21 22 27 35(39) 90(40) 92 141(39) 179 186
Hensley, E.B. 130
Herring, C. 183
Herzfeld, K.F. 4
Hilsch, R. 4 62 66(6 118) 70 72 73
Hirai, M. 182 186
Hobbins, P.C. 32
Hochstrasser, R.M. 189
Hoffman, R. 119
Hofstadter, R. 190
Hopfield, J.J. 27 28(49 53) 47 55 56(53) 58 74(53) 77 78 79(53 89) 82 83 84 86 121(209) 124(53) 126 131 152 157 163(88) 168 172 180 182 189
Horie, C. 98 99
Hrivnak, L. 51 175
Huang, K. 27 107 109(193) 110 137
Hubbard, J. 108
Hydrogenic exciton see “Wannier exciton”
Ikezawa, M. 186
Imai, I. 57 155(91)
Inchauspe, N. 70 72(128) 130(128) 183
Index of refraction, complex 104
Index of refraction, of “anomalous waves” 164 166
Index of refraction, real part of, equations determining 163
Indirect transitions 147 158—163
Indirect transitions, in emission 190
Indirect transitions, transition probabilities for 159 161—162
Indium antimonide, thermal conductivity of 184
Intermediate-radius excitons, eigenfunctions and eigenvalues 60—61
Intermediate-radius excitons, photon interaction with 128—130
Izuyama, T. 90 100
Jahoda, F.C. 112
Jakobsen, M.A. 55
Jarnagin, R.C. 178
Johansson, P. 101
Johnson, E.J. 58
Jossem, E.L. 101
Kachlivskii, Z.S. 174
Kaifu, Y. 186
Kallman, H. 176
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