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Buchdahl H.A. — The Concepts of Classical Thermodynamics |
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Absolute entropy 110
Absolute temperature 73 77 86ff 99
Absolute temperature, determination of 83ff
Absolute temperature, sign of 76ff 85
Absolute temperature, unattainability of zero 104ff 107 109
Accessibility 66f
Activity 211
Activity, coefficient 212
Additivity of energy 44 149
Additivity of entropy 74
Additivity of heat 45
Adiabatic 13
Adiabatic demagnetization 108 185
Adiabatic isolation 14 77
Adiabatic partition 14
Adiabatic transition 14 44
Adiabatics 70
Adjoint state 96
Advancement, degree of 129 202 206 215f
Algebraic equivalent 57 61 97
Ancillary law 42 69
Anti-catalyst 132
assumptions 5
Attainability of T = 0 104 106f
Availability of energy 91
Berthelot's equation 195
Black Box 117
Black-body radiation 141
Bose — Enstein gas 140
Boundary 119 148
Boyle temperature 176
Boyle's law 87
Calorimeter 48
Caratheodory's principle 68
Caratheodory's theorem 62
Chain 102
Characteristic function 114 124 174
Charles's law 87
chemical potential 122 200f 209
Chemical potential in ideal system 208
Chemical potential of ideal gaseous constituent 172
Chemical potential of real gaseous constituent 174
Chemical reactions 119ff 202f 205ff
Clapeyron — Clausius equation 179 181 183 186
Classification of 56ff
Clausius's equation 179
Clausius's inequality 90
Clausius's principle 89
Closed system 117 126
Closed transition 49 90
Coefficient of expansion 108 161 190
Coldness 31 48
Composite system 20
Compressibility 162
Concentration 124
Concept, meaning of 3f
Condition of insolubility 203
Conditions of equilibrium 126ff 132ff 150 197ff
Conditions of equilibrium for ideal gases 205ff
Conditions of equilibrium for ideal systems 208ff
Conditions of equilibrium for real gases 211ff
Conduction of heat 36 150ff
Configuration 9
Conjugate variables 116
Conservation laws 38f 50 82
Conservation of energy 5f 38ff
Constituent 119
Constituent, independent 203
Constitutive coordinates 119
Constitutive quantities 7
coordinates 9 141
Coordinates, constitutive 120
Coordinates, deformation 9 18 108 184 188
Coordinates, external 120
Coordinates, internal 120 125
Corresponding states 195
Cosmological theory 3 18
Covariance 18 40
Creation of entropy 83 154 176
Critical opalescence 197
Critical point 193
Curie's law 185 191
Deformation 6
Deformation, coordinate 9 18 108 184
Degree of advancement 129 202 206 215f
Degree of freedom 200 203
Demagnetization 108 185
Dependent reactions 208
Dewar flask 13
Diathermic 13
Diffusion 8 131 170ff
Dilute solution 208
Discontinuities, representation of 182
Dissociation, degree of 207
Distance between states 21ff 37 69
Efficiency 91
Ehrenfest's equations 180
Elastic systems 38 186ff
Empirical entropy (function) 70 83 94 97 102
Empirical temperature (function) 30 34ff 46f 83
Energy 5 18 38ff 41ff
Energy of ideal gas 85 137
Energy of real gases 173
Energy of van der Waals gas 174
Energy, additivity of 44 149
Energy, availability of 91
Energy, bounds of 46 82 106
Energy, conservation of 5f 38ff
Energy, continuity of 45
Energy, density of 39 151 188
Energy, flux 154
Energy, localization of 154f
Energy, surface 149
Enthalpy 113
Enthalpy, partial molar 210
entropy 68
Entropy of ideal gas 169
Entropy of ideal gas mixture 171
Entropy of mixing 172 177
Entropy of real gas 173
Entropy of real gas mixtures 174
Entropy of surface phase 149
Entropy of van der Waals gas 174
Entropy, absolute 110
Entropy, additivity of 74
Entropy, creation 83 154 176
Entropy, density 151 188
Entropy, determination of 83ff
Entropy, discontinuity of 180 183
Entropy, empirical 70 83 94 97 102
Entropy, flux 154
Entropy, localization of 154
Entropy, maximization of 132
Entropy, metrical 73 99
Entropy, molar 169 171
Entropy, principle (of increase of) 75ff 79ff 94f 97 99 117 130
Entropy, production 153 176
Entropy, pseudo- 131
Entropy, scale 71 87
Entropy, zero point 111f 215ff
Equations of state 33 162ff 178
Equations of state, empirical 163 194
Equilibrium 7ff 111 133
Equilibrium constants 206 208
Equilibrium constants, derivatives of 209f
Equilibrium constants, determination of 213ff
Equilibrium constants, explicit form of 210f
Equilibrium constants, ideal 209
Equilibrium, curve 179 180
Equilibrium, mechanical 28
| Equilibrium, metastable 111
Equilibrium, relative 133f
Equilibrium, surface 186
Equilibrium, thermal 28
Equivalence class 101
Equivalence relation 101
Expansion, thermal 161 190
External coordinates 120
External state 120
Fermi — Dirac gas 140 191
First law of thermodynamics 40
First Law of Thermodynamics, substitute for 100
First-order phase transitions 178f
Fluctuations 16 155f 195
Fluctuations of energy 158
Fluctuations, frequency of 157
Fluctuations, simultaneous 158f
Flux, energy 154
Flux, energy, entropy 154
Force (generalized) 12
Free energy (Helmholtz) 115
Fugacity 212
Gas mixtures 170ff 176
Gas mixtures, entropy of 171
Gas mixtures, equilibrium of 207ff
Gas mixtures, Gibbs function of 172 174
Gas mixtures, pressure of 170 177
Gauge transformation 154
Gibbs function 113 123 126 145 150
Gibbs function of elastic systems 188
Gibbs function of ideal gas 169
Gibbs function of ideal gas mixture 172
Gibbs function of magnetic systems 180 184
Gibbs function of real gas mixture 174
Gibbs function, discontinuities of 179 183
Gibbs function, minimization of 134
Gibbs function, molar 170
Gibbs Phase Rule, for inert systems 199ff
Gibbs Phase Rule, for inert systems for active systems 202ff
Gibbs — Duhem identity 168f 201
Gibbs — Helmholtz equation 114
Glass 111
Gravitational field 143ff 196f
Grueneisen parameter 177
Grueneisen's Law 178 191
Hamilton's principle 130
Heat 43 49
Heat element 73
Heat of reaction 210 212 213
Heat of transformation 111 183
Heat Theorem (Nernst) 216
Heat, latent 179 181
Heat, specific 85 105 107 118 164 179 181 183 185 191 215
Heat, transfer of 48 152ff
Helium 182
Helmholtz free energy 115
Helmholtz function 113 135
Heterogeneous systems 125 193 197ff 210
Higher-order phase transitions 179ff
Hooke's law 189
Hotness 31 48 78
Hypersurface 21
Ideal gases 87 137ff 147 168 170 205 210
Ideal mixture 208
Ideal paramagnetic 191f
Ideal system 208 210
Image of state or transition 22 46 52
Impotence, laws of 50 82 110
Inacessibility 66ff 93ff
Independence of reactions 202 208
Independent constituents 203
Inequality of Clausius 90
Infinitesimal transition, n 23
Integrability 55ff 97
Integrability conditions 58 166ff
Integrability conditions, suffiency of 59f
Integrating denominator 58
Integrating factor 58 64
Intensive variable 169 200f
Internal coordinates 120 125
Internal energy function 41
Internal state 120
Inversion temperature 176
Irreversible transition 12 15 66 94 117 155
Isentropic 71 83 88 178
Isobaric coefficient of expansion 161
Isolation, adiabatic 14
Isometric pressure coefficient 162
Isometric transition 19 32
Isothermal compressibility 162
Isothermal transition 36
Isothermals 31
Joule expansion 174
Joule — Thomson expansion 175f
Kelvin's principle 89
Lambda-transition of He 105 182
Latent heat 179 181
Law of corresponding states 195
Law of equal areas 194
Law of Mass Action, one reaction 205ff
Law of Mass Action, one reaction for real gases 211ff
Law of Mass Action, one reaction, several reactions 207ff
Law of thermodynamics, Zeroth 29
Law of Thermodynamics, Zeroth, First 40
Law of Thermodynamics, Zeroth, Second 68 89 101
Law of Thermodynamics, Zeroth, Third 109
Law, meaning of 4f 38
Laws of conservation 38 50 82
Laws of impotence 50 82 110
Linear diffential form 25 55ff
Local temperature 36 151
Localization of physical quantities 154f
Lorentz transformations 141
Macro-state 16
Macroscopic systems 1
Magnetic systems 9 108 162 180f 184ff
Mass action see "Law of Mass Action"
Maximization of entropy 132
Maxwell's law of equal areas 194
Maxwell's relations 167 185 188 190
Mean values 156
Mechanical equivalent of heat 49
Mechanical systems 1 5
Metalaw, meaning of 38
Metaphase144 148 188
Metastability 111f
Metrical entropy 73 99
Micro-state 16
Minimal set 9
Minimization of Gibbs function 134
Mixture, ideal 208
Mixture, ideal of ideal gases 170ff 205 213ff
Mixture, ideal of real gases 173f 176f
Modification of system 28 81 131f 149
Modified thermodynamic potentials 114
Molar Gibbs function 170
Mole 120
Mole number 120
Neighbourhood 22
Neighbouring state 23
Nernst heat theorem 216
Non-static transition 11
Notation 23ff 32 56 66 84 114 165
Nuclear spin system 79
Onsager's Principle 155
Open system 119
Operationalist principle 2
Order in time 15 93f
Ordering of states 93ff 101ff
Paramagnetic substances 184 191
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