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Knox R.S. — Theory of Excitons |
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Kanskaya, L.M. 86
Kaplianskii, A.A. 53 86 124 176
Kargapolov, Yu.A. 115 124
Karryeff, N.A. 52
Katsuki, K. 52
Katul, J. 176
Keffer, F. 25 29
Keldysch, L.V. 157
Kepler, R.G. 178
Keyes, R.W. 81
Kittel, C. 90
Kiyono, S. 101
Kleiner, W.H. 82 87
Klemm, W. 64
Klick, C.C. 171 182(306) 189
Knox, R.S. 5 33 34 70 72(128) 130 148 163(222) 174(262) 187
Kobayashi, K. 155
Kohn, W. 13 44 59 95
Konobeev, Yu.V. 140 144(247) 152 157 174(247 265)
Konstantinov, O.V. 124
Korenblit, L.L. 79 81
Korolyuk, S.L. 172 184(312)
Koster, G.F. 13 27 49(52) 61
Krochuk, A.S. 130
Kroger, F.A. 188 189
Krypton, solid, doublet intensities in 130
Kuang-Yin, C. 53 86(82)
Kuhn, H. 62
Kuwabara, G. 180
Lamb, W. 80
Lambe, J. 189
Lampert, M.A. 172 182(309)
Lax, B. 82 85 128 149
Lax, M. 61 146 177 190
Lazazzera, V.J. 82 83 128(149)
Lead iodide, exciton levels in 57
Lead iodide, Urbach’s rule in 155
Lead telluride, thermal conductivity in 184
Lee, T.D. 93
Leurgans, P.J. 144 148 174(254)
Lifetime of exciton states, against phonon dissociation 177
Lifetime of exciton states, against phonon scattering 147
Lipnik, A, A. 177 179
Lithium fluoride, exciton levels in 130 135
Local field effects 117 118—119
Localized representation see also “Wannier functions”
Localized representation for excited states of a crystal 16
Localized representation for one-electron states 11—13
Longitudinal excitons see also “Transverse excitons and Symmetry properties of excitons”
Longitudinal excitons, definition of 26
Longitudinal excitons, excitation of, theory 114—115
Longitudinal excitons, in the Frenkel case, theory of 24—29
Longitudinal excitons, in the Lorentz model 108
Longitudinal excitons, in the Wannier case, theory of 45—46
Longitudinal excitons, observation of 28 57
Lorentz model 106
Lorentz model, spatial dispersion in 164—167
Lorentzian shape, definition of 107
Lorentzian shape, resulting from weak-coupling theory 151
Lory, J. 191
Loudon, R. 79 81 126 127 136 162
Low, F.E. 93 173
Lowdin, P.O. 11 33 34(31)
Lubchenko, A.F. 165 168
Luminescence, exciton see “Radiative decay”
Luttinger, J.M. 44 59
Lynden-Bell, R. 33
Macfarlane, G.G. 58 83 158(97 98)
Magnetic field effects 124—126 (see also “Individual solids in crystals lacking inversion symmetry”)
Magnetic field effects, in two-particle effective Hamiltonian 80 83
Magnetic field effects, on diffusion of excitons 172
Magnetic field effects, on eigenstates and eigenvalues 79—85 126—127
Magnetic field effects, on transition probabilities 124—128
Magnetostark effect 85—86
Mahr, H. 158
Marcus, A. 21 22(39) 27 35(39) 92 141(39)
Martienssen, W. 148 155 191
Mass, exciton see “Effective mass or Reduced mass”
Masumi, T. 58 161 163(100)
Maxwell equations 103
McClure, D.S. 5 30(14) 32 119 188 189
McConnell, H.M. 33
McLean, T.P. 5 58 83(97) 111 158(19 97 98) 162 163(19)
Mean free path, exciton, definition of 174
Mean free path, exciton, due to phonon scattering 174
Medvedev, V.S. 32
Meijer, H.J.G. 188 189
Mercurous iodide, exciton levels in 57 130
Mercurous iodide, photoconductivity in 176
Merrifield, R.E. 90 175
Meyer, A. 191
Milgram, A.A. 63 130(110) 135
Miyakawa, T. 135
Molecular crystals, exciton states in 29—33
Moser, F. 155
Moskalenko, S.A. 45 51 59 91
Motion of excitons see also “Transport of energy by excitons”
Motion of excitons by diffusion 182
Motion of excitons, definitions of 169—170
Mott, N.F. 4 5 49 64 69 98 101
Multiplicity see also “Spin-orbit interaction”
Multiplicity on electron-transfer model 66 70 73
Multiplicity on excitation model 70
Murray, R.B. 191
Muto, T. 69 101(126)
Nakai, Y. 180
Naphthalene, Davydov splitting in 32
Nelson, J.R. 33 63 66(109) 69(109) 73(109) 130(109) 180(109)
Nieman, G.C. 188
Nikiforov, A.E. 124
Nikitine, S. 5 52 121 122 130 154 162 172
Northrup, D.C 170
Noskov, M.M. 152
Novikov, B.V. 176
Nozieres, P. 90 96 98 99
Obreimov, I.W. 4
Oen, O.S. 66 90 170(121) 177
Ohta, T. 154
Okamoto, Y. 130
Okuno, H. 69 101(126)
Olness, D. 178
Onaka, R. 63 130(110)
One-electron approximation 7—20
One-electron approximation in excited states of solids 13—20
Optical density, definition of 111
Organic crystals see also “Individual crystals”
Organic crystals, emission from 189
Organic crystals, energy transport in 187—188
Organic crystals, photoconductivity in 176
Osaka, Y. 70
Osaka, Y.S. 70
Oscillator strength see also “Absorption coefficient”
Oscillator strength for direct transitions 117—122
Oscillator strength, approximations in calculations of 118
Oscillator strength, definition of 117
Oscillator strength, relation to absorption coefficient 117
Ovander, L.N. 135
Overhauser, A.W. 4 66 128(11)
Overlap of wave functions, corrections for 33—36
Overlap of wave functions, in second-quantized formalism 90
Oxygen, solid, two-exciton processes in 135
Oyama, S. 69 101(126)
O’Bryan, H.M. 63 66(109) 69(109) 73(109) 130(109) 180(109)
Pappert, R.A. 66 128(122) 129(122)
Paranichev, V.N. 172
Parratt, L.G. 101
Parsons, R.B. 87
Pastrnyak, I. 162
Patrick, L. 58 163(99) 189
Pavinskii, P.P. 54 82
| Peierls, R.E. 1 22 33(3) 137(3) 144 146 171(3)
Pekar, S.I. 27 163 165 167 168 181 182
Pelzer, H. 93 142(252)
Perny, G. 57 154
Petersen, R. 130
Peterson, D.L. 141 144(250)
Philipp, H.R. 112 176 177(334) 179 180(337) 186(337)
Phonons, acoustic, scattering of Bloch electrons by 142
Phonons, acoustic, scattering of excitons by 143
Phonons, boson operator formalism for 139
Phonons, effects of 136—163
Phonons, normal coordinate expression for 138
Phonons, optical, scattering of Bloch electrons by 142
Phonons, optical, scattering of excitons by 144
Phonons, role of, in indirect transitions 158—163
Photoconductivity see also “Dissociation of excitons” “Individual
Photoconductivity, discussion of 180
Photoconductivity, zero contribution of exciton to 176
photoemission 176—181
Photoemission, from F centers 179 186
Pikus, G.E. 172 184(311)
Pines, D. 93 96 97 98
Piskovoi, V.N. 25
Plasmon, exciton’s relation to 99—100
Plasmon, qualitative discussion of 97—98
Pohl, R.W. 4 62 66(6)
Polariton 133
Polariton, as a carrier of energy 133 184 185
Polariton, scattering cross section for 173—174
Polarization of light, dependence of optical absorption on 114—117 119
Pooley, D. 33
Popov, Yu.M. 188
Portis, A.M. 176
Potassium bromide, absorption spectrum of 2
Potassium bromide, doublet intensities in 130
Potassium bromide, photoconductivity in 180
Potassium bromide, Urbach’s rule in 155
Potassium chloride, photoconductivity in 180
Potassium chloride, Urbach’s rule in 155
Potassium iodide, emission from trapped excitons in 190
Potassium iodide, photoconductivity in 180
Power, M. 55 163(88)
Pratt, G.W., Jr. 95
Prikhot’ko, A.F. 4 32
Pringsheim, P. 183
Quarrington, J.E. 58 83(97) 158(97 98)
R center, bleaching of 182
Radchenko, R.V. 115 124(202)
Radiative decay, of excitons 170 188—190
Radiative decay, of trapped excitons 190
Radiative decay, of “free” excitons 188—189
Radius, exciton 3 4 49 51 59
Radkowsky, A. 154
Raimes, S. 97 98(177)
Rare gases, solid, exciton mean free paths in 148 174
Rashba, E.I. 45 149 172
Razbirin, B.S. 28 55 56(53) 74(53) 79(53) 82 83 121(209) 124(53) 126(53)
Recoil of exciton, during photon emission 169 189
Recombination, electron-hole, importance of, in organic crystals 178
Recombination, electron-hole, with phonon assistance 177
Redfield, D. 157
Reduced mass 38
Refractive index see “Index of refraction”
Reiling, G.H. 130
Reinov, N.M. 74 77(132)
Reiss, R. 57 121 130
Reitz, J.R. 11 33(32)
Renormalization of charges in a dielectric medium 97
Rice, S.A. 170 178
Rimmer, M.P. 112
Ringeisen, J. 130
Roberts, V. 58 83(97) 158(97 98)
Robinson, G.W. 188
Rollefson, G. 62
Roth, L.M. 82 87 95 128 149
Rubidium bromide, doublet intensities in 130
Rukhadze, A.A. 165 168
Rydberg see “Exciton rydberg”
Ryvkin, S.M. 176
Saum, G.A. 130
Scattering of excitons, cross section for 173
Scattering of excitons, cross section for, by dislocations 175
Scattering of excitons, cross section for, by phonons 174
Scattering of excitons, cross section for, by point defects 174—175
Scattering of excitons, cross section for, by surfaces 175—176
Schiff, L.I. 78 87 113 114(201) 126 131 173
Schneider, E.G. 63 66(109) 69(109) 73(109) 130(109) 180(109)
Schneider, M. 184
Schnepp, O. 5 32 33(22)
Schottky, W. 50 93 142
Schrieffer, J.R. 5 100
Schulman, J.H. 171 182(306)
Schultz, T.D. 143
Second quantization, notation, for excitons 87—90
Second quantization, notation, for phonons 139
Second quantization, notation, for photons 131—132
Seitz, F. 14 21 27 33(38) 35(36) 64 77 169 171 175 176 182 191
Selenium, amorphous, Urbach’s rule in 155
Self-trapping, of excitons 144 171 181—182
Self-trapping, of excitons, criteria for 181 182
Selivanenko, A.S. 175 188
Semiconductors see also “Individual solids”
Semiconductors, energy transport by excitons in 187
Shifts with temperature of absorption lines and edges 147 152—154
Shirkov, D.V. 100
Shmushkevich, B. 144
Shockley, W. 7 21
Shortley, G.H. 62 134 135(236)
Shur, M.Ya. 152
Sibilev, A.I. 82
Siegfried, J.G. 63 66(109) 69(109) 73(109) 130(109) 180(109)
Sieskind, M. 52 121 122 130 154 162
Silicon carbide, exciton levels in 58
Silicon, emission from 190
Silicon, exciton levels in 58
Silicon, indirect transitions in 158 163
Silin, V.P. 168
Silver bromide, doublet intensities in 130
Silver bromide, indirect transitions in 163
Silver bromide, Urbach’s rule in 155
Silver chloride, doublet intensities in 130
Silver chloride, exciton levels in 58
Silver chloride, indirect transitions in 161 163
Silver chloride, Urbach’s rule in 155
Silver iodide, exciton levels in 57
Silver, M. 176 178
Simpson, O. 170 182 188(353)
Simpson, W.T. 141 144(250)
Slater, J.C. 7 12 21 61
Smoluchowski, R. 27 29
Snyder, H. 126
Sobolev, V.V. 58
Sodium chloride, oscillator strengths in 129
Sodium iodide, emission from trapped excitons in 190
Spatial dispersion, in the case of excitons 163—168
Spatial dispersion, in the case of excitons, of phonons 192
Spin-orbit interaction, effect on alkali halide spectra 62—63 71—73 130
Spin-orbit interaction, effect on alkali halide spectra, on exciton g values 83
Spin-orbit interaction, effect on alkali halide spectra, on longitudinal-transverse splitting 29
Spin-orbit interaction, in beta band 183
Spin-orbit interaction, in crystal Hamiltonian 8
Spin-orbit interaction, in cuprous oxide 54—55
Spin-orbit interaction, matrix elements of 20
Stark effect see “Electric field effects”
Statistics of the exciton 89—91
Sternlicht, H. 33
Strain field effects, on exciton levels 86—87
Strain field effects, on one-electron bands 86
Strizhevskii, V.L. 165
Strong coupling, definition, in exciton-phonon problems 151
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