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Поиск книг, содержащих: Boyle temperature
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Isihara A. — Statistical physics | 116 | Pippard A.B. — The Elements of Classical Thermodynamics | 73 | Fishbane P.M. — Physics For Scientists and Engineers with Modern Physics | 512 | Staff of Research and Education Association — The Thermodynamics Problem Solver: A Complete Solution Guide to Any Textbook | 6-31, 6-34 | Adkins C.J. — Equilibrium Thermodynamics | 116 | Dalvit D.A.R., Frastai J., Lawrie I.D. — Problems on statistical mechanics | 5.3 | Guggenheim E.A. — Thermodynamics | 100, 137 | Cowan B. — Topics In Statistical Mechanics | 127,138 | Prigogine I. — Proceedings of the International Symposium on Transport. Processes in Statistical Mechanics, held in Brussels,. August 27-31, 1956 | 382, 384 | van Dijk M.A., Wakker A. — Concepts of Polymer Thermodynamics | 60 | Flogge S. (ed.) — Encyclopedia of Physics. Thermodynamics of Gases | 22 | McQuarrie D.A. — Statistical Mechanics | 247 | Chandler D. — Introduction to modern statistical mechanics | 206 | Buchdahl H.A. — The Concepts of Classical Thermodynamics | 176 |