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van Dijk M.A., Wakker A. — Concepts of Polymer Thermodynamics |
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Atomic index 41
Autocorrelation function 155
Binodal 19 24 74 76 85 148 149 173
Blend, miscible 1
Boltzmann, constant 26
Boltzmann, distribution 128
Bom — Oppenheimer approximation 133
Bond, index 41
Bond, rotation 54
Bond, valence angle 54
Boyle temperature 60
Boyle — Gay — Lussac law 25
Bragg condition 156
Brownian motion 16
Building block 1
Caley tree 110
Cell partition function 90 97 101
Chain, configuration 53 55 63
Chain, configurational freedom 63
Chain, conformation 52 53
Chain, deuterated 163
Chain, dimension 53
Chain, end-to-end distance 138
Chain, entropy 55
Chain, flexibility 52 91
Chain, flexible 64
Chain, gaussian 119
Chain, ideal 52 53 72
Chain, model 53
Chain, real 56 59 60
Chain, rigid-rod 119
Chain, single 138
Chain, statistics 52
Chain-infinite length 72
Chain-length 73 79 82 94 166
Chemical, equilibrium 11
Chemical, potential 7 8 9 12 15 28 68 71 73
Chemical, structure 39 50
Cloud point 74 148 151 172 180 196
Compatibilizer 2
Compatibilizing 2
composition 9 15
Composition, fluctuation 16 17 20
Composition, metastable 69
Composition, triangle 22
Compressibility effect 104
Compressibility effect, term 18
Computer simulation 3 125 127 136
Concentration fluctuation 148 154
Configuration 47
Connodal 21
Contacts, polymer-polymer 59
Contacts, segment-segment 59
Contribution, topological 39
Copolymer block 2
correlation length 184 186
Critical, concentration 84 150
Critical, solution temperature 168
Critical, temperature 166 174 190
Critical, value 152
Crystalline, component 24 25
Crystalline, material 23
Crystalline, solid 23
Crystallinity 164
Crystallization 23
Crystallization, behavior 134
Crystallization, Page 206
Dalton Law 26
de Gennes Theory 111
Debye function 184
Degrees of freedom 12 40 88 92 102
Demixing 24 86 94 169
Density, reduced 99
Destabilizing effect 18
Diffusion coefficient 153 156
DMA 164
Driving force 1 17
DSC 164
Einstein — Smoluchowski Theory 146
Electron clouds 134
Energy, cohesive 36
Energy, density 34
Energy, exchange 33
Energy, free 17 55 181
Energy, function 12
Energy, internal 5 34
Energy, kinetic 129
Energy, mixing 4
Energy, scale 129
Energy, total free 58
Energy, vaporization 34
Ensemble, Canonical 128 131 136
Ensemble, Grand Canonical 128 131
Ensemble, isothermal 128
Ensemble, isothermal-isobaric 131
Ensemble, microcanonical 128
Enthalpic parameter 179
Enthalpy 6
Enthalpy, mixing 13
Entropic parameter 179 180
entropy 5 25
Entropy, combinatorial 3 85 98
Entropy, configurational 93
Entropy, loss 23
Entropy, mixing 34
Equation-of-state 81
Equilibrium 11
Equilibrium, conditions, H liquid-liquid 6
Equilibrium, state 154
Ergodic condition 127
Euler theorem 7
Eutectic, composition 24
Eutectic, point 24
Eutectic, temperature 24
Flash calculations 76
Flory theory 92
Flory — Huggins Expression 3 65
Flory — Huggins theory 149
Fluctuation 12
Force, dispersion 39
Force, intermolecular 26
Freed Theory 82
Gibbs free energy 6 7 8 10
Gibbs phase rule 12
Gibbs — Duhem relation 8
Group contribution 35 38
Groups side 52
Growth mechanism 148
Gyration radius 55 121 133 163 184
Hard sphere liquid 90
Heat, fusion 23
Heat, vaporization 34
Helmholtz free energy 6 14 86 89 98
Heterogeneity index 52 75
Hildebrand Derivation 64
Hooke law 56
Hour-glass 176
Huggins Correction 65 68 84
Hybrid theories 126
Ideal gas 25 27
Inflection point 19
Interaction 25 26
Interaction parameter 66 70 146 176 183 189 191
Interaction, channel 102 105
Interaction, dispersive 59 101 108 166
Interaction, energetic 72
Interaction, energy 35 96 107 189
Interaction, enthalpic 56 165
Interaction, entropic 72
Interaction, mutual 27
| Interaction, parameter 34 75 83 94 102
Interaction, potential 118
Interaction, segment-segment 72
Interaction, specific 191
Interaction, strength 107
Interface, vapor-liquid 12
Intermolecular distance 56
IPN 154
Isothermal compressibility 18
Kelvin Law 5
Kuhn statistical length 54
Lattice Fluid Theory 175
Lattice — Bethe, coordination number 45 84 103 115
Lattice — Bethe, cubic 56 57 125
Lattice — Bethe, fixed coordination number 100
Lattice — Bethe, segment 83
Lattice — Bethe, site 111
Lattice — Bethe, site volume 82
Lattice — Bethe, theories 45 142
Lattice — Bethe, two-dimensional 57
LCST 18 20 71 86 94 96 99 101 102 109 149 166 172 176 178 182 190
Lennard — Jones potential 90 91
Light scattering 154
Liquid phase 5
London forces 59
London — Van der Waals interaction 33
Mass, density 9
Mass, fraction, in Maxwell Equation 156
Mean spherical approximation 117
Melting point, depression 23
Melting point, U 9
Metastability 149
Miscibility 1 4 13
Miscibility, behavior 171
Miscibility, molecular scale 145
Miscibility, polymer-polymer 105
Mixing, endothermic 33
Mixing, entropy 23 27 46 61 62 64 96
Mixing, exothermic 3
Mixing, free energy 13 66
Mixing, function 20
Mixing, heat 33 39 48 163 177 195
Mixing, non-random 102
Mixture, binary 2
Mixture, entropy 63
Mixture, homogeneous 26
Mixture, ideal 25 27
Mixture, miscible 104
Mixture, multicomponent 21
Mixture, random 32
Mixture, regular 31
Mixture, ternary 22
Model, equation-of-state 85
Model, Flory 93 98 99 109
Model, Hole 97
Model, interaction site 117
Model, lattice 83
Model, Lory — Huggins 82
Model, Sanchez — Lacombe 81 109
Model, specific interactions 101
Model, Ten Brinke 109
Model, thermodynamic 81
Model, TRISM, U 8
Model, validation 165
Model, vector 110
Model, “Holes and Huggins” 81 100
Molar, attraction 38
Molar, quantities 9
Molar, volume 9
Mole fraction 8
Molecular, dynamics 126 133 136
Molecular, dynamics simulation 119
Molecular, modelling 3 197
Molecular, page 208
Molecular, parameters 172
Molecular, weight 9 50 51 52 75 176 180
Molecular, weight distribution 73 85
Monomer 50
Monte Carlo 3 58 126 134 135 138
Morphology 1 2
Multiphase system 1
Nernst theorem 26
Nucleation 148
Ornstein — Zemike Equation 116
Ornstein — Zemike Expression 159
Osmometry 30 52
Page 209
Periodic boundary 137
Phase equilibrium, U PICS 170
Phase, behavior 4 12 82 85 102 145
Phase, coexisting 16
Phase, diagram 3 18 20 24 68 70 78 148 150 76 183
Phase, equilibrium 74
Phase, glass 20
Phase, liquid-liquid 13 22
Phase, macroscopic 154
Phase, metastable 159
Phase, polymer-rich 5
Phase, rule 14
Phase, separation 17
Phase, stability 14 148
Phase, transition 105
Phase-thermodynamic stability 14
Planck constant 26
Poisson ratio 56
Polyacrylics 194
Polybutadiene 2
Polybutylacrylate 151
Polydispersity 85 184
Polyethene 50 51 52 53 94
Polyisobutylene 175
Polymer, blend 11 78 104
Polymer, chain 51
Polymer, coil 58 59 155
Polymer, concentration 72 85
Polymer, ideal mixture 61
Polymer, melt 125
Polymer, mixture 1 49 66 164
Polymer, mixtures 194
Polymer, pairs 1
Polymer, phase 63
Polymer, polydisperse 73 75
Polymer, segment 84
Polymer, solution 149 160 165 180
Polymer, structure 49
Polymerization anionic 52
Polymerization anionic, degree 50
Polymerization anionic, radical 51
Polymerization anionic, step-growth 52
Polymethylmethacrylate 40 41 42 75 178
Polypentylacrylate 151
Polyphenylene ether, Polypropylacrylate 151
polystyrene 50 51 83 94 109 155 165 178 182
Polystyrene, high impact 2
Polytetrafluoroethylene 119
Polytetrahydrofuran 161
Polyvinylchloride 75 151 194
Polyvinylmethylether 109 181
Pressure 174
Pressure, coefficient 173
Pressure, hydrostatic 6
Principle of energy conservation 5
PRISM prediction 120
PRISM Theory 116
probability distribution 55
quantum mechanics 26 132
Quenching 148 154
Random walk 53 54 56 57 63 141
Rayleigh ratio 157
Refractive index 158
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