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Knox R.S. — Theory of Excitons |
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Stumpf, H. 182
Sturge, M.D. 58
Superconductors, excitons in 100
Surface excitons 175—176
Surfaces, effects of 111 176
Svirskii, M.S. 91
Swicord, M. 178
Symmetry properties of excitons see also “Longitudinal excitons and Transverse excitons”
Symmetry properties of excitons in cubic crystals 27
Symmetry properties of excitons, regarded as an angular momentum coupling problem 47
Symmetry properties of excitons, translational, experimental verification of 86
Taft, E.A. 112 176 179 180(337) 186
Taglauer, E. 191
Takeuti, Y. 61
Taluts, G.G. 99
Taylor, J.W. 180
Teegarden, K.J. 63 66(109) 69(109) 72 111 130(109) 171 180 186 187 190
Teller, E. 169
Tetracene, surface excitons in 176
Thallium halides, exciton levels in 130
Thallous chloride, absorption spectrum of 153
Thallous chloride, Urbach’s rule in 153 155
Thermal conductivity, due to excitons 172 183—184
Thermal spike, definition of 171
Thermal spike, in color center kinetics 182
Thermalization of excitons 170 189
Thomas, D.G. 27 28 53) 56(53) 58 74(53) 77 78 79(53 89) 82(53 89) 83 84 86 87 121(209) 124(53) 126 129(93) 163(88) 172 182 189
Thouless, D.J. 8 87
Tibbs, S.R. 68 70(124)
Tightly-bound exciton see “Frenkel exciton”
Timofeev, V.B. 162 167
Tippins, H.H. 58 161 163(100)
Tolmachev, V.V. 100
Tolpygo, K.B. 45 51 59 66 110
Tomasevich, O.F. 66
Tomiki, T. 155
Tomura, M. 186
Toyozawa, Y. 6 90 92 135 137 145 148(27) 149 150 151(245) 152 156 170 171(27) 176 179 188(244) 189 190
Transport of energy by excitons, as thermal current 172 183—184
Transport of energy by excitons, by hopping 184—185
Transport of energy by excitons, by wave packets 184—186
Transport of energy by excitons, general question of 169 184—186
Transverse excitons see also “Longitudinal excitons and Symmetry properties of excitons”
Transverse excitons, coupling with photons 115
Transverse excitons, definition 26
Transverse excitons, in Frenkel case, theory of 24—29
Transverse excitons, in Wannier case, theory of 45—46
Transverse excitons, on the Lorentz model 108—109
Trapped exciton, identity with excited states of effects 182—183
Trapped exciton, in alkali halides 183
Trapping see also “Self-trapping”
Trapping of excitons 172 181—183
Trlifaj, M. 171 179 182
Tsekvava, B.E. 165
Tsertsvadze, A.A. 66 129(119) 183
Tulub, A.V. 173 175(317)
Tutihasi, S. 130 153 155(230)
Two-electron transitions 134—136
Two-photon absorption 136
U centers, as exciton detectors 186
Ueta, M. 5 52(17) 130(17) 182 186
Urbach, F. 154 155 158
Urbach’s rule 152—158
| Urbach’s rule in 155
Urbach’s rule, statement of 154
Urbach’s rule, table of cases of 155
Urbach’s rule, theories of 155—158
Van Doom, C.Z. 189
van Sciver, W.J. 190
Van Vleck 146
Varfalomeev, A.V. 124
Varsanyi, F. 134
Vink, A.T. 189
von Hippel, A. 4 64 154(8)
Vonsovskii, S.V. 91
Waidelich, W. 191
Wannier exciton 37—59
Wannier exciton, effective electron-hole interaction in 50
Wannier exciton, eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of 37—49
Wannier exciton, first-order corrections in 44—46
Wannier exciton, lifetime of, against phonon scattering 148
Wannier exciton, normalization of envelope function of 42
Wannier exciton, phonon interaction with 141
Wannier exciton, photon interaction with 119—121
Wannier functions, definition of 12
Wannier, G.H. 1 7(5) 176
Wardzynski, W. 87
Watanabe, H. 186
Wauk, M.T. 188
Wave vector of light, complex 104
Wave vector of light, order of magnitude of 117
Weak coupling, definition, in exciton-phonon problems 150—151
Weakly-bound exciton see “Wannier exciton”
Weeks, R.F. 190
Weller, W. 149
Wheeler, R.G. 44 58 82
Wigner, E.P. 27 29
Winston, H. 33 119
Wolf, H.C. 5 30(15) 188
Wolff, K.L. 4
X-ray excitons 100—101
Xenon, solid, exciton levels in 70
Yaet, Y. 81
Yatsiv, S. 25(44)
Yoffe, A.D. 87
Yokota, I. 141
Yuster, P.H. 183 187
Zahlan, A.B. 176
Zakharchenya, B.P. 74 77(132) 79 82 86 124
Zaslavskaya, I.G. 154
Zeeman effect see “Magnetic field effects”
Zhilich, A.G. 54 115 124
Zhuze, U.P. 176
Zienau, S. 93 142(252)
Zinc oxide, exciton levels in 58
Zinc oxide, longitudinal excitons in 28
Zinc selenide, exciton levels in 58
Zinngrebe, H. 130 153(230) 155(230)
Zollweg, R.J. 130 171(334) 176
Zverev, L.P. 152
Zwerdling, S. 82 128 149
“Allowed transitions, direct, oscillator strengths for” 121
“Forbidden” transitions, direct, oscillator strengths for 121
“Hopping” see “Transport of energy by excitons”
“Retardation” effects, in classical theory of dispersion 107—111
“Retardation” effects, in quantum theory of dispersion 130—134
“Spin-spin” interaction see “Wannier exciton first-order
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